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http://kotaku.com/5009521/creating-my-o ... ebigplanet

Seeing as you're all talking about it, I just found that on Kotaku.

It looks alright, I guess. I liked the trailer though, because they used The Go! Team in it XD

And, for the record, I love Animal Crossing :p

[waits for gay/camp comments]

In other news, I was suprised by an EA game the other week (Shock! Horror!).

It's called Mirror's Edge, and although I'm a bit slow on the mark, it seems no one has posted it here yet, so had I not just said what I did, not many people will have noticed...

So here's the trailer

Which looks interesting, to say the least (although, in light of Furie's post on the page before, I dunno if this is a good thing :p)

And it brings back the whole imagination is unrealistic thing, chews it up and spits it out. It looks fantastic, but still keeps a cool and very different style.

Thank god I don't get motion sick in games :p

EDIT: And for Smelly:

http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_i ... tory=18697
^^^^ and just for you ploddish

On Page 38 Big John Wrote
On a game note im keeping and eye on Mirror's Edge it sounds wierd but if they pull it off it could be a kooool game ill not give it away go search for it and read for yourself.Also Blast works on the wii looks like a kool game to another game to take a risk, Well kind of go look at them and see what you think

The game looks quite amazing but knowing EA they will do something to balls it all up like usual
See, I thought I'd seen someone mention it on here somewhere, oh well. Cheers for pointing it out, Big John :p

And yes, DRM anyone?

Christ, they gave me a scare with Spore.

It was bad with Bioshock. I nearly gave up on it.

Mirror's Edge just looked like a (future) FPS version of Assassin's Creed to be honest. It does look superb, but I'll bet it's essentially on-rails, with you just pressing the right buttons at the right time to do the correct moves. Great for the first 30 minutes and then rapidly downhill. Though I may just be being cynical :)

And speaking of on-rails, has anyone played the Bourne game yet? I got the demo last week. It's certainly something different, and potentially a great game (or 'interactive movie').

It rushes you from scene to scene, changing the way you play as it moves along. It might be a beat-em up here, then an adventurous sprint there dodging bullets across rooftops, to a sneak through the offices to sneak attack somebody. All the time the story is advancing in cut-scenes. Great for people who like the books/films.

Utterly ruined though by breaking up the action with massively long loading times. You're running along and have to press one of the four pad buttons (random each time) within a second of it appearing to complete that 'section'. You miss it, and fail... And then wait 45 seconds while it reloads back to that point. It may just be the demo, but for a game which is relying on keeping the flow going - it's inexcusable. If that gets fixed, then it's definitely one for those who love shallow action films... Like the Bourne trilogy :)
^^ Mirrors edge is not on rails its actually open worls as far as iv read on it but yes there is a element of you must do this this and this to advance as there are only crtain ways you can go it just looks something different if they pull it of it could be great but again its EA so will probably be a pile of tosh. As for the bourne demo i got it o and thought it was fantastic theres just something about it that stands out like smashing someone ove the head with the first thing that comes to hand in the fight sections its very visceral. The demo is just that though a demo, awork in progress the full game is reportadly not got the loading times as this will take away from gameplay so heres keeping my fingers crossed im rather looking forward to it actually. And another game you mentiond furie Boom blox is fantastic im liking it a lot lol
^^I don't think it's on rails, else what would be the point in the 'runner's vision' thing? What I mean is objects in the distance turning red, to show you where to go next, like that glaringly obvious ramp, or the pipes ect.

Damn you and your cynisism :p I like the soundtrack though, sort of pseudo Coldplay.

I shan't mention Dead Space more than in name until more info is let out. I really hope it looks as good as they say and not as cliché as it could be. Or as grey/brown as it seems. And it's another EA game, so it could easily suck XD
Ploddish said:
^^I don't think it's on rails, else what would be the point in the 'runner's vision' thing? What I mean is objects in the distance turning red, to show you where to go next, like that glaringly obvious ramp, or the pipes ect.

So it's an open world, but you have set points to go between, and button presses to do are certain times to move from point to point. It's pseudo on-rails then - much like Assassin's Creed. It was wonderful and open world, but at the end of the day, there was often just a single way of completing a mission, and it was just repeat the same moves over and over ad tedium.

Glad to hear they're sorting out the load issues on Bourne John, it'll be a cracking little game, and something simple yet great fun (for the two hours it takes to complete :lol: ). I loved the way the action just worked so well with the backgrounds and objects. It flowed as close to an action movie as I've ever seen. Very well done generally.
Well, it's hard to say either way, because we know so little. I've only played the very first minutes of AC, and I was under the impression that you could do whatever you wanted in the city, within the limits given?

So, you could just run in and kill your target, or stealthy get close, or jump from above? And then for escaping, you could fight your way back out, climb up and run around on rooves, or blend in to the crowd?

And if you look close, you can see multiple routes over just that roof, so, I dunno. I don't think we know what it's actually about, only that it's a dystopian society, and your character is on the run from the government. There's something oddly exciting about it though, I don't know what it is though :p
After a little digging:

Mirror's Edge Q&A

Question on free roaming said:
There seems to be some confusion about this - this is not a free-roaming game – and I think it is a better game for that. We have a story-driven action game and we want you to experience the story. There are however multiple ways of tackling every level whether it is the routes you take or the combat style you adopt. Also the type of movement we have in the game turns almost any area into a mini-sandbox. You will not feel restricted in the game.

Browse around the site for more stuffs.

Also, Ollie, I remember finding that out a while ago. I didn't know Nintendo didn't have a recycling facility for old consoles!

At least it's the lowest power consumer :p
I know someone on mirrors edge.. it's not on rails.. and i think it LOOKS great (notice i say "looks" and not "plays" - as i've obviously not done the later).

As for the "green console" thing. If i was nintendo i'd sue the asses off greenpeace.

If you read the original report they score each machine out of 10 in each of the fields they're looking at. But because nintendo never returned their calls, they just marked them down at a zero score in each field.

So when they say "Nintendo's environment policies were "non-existent", Greenpeace added", they mean "we rang nintendo to ask them about their environment polices.. but they didnt return our calls - so we presume it's non-existent'
Just to clarify the greenpeace thing:

http://www.gamasutra.com/php-bin/news_i ... tory=18072

GreenPeace: Well, that’s the dilemma that we’re having with Nintendo now. We’re not getting any reply from them whatsoever, since we started trying to communicate with them, and that was before we launched the game console website. .... We discussed the challenges with them, and why certain companies are not acting on that. Nintendo stand out as the only company who has refused to communicate back, so far.

Gamasutra: Speaking as someone who writes about games for a living, not getting a response from Nintendo is actually nothing new. [Laughs] They’re not the most communicative of companies. It’s not just you.

GP: Oh, really?

So basically nintendo didnt return their calls.. so they gave them a zero score and slagged them off.. and now nintendo is refusing to talk to them

Well, we don’t even know how they [Nintendo] manage to cut down their energy consumption to that level.

The Wii stands out in terms of size, and if I compare them visually, the Wii uses more standardised material – it’s all done using the same material which makes it easier to recycle.

But even on idle mode, which is basically just switching on the console, the difference is huge – it’s 15 watts for the Wii, while it’s 128 watts for the PlayStation 3. That’s almost 1000% more. It’s scary to see those differences.

...if Nintendo can manage to cut down the idle mode energy usage to 15 watts, why can’t Sony and Microsoft?

But yet nintendo didnt return their calls - so they gave them the WORST score of the 3..
Ah right. Misleading. Especially to all the people who wrote the articles I read.

But do Nintendo have a system with which to send back old consoles to be recycled? I've never heard of one...
Ploddish said:
But do Nintendo have a system with which to send back old consoles to be recycled? I've never heard of one...

Probably not.. But then why would they take machines back to be recycled? Why wouldnt people just sell them 2nd hand?

Do any of them do this? Nope.. Well I guess you could say microsoft does with returns due to the RROD :lol:
Smelly said:
Ploddish said:
But do Nintendo have a system with which to send back old consoles to be recycled? I've never heard of one...

Probably not.. But then why would they take machines back to be recycled? Why wouldnt people just sell them 2nd hand?

Do any of them do this? Nope.. Well I guess you could say microsoft does with returns due to the RROD :lol:

Actually, under the WEEE directive, you have to recycle Wii's. Nintendo, as a producer of electronic goods, have to work under the European WEEE legislation and either arrange for the correct disposal of their goods, or pay into a fund which allows consumers to take them to be recycled at a local recycling station (or The Dump as it's otherwise known).

So for Nintendo in Europe at least, they have to legally make sure that they are doing something :)
got 2 games today.

