I've spent years playing all the fun games nobody else plays. I've played some stonking titles which didn't get a fraction of the buzz LBP is getting, but were seriously worthy of my time. It just pisses me off that the games by independent developers which really deserved praise are thrown in the bargain bin, but because Sony are trying to compete on the "fun games" level against the Wii, they push the ONLY game which is slightly different to death.
The problem I have is that is DOESN'T look fun, just 'interesting'. People seem to think that because it's not 'Generic FPS XI' or 'Generic Racing Game Pro Evo Bollocks', it's going to be fun. They can't understand the difference between 'different' and 'fun'. Pain is fun, Animal Crossing is interesting, Pixel Junk Monsters is fun, GTA IV is fun, Wii fit is interesting, Boom Blox is fun. We have fun games, but they don't need to be pushed as the second coming of Pong!
I'm not saying it's going to be a bad game, it's just that it's being pitched as an island of fun hope in the murky sea of mediocrity which is the PS3 catalogue. In reality, it's just another game, which gives Sony a Nintendo styled feather in it's cap - exactly the same thing PS3 owners have been bitching about why they hate the Wii - casual games without any kind of hard core objectives or structure. Suddenly because it's part of the Sony hype machine, they love it - yet if it was a Wii title it'd start a whole slew of "more pointless rubbish you get bored of after an hour on the Wii".
I like the concept, I like the basic idea, but I don't think it's worth all the excitement. I certainly don't think that the same people who have ever bought a non-premier title game or slagged off the Wii should be deriding anyone for not seeing the point in the excitement