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The Games we play...

I dont want to slag off where you work john because you obviously like it there.

But they are over priced when you consider the pre-owned stuff.

Game sells the iniital game at say 50 quid, of which (after distribution/profit/etc) the console manufacturer probably gets around 15 quid and the publisher 10 quid. Game probably see a very small fraction of this as profit once they've paid for staff, game distribution, etc etc. Lets say 5 quid to game.

But then they'll buy said game back as a trade in for minimal amounts (say 10 quid), and then sell it again for 40 quid (but this time the difference is PURE profit.. none of which goes to the people who make the game).

Then that gets traded in again.. and they resell it again.. and again and again.

On a 50 quid popular game they make a killing selling it over and over and over again. But yet the people who actually made said game see nothing of said profit..

.. And the gamers get screwed (imho) on the trade in price too. Mind you, that's their own fault for not just selling it on ebay i guess..

Anyone who buys new games from game (And not online for cheaper) or trades in said games (As opposed to selling them online) deserves to get ripped off.

EDIT: Actually - anyone who buys new games full stop deserves to get ripped off :lol:
big john said:
You do realize i actually work at a Game store dont you
Yes I do.
so ye 4 quid as i get insane dicount hehe.
I know.
As for overpricing people dont seem to realize we sell games and consoles at RRP if supermarkets undercharge thats there buisnes we dont force you to buy from us lol, Thats your choice if you dont wanna pay the price go somewhere else
I do, why pay more when you can get it half the price from ASDA? :p
as for staff that dont know what there talking about thats probably your store as the guys i work with are very knowlageable and we know what where on about.
Thats two people out of all Game stores. :lol:
As for the trade in prices that works on a very resonable system for example. GTA4 on trade in you get 30 quid as its rather new and it also works on how many copys we have in shop preowned ill take for another example assasins creed we have loads and loads of preowed copys of that game so the price we trade at goes down to say 8 quid but if some one came and bought all the copys in store the trade in price goes back up to say 20 quid so we get more copys back in. ITs a good system you just have to time your trade ins right thats all. And again knowone is forced to trade in or buy from Game.
I don't I'd much rather sell it on Ebay and get more money for it in CASH! not store credit.
It really makes me laugh when people say we are overpriced though as we only sell at the RRP given buy he manufactures thats why we get more copys of games than supermarkets.
Yes but they still charge you £20 more than other places.

I seriously can't understand how the Game stores get people to buy from them. MGS4 costs £55 in Game. Down my local ASDA they're selling it for £29.99. Why do people pre-order and buy things from Game when you can get it £25 cheaper somewhere else?
Don't get me wrong, Game is a great store (It used to be my favourite shop). But now games are getting more expensive, and they seem to be happy taking your money but only giving a fraction back.

Also what's the point of those ****ing tags. "If you break this seal then you can't get your money back" Well how the hell are you meant to get the disk out to see if it works without breaking the ****ing seal? :x

John I'm not having a go at you. It's just Game stores in general that piss me off. You're right no one forces me to buy games from there (which is why I haven't bought anything from Game for 5 years). And I only got Resistance because I thought "**** it" I had money left over and some time to kill before the bus arrived.
Resistance is still very good I thought. I thoroughly loved it when I first got my PS3, and the online games were immense when all the servers were full. I can't wait for the sequel to come out.
as for smellys comment i do agree with you with everything you say thats where we make our money but again no one is forced to trade the games in lol. And ollie your welcome to have cash for games in game stores you dont have to have instore credit also i dont know where you get the info about MGS4 being 55 quid on relise it was 45 Quid and the day after we got a publishers email telling us to drop the price to 39.99 which we did and also offered 5 pound refund to anyone who had bought it the day before for 45 quid. And to address the seal buisnes if the game does not work you are welcome to a full refund or another copy of the game the seals are there cause we used to do a 28 day money back for anything which people took advantage of buy getting a game and then ether playing it for say 25 days and then bringing it back or copying it and bringing it back its only the 28 day return for anything we stopped if it dont work or its broke get a full refund if you bought it and dont like the game well im afraid thats the customers own fault really. lol anyways lets not get into debates about game stores. I do admit some things are overpriced but as for games we dont add any money onto new games we make all our money from preowned really like smelly said and again we never force people to buy the games the only reson i get my games there is cause i get mega discount on everything lol.
The graingergames near me smells funny.

and for some reason I dont trust it and there is never anything there that I want ah well

Game it is <3
I loved this. :p
I want Lara to be real. :(

I got Grid, Ninja Gaiden 2 and No more heroes for my birthday.

Grid is amazing, would highly recommend to anyone. I haven't played a decent racing game in ages but this has the perfect balance between NFS and Gran Turismo in my opinion. Awesome!

Ninja Gaiden 2 is a typical walk around kill every enemy in sight sort of game, a real button basher. Its good though if you like those sort of games. Its good violent fun :D

Haven't played No More Heroes yet, I hope its good though the Wii is getting dusty..
furie said:
I played the demo for the new Civ game on PS3, and it's a bit cutesy, but the usual Civ affair - highly addictive and life eating...
I'm addicted to that as well. I usually hate that type of game, but something about it makes it really fun. Plus I don't know how to attack cities. I've merged 3 groups of soldiers together to form and army and defeated some enemies to make them stronger but still get beaten by the weakest city 8-24. :lol:
And that's after I've sent spies in to weaken them. :p
lakeccrunner said:
She was, and she was played by Angelina Jolie...It dosn't get much better than that.
Jolie's too fat to play Lara. The first film was excellent. But the second one spoiled it as it was almost all based in the city. :roll:
I really want to get Sid Meier's Civilization just to see what my city's look like after they've grown and I have conquered everyone.
I also desperately want to get MGS4 but am afraid that I won't be able to follow the storyline (never played an MGS game before) I also don't want to get any more PS3 games until I sort myself out with a HD TV as it's doing my head in having to play on a little 15" screen. :x
Marketing at work!

Here buy the ps3.. it's ace..

but you'll also need a sony tv to be able to take advantage of it

Oooh.. and a sony surround sound system..

etc etc.. :lol:

Clever sony
Ollie wrote
I also desperately want to get MGS4 but am afraid that I won't be able to follow the storyline (never played an MGS game before)

Seriously dont miss out on MGS4 i had the same thoughts as yourself as i only played MGS1 so i went to gametrailers.com and watched there retrospective storyline thingy which is here>http://www.gametrailers.com/game/6748.html also psn wil be putting a full compendium of MGS on the network for you to look through and get up to date with so check that out too.
I want Touhou 11.

But I havent got a clue on when its out ¬_¬


And another thing. Medal of Honor games for the ps2 have aged pretty badly. its lol.
John those videos were good for looking back at the HISTORY of the games, but it had nothing on the characters. It didn't say where they came from, what they're purpose was, how their related.

It's all too confusing. :p
I watched up to part 4 and got lost, so I gave up. :lol:
Even Wiki fails to enlighten me with details. :?

I'll watch part 6 now then.