Coaster Ollie said:
At last! I am so going to download that on 8th May

Coaster Ollie said:
Pierre said:IMO the more sales the PS3 gets, the more <img> develepors it attracts, which makes it harder to search for games in the pre-owned section :lol:
Pierre said:Come on, the PS2 was so damn popular the amount of <img> that got attatched to it was unreal... look in the pre-owned section of PS2.. hell even the new section, its just full of utter <img .
Bitter said:I'm a little confused by the rating system bit. Most games DO have ratings attached to them, and are restricted to purchase by adults. Looking at my case of GTA4 shows a nice, big, clear "18" mark on it, and no-body below that age can buy it.
my mate is under the impression that you are an idiot for believing that, due to it being released by sony. He says anything that the PS3 does is rubbish. He's just a 360 fan boy.Coaster Ollie said: