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big john said:
Furie wrote
I'm considering Buzz TV, but we never Play the PS2 version of Buzz

I think the controllers are the major issue though, but I'm too tight to buy new ones
You dont need to buy the new buzzers you can use your ps2 ones on the ps3 so the game itself would only cost 29.99 unles you really want wireless buzzers that is lol

I know John, the problem is using the controllers :lol: They have four, exceptionally long cables which snake all over the living room, get tripped over when you go for a wee, pull the PS2/3 out of the cabinet and end up confined to a spare drawer which is the only place in the house (usually it's upstairs, as far away as possible from the Playstation, and as unreachable as possible) which can hold said controllers and mass of wires :lol:

It's not that they don't work, it's just that they're impractical in a busy family household! :lol:

Anyway, Solus is only £19 from Asda, or £19.99 off game.co.uk - plus I have £7.50 in Game reward points, so only £12.50 really - which is a bargain and then some! But I'm as tight as Joey! :p

Ormerod said:
Well... ALL of them! :)

But on tour is the 1 to keep look of.

I've heard very mixed reviews of 'on-tour'. I think generally it's "great for a hand-held version of the game". Which says as much in what it leaves unsaid...

Essentially, it's a cut back, DS version. As good as it could be for it's first iteration. In basic terms, that means "don't expect the guitar hero experience". If you've got GH, and spend all your time indoors, then just play Guitar Hero. If you don't have GH already, or spend a lot of time out and about, or without access to GH (Minor_Furie has limited PS3 time for instance and loves GH, so it will be great for him) - then on-tour will be great for you.
WOOP WOOP the new Burnout paradise update was relised today Codname CAGNEY it introduces loads of new fetures mainly online stuff but some new cars for single player. It also takes care of some niggly issues and suff and incorporates custom soundtracks too its actually quite fantastic and its free. Looking forward to the next one to which is in august and includes motorbikes and real time weaher and night driving. So thats me online all day today woop woop
Hello everyone,

4 newish trailers I would like to share. Don't think they have been posted?

The Bourne Conspiracy


Gears of War 2 (Gameplay)


Fable 2 (Gameplay)


Fallout 3


Have a look!
Buzz arrived today - let's see how good the PS3 version is :)

Minor_Furie has now stolen his own Wii into his bedroom! So no more Wii'ing for me :(

On the good side though - Game are doing 2-4-1 on some DS games, which included Toca create and race, and Ultimate Mortal Combat - they're both mine now.

I'v ebeen looking for a couple of good reasons to spend some decent time with the DS again :)
Is anyone having problems with Lego Indiana Jones since the new PS3 update. My system does not even see the disk yet other games work! it was ok before the update.
AH! Marc I've herd sommat about the new ps3 firmware buggering up stuffs in the ps3 so save money atm and dont buy a new game.

I think sony said screw you or we'll fix it. one of the 2.
If there is a problem with an update it's usually between hours and a couple of days before they release a patch to fix it. :p

Now that's dedication from Sony. With the X-box if you get the RROD then you have to send your console back to Microsoft and wait about a month while they fix it. :lol:
only it wasnt a hardwere failure it was a softwere failure with the new 2.40 update to the ps3 sony took the update offline within 4 hours of relise but unfortunatly some people already updated like myself but i think i was lucky as i had no problems since then they have relised the new updated version aptly name 2.41 and everything is fine. So the buying new games comment was silly really im not sure about indy marc iv only just got in from work so will go try it now and let you know in 5 mins.

Quick edit just tried indy it works fine for me mate
2.40 was fine for me, as is 2.41.

I always check the Playstation Community when things like this are coming out and loads of people claim to have problems since the firmware upgrades, but TBH, I've never had any at all.

Bad news spreads a lot quicker than good!
to be honest i find most of the people spread rumours just cause there sad little kids sat at home thinking everyone should love xbox wich in fact is very very sad. I have never ever had any probs with my ps3 to date im not saying its perfect and there is a few things id like it to do better like Actually support for the ****ing trophies but meh it will come hehe at least i have battlefield to keep me going
Ollie went on about the RROD which is hardware which what I was reffering to.

Sorry if I confused people and I'm getting confused my self.
The trophies will be part of 'Home' though won't they?
It's about time the XMB was accessible mid-game though. :p
The trophies are up and running now but nothing actually supports them yet pain was supposed to but nothing yet stardust hd does but its just a shame that its crap and burnout is supposed to be getting retro active trophies in the next update so we will just have to wait and see really but i must admit the ingame XMB is a great help and just all the other little touchups that you dont see also going back to the recent burnout update its seems a lot faster has anyone else noticed this or is it just me. I also love the custome soundtracks
My only choice might be to return my PS3 to factory setting going by what people have said on line, I will loose everything so I am not really happy.

Its just strange the game worked ok last week and today it does not, the system does not even see the disk.

Edit, it now works how strange.
if you ever need to do a factory reset you can back all your saves and stuff up onto a usb memory stick forst it details how to do this int he settings menu under backup system then reset then pop all your stuff back on its the same proses if you wanted to swap out the hard drive.
Lol. Xbox 360 getting Mii-like avatars.
And also their own version of Singstar.
And also getting Final Fantasy XIII oof.

Nintendo & Sony tomorrow :D