Roller Coaster Day Survey 2020

CoasterForce Towers, Worldwide

August 4, 2020 – This is not your typical “best roller coaster” survey! Take our Roller Coaster & Fandom survey today and see the results on Roller Coaster Day, August 16th!

We’re not going to ask you what your top coaster is or what park you like the most, because those questions get asked all the time. We want to know what you love about roller coasters and what you enjoy the most about your hobby! We need to collect your results, make fancy charts, and be ready to present them on Roller Coaster Day, so you only have until Friday,  August 14th to submit your answers.

You don’t need to answer every question, but we would appreciate it if you did. We also would be grateful if you could please share this page with your friends so we get a big, broad set of results. We know 2020 has been a rubbish year due to Covid-19, but please answer as if it were a usual season. We respectfully ask that you only submit your answers just the once. You can only choose one answer for each question, so think carefully before tapping submit.


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