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The Games we play...

Nintendo's E3 conference was an hour long Rickroll. Aside from GTA DS and a Wii Sports sequel... :cry:
WiiMusic made me LOL.
Also Wii Sports Resort is too late, theres far too many sport rip-offs, even without the MotionPlus, which is no doubt an extra £19.99 they'll want for each Wiimote I have (yeah you get ONE free with the game but still... its a party machine, people will have more than one Wiimote).

Sony's Conference about to start :D
Homer said:
Nintendo's E3 conference was an hour long Rickroll. Aside from GTA DS and a Wii Sports sequel... :cry:

Erm.. and animal crossing, new improved controller, and voice comms in games.

Besides.. expect more from them later this week.. That was a "mainstream press" conference.. they have a smaller press conference planned where they'll almost definately demo a new game(s) up close so the games press can try it out

Also, nintendo have a history of not showing all their eggs in one basket at e3.. E3 is just one day (which few devs/publishers go to nowadays). Releases happen all year..

Remember (for example) did we see mario kart last year? yadda yadda.

Nintendo treats e3 differently from the other 2.
Smithy said:
Was just about to say that 360 have got Final Fantasy. That's a huge, massive kick in the teeth for Sony.

How is it a kick in the teeth?

it's just gone multi-platform.. nothing more, nothing less.

Final fantasy hasnt (and wont) sell machines since FF7.
Smelly said:
Smithy said:
Was just about to say that 360 have got Final Fantasy. That's a huge, massive kick in the teeth for Sony.

How is it a kick in the teeth?

it's just gone multi-platform.. nothing more, nothing less.

Final fantasy hasnt (and wont) sell machines since FF7.

As I know an awful lot of people who bought a PS3 purely for that game. Well, chose the PS3 over a 360 because of it. It was one of their biggest exclusives. Although 60 player online Resistance looks good, as well as this 256 online players game concept does.
They still Versus XIII for PS3 anyway.

And FFXIII just looks... Weird... Not like final fantasy at all.

VI is still the best ^_^ (and VII is still the worst imo)
Smelly said:
Smithy said:
Smelly said:
As I know an awful lot of people who bought a PS3 purely for that game.

And they can still play it...

And as I said, they chose the PS3 over the 360 pretty much solely based on that. If they'd have known, they would have been able to save quite a bit of money.

Plus now the games either going to be **** as it'll have to fit on one tiny little disc, or going to be rushed so that it can be released simultaneously.






LOL!LOL!LOL!LOL i'm so immature XD
Smithy said:
Plus now the games either going to be <img> as it'll have to fit on one tiny little disc, or going to be rushed so that it can be released simultaneously.

Shrinking the movies to fit onto dvd instead of blueray.. okay i'll buy that.. doubt no-one will notice.. But that WONT effect the ps3 version will it?

The conversion is being handled externally .. it wont effect the ps3 version at all.

if anything the 360 version may have lower quality movies, perhaps even slightly less impressive graphics ..

Whichever is the lead platform (ps3 in this case) the converted platform will always suffer graphically (as it's not been designed 100% to work on that platform)... Up until now most games have been 360 to ps3 conversions.. this is the other way around.

So sony owners will still get (potentially) the better version.
Smelly said:
Shrinking the movies to fit onto dvd instead of blueray.. okay i'll buy that.. doubt no-one will notice.. But that WONT effect the ps3 version will it?

The conversion is being handled externally .. it wont effect the ps3 version at all.

if anything the 360 version may have lower quality movies, perhaps even slightly less impressive graphics ..

Whichever is the lead platform (ps3 in this case) the converted platform will always suffer graphically (as it's not been designed 100% to work on that platform)... Up until now most games have been 360 to ps3 conversions.. this is the other way around.

So sony owners will still get (potentially) the better version.

It depends on how much of the game is done? I've heard conflincting stories, but I thought that they had a simultaneous release in the US as it's not coming out in Japan on 360. However, surely that will mean that the game will have to be rushed to completion as time will be spent porting it. Actually, reading about your porting port, I understand how they may get the better version, I was on about the quality of the game in relation to the timescale of it, and the size of it.
Its still a kick in the teeth for Sony. Because when the game comes out nobody will be forced to buy the PS3 to play the game.

Yes people do it, Lain with MGS4, whether you like it or not, it happens, and it IS a bit of a kick in the teeth.
Final Fantasy 13 looks really stupid tbh

I mean look at Shiva now she is now...two things...and they have giant wheels stuck to the back of their heads... and turn into a motor bike.

Its like FFVII and VIII all over again too techy to be Final fantasy.
Let's actually review some games shall we? :)

Firstly, I've sent GTA IV back to LOVEFiLM. I've had it two weeks, and put in a fair amount of time. My original opinion still stands - it's great, but I've really done it all before.

The problem is that you're forced to sit through lengthier and lengthier cut scenes. I keep watching them in the vague hope that one day it will make for an interesting story line, but it doesn't. Like the other's before - it's pretty simplistic and dull. Even though graphics and animation are much better too, it's still not pretty either. The strip club is clearly aimed at titilation, but it's just not well animated enough.

To be fair, the game is huge. The city is huge, the amount of stuff in it is immense. It's very impressive - but it's also it's downfall. I'm limited to a tiny corner, which gradually opens up as go and fetch yet another car - go and shoot some more bad guys - go chase a biker... Sometimes I just want to wander, but so much is shut off to start off with - I can't.

