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If anyone wanted to know Runescape has had a huge graphics update.

Currently the "HD" version is a members only beta but the free parts have also had an slight update.

The models are smoother and stuff and the faces have changed. It looks alright to be honest.
I really want this now and I can't believe I haven't noticed it before. :p
Lain... Evo is terrible, and I'm a pro evo fan. But Pro Evo 2008 was quite possibly the worst game in the series.

Fifa isn't *much* better to be honest, I'd hang tight a couple months for Fifa/PES '09
I have been playing...

.. nothing..

it's too hot to be sat in front of the tv.. go outside and play!
Pierre said:
Lain... Evo is terrible, and I'm a pro evo fan. But Pro Evo 2008 was quite possibly the worst game in the series.

Fifa isn't *much* better to be honest, I'd hang tight a couple months for Fifa/PES '09


I used to be a Fifa fan, then got into Pro Evo after the fourth one was released.

But this one is diabolically bad. No real improvements, and the online play is shocking. You'll struggle to get a game where you know where the ball is, as it lags very badly.

If your desperate, get the Euro game, as the demo of it was really good. If you can hold out for a while, wait until the next Fifa or PES comes out as Pierre said.
Just to finish off my Brawl review after playing the online stuff...

Simple and effective is the basic style of the online play, since it has minimal editing to the type of brawl you can have with random strangers, this can be expanded when battling with friends, which is arguably a good idea since with random selections you don't always want someone to 'spice' it up without you knowing until the match begins...

The gameplay doesn't lag at all I felt, and the time spent waiting for other people to join or select their character/stage choice is well spent, as instead of staring at the stage screen for a long time, it takes you into a practice session by yourself... I like this idea, as it gets you ready for the battles, where in most cases you'll be playing vastly greater players, hence using every trick your fighter has and learning them 2 seconds beforehand is always good... Also you get to beat up the infamous Sandbag, which is definately great :p

Brawl gains a 8.5/10 from me after the online mode being decent, but only substantial to friends, and a lack of rankings and other bits lose it some extra points...
OMG OMG Runescape is awesome again now. :p
Look at those awesome graphics. :D




OLLIE every time you post a "cheap" game I'm just going to post www.graingergames.co.uk until its drove into your skull. I don't work for them I'm just astonished you've missed the point twice now.

£11.99 plus £2 delivery, no auction, that is it, straight up price.
^^What, when it looked like this!

It's improved massively since then and Jagex do need a pat on the back for doing such a great job. :p
Battlefield Bad Company is MUCH better online, as you can actually hit people with your bullets...as for someone reason the AI on the single player can teleport...weird bug.
Although ollie.

Runescape is an mmo and the community was stronger back then.

It's alot weaker now. Although they are trying to get it back up now.
Since I now have nothing to look forward too until August, and I refuse to do over time at work :p, does anybody have any decent games, free, online that I can get into? As I can't be arsed to pay for WOW, and asides from that I'll pretty much be new to most things. Oh, and my computers not the greatest, so it can't handle huge games with it's slow processor.
There's also Guild Wars.

It's not free, the game itself costs about £15, but then there's no subscription to pay, and it's awesome.