a.k.a Standing Coaster, Standups

The Standup Coaster does exactly what it says on the tin. Riders are on their feet, standing as the ride goes through its course. Layouts tend to be mostly based on inversions, which are certainly an interesting experience in this position. However, the coaster type died out when Bolliger and Mabillard started producing their Floorless Coaster models in 1999 and parks began converting their B&M Standups to Floorless Coasters in 2015.
The Original

In 1982, Togo put a roller coaster with a standing mechanism onto the track for the first time and ran with it. Replacing sit down trains, they proved that it was possible to have standing riders. They were popular for short period of time, featuring compact layouts and two riders per row trains. Only eight Togo Standups were manufactured, a handful of which are still operating.
Shockwave at Kings Dominion, USA
SkyRider at Canada’s Wonderland

Not to be left out for long, Intamin quickly got in on the standing trend in 1986 with Shockwave at Six Flags Magic Mountain in California, USA. Featuring wider four-across trains and larger, faster layouts and inversions, Intamin quickly made a name for themselves with their outstanding products. This rapidly came to an end when the lead designers on their standing coasters, Walter Bolliger and Claude Mabillard, formed their own company two years on. Only one of the three manufactured, Shockwave at Drayton Manor, remains in operation and is the only Standup to feature a Zero-G roll.
Shockwave at Drayton Manor, UK
Cobra at La Ronde, Canada

Misters Bolliger and Mabillard made their names in the industry at Intamin AG, particularly with their work on the company’s Standup Coasters. When Bolliger and Mabillard left Intamin, they took their Standup Coaster design with them and added it to their company’s line up. A Standup Coaster, Iron Wolf at Six Flags Great America in Illinois (relocated in 2012 as Apocalypse to Six Flags America in Maryland), was the first they built in 1990.
It’s often difficult to spot if a standing coaster is Intamin or B&M, as both use the distinctive wide track and four across trains.
Vortex at Carowinds, USA
Green Lantern at Six Flags Great Adventure, USA
Georgia Scorcher at Six Flags Over Georgia, USA
Riddler’s Revenge at Six Flags Magic Mountain, USA