I can understand the 'carrot' principle at work here, but it's more off-putting, knowing that after 10 hours play, I still only have a quarter of the play area opened. It's because I've put so much into the other games of the series, I just don't want to do it anymore. I just want the sandbox, to do the things I enjoy... I'll pick it up next year for a tenner or something, and play it through further, but I'm in no way inclined to pay full price for it at the moment. It's sad, because the game underneath is superb. The driving, shooting, weather, graphics (the waves on the river for instance) are all top notch. Grrrr :lol:

Next, No More Heroes for the Wii. I can't quite make up my mind about this one. It's just something utterly different. It's the bastard love child of great 80's arcade games and the modern action/adventure games like Assassin's creed. It's a shock to the system, and is superb in it's styling. One of those games where you can see a real artistic talent has been let loose. The basic gameplay is good, the fighting works well enough (if a bit button mashing - but the remote swings add a delicious flavour), and the sub jobs are wacky and varied. so it's basically superb, except for one problem - which is bad in a lot of modern games, but worse here - the idea of a 'hub'.

I think Tony Hawks was the first to do this, where you free roam, then find the next 'mission'. NFS:U2 followed suit, as did Burnout and many others. While in GTA, it works, as the cities are so busy and full of life - and you always have a path to follow and advance along - I find hubs suck generally.

In games like TH and BO - I want to have a list of things to do, and to see what I've achieved. I don't want to spend hours bumbling around aimlessly looking for something interesting - I have limited gaming time, and want to achieve as much as I can in a game. The hub idea limits this. Okay, sometimes I like to have a bit of a sandbox play (on Burnout it's finding the signs and smash points), but most of the time, I just want to got on with the core of the game.

No more heroes is the worst form of this I've seen to be honest. At least in the other games, the driving/skating bits can keep you entertained as you go from place to place. No more heroes just isn't. The bike is tedious to drive, and there's little/no interaction out on the streets. You just blandly drive to the job centre or assassin's guild thing, do the next mission, then blandly drive home to save. It's bland! And Tedious! There's none of the fun in mucking about like there is in GTA, and no extra achievements to really gain from it like on Skate/TH or Burnout. It ruins the pacing of an otherwise superb game.

Having said that, I think that the 'blipvert' nature of the game means that you need to have this kind of rest period, but it could have been done so much better.

If you like something cool though, and beating the **** out of people, then the game is top class and well worth looking at!

Finally, I've been putting time into Animal Crossing DS again. Biggest waste of time ever. I spent last night weeding my town and watering the flowers as I'd not been on it for four months. It took me two hours. Tonight I'll be back again looking after the town :lol:

I hate it, but love it! Stupid bloody game! :lol:
I got Battlefeild Bad company cause dave told me to and frontlines Fuels of war... cause jer told me too.

Fontlines i havent played much of.

Battlefield however, needs more game types. Attack and defend is NOT enough. and isnt good for snipeing. GIVE ME TEAM DEATH MATCH DAMMIT!
Smithy said:
It depends on how much of the game is done?

The game is almost done - due out this year.. so presumably it's already completed.

360 conversion being handled by external company. No biggy, i've converted MANY games from one platform to another.

Biggest problem (knowing square) will be fitting all the fmv onto the 360 version (maybe they'll have disc swapping?).

As i said.. wont effect the quality of the ps3 version anyhows.. which i can almost gaurantee is already finished and they're just polishing/bug fixing/etc at the moment.

Improvements in conversion are unlikely as it's an external company (square wont like an external team making changes to their game.. unless its bug fixing)

Back to games.

Been playing GTA4 a LOT.. it's ****.. hate it.. worst game of the series.. Dont bother with it.
Smelly said:
Back to games.

Been playing GTA4 a LOT.. it's ****.. hate it.. worst game of the series.. Dont bother with it.

I agree, but like you, I've also played it a lot - so it's ****, but we played it a lot... How irritating! :lol:

I'm giving up on Animal Crossing DS. It's ****ed me off! It keeps crashing when I get bitten by a mosquito - then the Mole guy comes up when you next load and spends five minutes yelling at me about not saving! I didn't have a choice - the game bloody crashed! I can't help it!

So it's going for trade in against a PSP, along with Race Driver DS - Create and Race

I love the Race Driver games, and Create and Race got great reviews. Maybe for a DS racer it IS good (I've only played Mario Kart on the DS, so wouldn't know), but it stinks. The Clio handles exactly the same as the Racing Truck. The only difference between any of the different cars/trucks is their top speed. Other than that, they're all the same. The thing which makes a 'realistic' car game is the way the cars handle, and these cars just all handle like a poor arcade racer./ You can't get the things to drift, or spin - it actually reminds me of Pole Position!

The track creator is a superb idea, and it's incredible they've got it on the cartridge - it's just ruined by the fact the basic game is poo! Yuo create a wonderful track, then sit and don't want to race on it :lol:

Ho hum!

And what about Guitar Hero DS? I'm not convinced yet, but it's an odd one. Firstly, I'm not too keen on the track list - it's much weaker than the full counterparts. They usually have one or two tracks per level which are weak, but in the DS version, it seems that there are only one or two strong tracks per level. I think they spent all their money on the hardware, and not high quality songs!

The actual hardware works quite well, but the touch screen implementation can be poor at times. Single swipes are fine, but if you try strumming, it just doesn't pick it up properly. The biggest issue though is that the finger board device slips out too easily, usually when you're trying to just get it a little comfortable. It's bloody annoying at times.

Anyway, if you love Guitar Hero, and want to play it away from home - it's an excellent way to get your fix. It's also amazing that they've managed to do it with a device like the DS. So bit of a mixed bag - but worth it if you're the kind of person who will play it away from home.