Halo 3 and No More Heroes

Halo 3 isn't THAT bad but is isn't great either. The level layouts are pathetic though and multiplayer is annoying over all I'd give it a 6. its still EXTREMELY over rated

Only played a little bit of no more heroes but so far it's pretty funny the save spots are toilets and the comic in the manual was kinda funny as well. FINALLY some thing good for the Wii.
As it's quiet at the moment, I thought I'd do a quick appraisal of all the games I've been playing recently. I've been squirreling away time to play some games over the last couple of weeks, and managed to get in a good few hours over the weekend.

So, what's been keeping Furie busy?

1. Wii Fit
Until last Friday, this was taking up about an hour a day (I've had a weekend off, back to it again tonight). It's not really a game though - so I don't know if it should be classed as such. The only game on the thing I enjoy is the Ski Jumping, which is awesome. Exercise wise, I actually enjoy the step 'game'. The core of it though are the yoga and exercises, which are a more enjoyable way of doing warm ups and some mild strength exercises I was pretty much doing anyway.

2. Pain
Started playing this again - it's a game I pick up every so often for a few minutes of fun - then find myself still playing it an hour later. It's a superb little game and great fun. I bought a few of the extra characters too and it's opened up a little more of the game. Major update due in a week or two as well! Woohoo!

3. Race Driver - Grid (Demo)
It's only a demo, but I do really love the game. I enjoy a well presented demo you can essentially use as a sandbox. Just mucking about once you've got it nailed. I'm going to pre-order the full game (due out on Friday) today.
The game itself is one of the best racing games I've played. I loved Dirt too, but off-road racing doesn't appeal to me. Track racing does though, so this really touched all my buttons. It's arcade, but I like the blurring between arcade and realism the Codemasters games give. I'm NOT a race driver, so I don't feel I should have to learn to be one to play a game - the game has to give me a degree of help. It's like if you played Mario, and every time you started, you'd have to learn to walk and jump. It's a game, so shouldn't require prior knowledge to play - it's a kind of flattery, but I still want to feel as though I actually AM a race driver. Having said that though:

4. Gran Tourismo 5 Prologue
I've put another few hours into Prologue. It's the racing car game equivalent of Pokemon :lol: You can't leave it for too long, knowing there's another car you have to collect to let you complete the next bit :) Personally, I feel it's less realistic than the Race Driver games - purely because the realism is actually lost by taking you out of a real car. Yes, you're going through the motions a real race driver would, and have to be as technically precise as they would, but the cars don't feel as though they're handling like they really would. Also, I've driven cars fast, bad cars fast, and I could take corners these the slowest of the GT5 cars skid off at, faster in my beast of a Mazda 5. Still, I do enjoy the challenge of repeat and perfect for some reasons...

5. Trakmania Nations Forever
Or whatever the latest free one is. Now I've put in some time and effort - it's easily the best of these I've played. I like the way it's streamlined for racing, and it's addictive fun. I still get infuriated by some of the bizzare tracks which seem to be quite unfair (ones were you flip over and can't land properly) I like to lose because I'm rubbish, not because the track throws you around randomly when you land and stuff. The tracks are a run of excellent, increasing difficulties - then all of a sudden you'll get a weird one. Still, it passes the odd ten minutes here and there.

So, there are the top five for me. Oddly, Pain is exactly the kind of fun game Nintendo have been trying to flog for the Wii. I've got lots of Wii games, and I keep trying to get into them, but they just don't seme able to grab my attention. I've got Mario Kart and I think it's great, but I've played it for a few hours, and feel I've just seen everything the game really has to offer. I've got Sega Superstars Tennis too untouched (it came with Mario Kart for a tenner :lol: ). Even House of the Dead can't entice me onto the Wii - I just don't know why. Socially, it's all we ever play on though. There's just something about the Wii which isn't 'armchair' enough. It's at odds to the amount of time and effort I've put into Wii fit, but that's as a part of a deliberate fitness regime. Other than that, I want to be lazy playing games - and the Wii just doesn't allow for it.

On a 'recommendation' note, I got Stunt Car Racer working with my Amiga emulators over the weekend. This is the one game I can honestly say I mastered. Even after a good 15 years since I last played it, I could still beat the first four tracks without a problem (some of the later tracks I did struggle with a bit remembering the exact speeds to take elements at). It's a superb game - simple in concept, but tough to master. Always great fun though. I wish that they'd hurry up and remake it...