2021 CoasterForce Top 25

CoasterForce Towers, Worldwide

Although it was another tough year for park visits and many new roller coaster openings were delayed until 2022, CoasterForce put together an “official” Top 25 list compiled from each of our members’ favorite roller coaster rankings for the fourth straight year. Click the headline to see the results


2020 CoasterForce Top 25

For the third straight year CoasterForce put together an “official” Top 25 list compiled from each of our members’ favorite roller coaster rankings. The number you see next to each coaster is this final calculation based on each members ranking and the number of times it was ridden by members; the lower a number, the more highly rated it was among all members. Click the headline to see the results


2019 CoasterForce Top 25

For the second straight year CoasterForce put together an “official” Top 25 list compiled from each our members’ favorite roller coaster rankings. The number you see next to each coaster is this final calculation based on each members ranking and the number of times it was ridden by members; the lower a number, the more highly rated it was among all members. Click the headline to see the results