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The Games we play...

Reet.. i've come up with the best analogy i can come up with here as to which is more powerful (as there always seems to be confusion). But before i go:

DISCLAIMER: Regardless which one is more powerful, etc etc. The only thing that should matter is the games themselves and whether they are fun. I've had more fun playing on the wii with the likes of smash bros and mario galaxy than i've had on any of the games on the other 2 platforms regardless of how powerful they are or arent.

Reet.. analogy time:

Imagine Smelly had a business making toys. And furie was in competition making the same toys. Whoever gets the most toys to the shop come the weekend is seen as being the most successful and will drive the other one out of business.

Furie decides to "win" he's going to make the fastest most powerful toy making factory in the world. He's spent a fortune making his the fastest toy plant in the world (And the cost of that is seen in the consumers pocket). He can churn out millions and millions of toys a day.

He makes a second factory to box up the toys. This is the fastest toy boxing factory known to man. It can box even more toys an hour than the factory making the toys can do.

He's going to win! There's no way smelly can compete!

And he's right. Smelly has one factory where the manufacturing and the boxing happens at once. Smelly can only churn out 1000 toys a day.

But.. luckily for smelly. Furie has forgotten one small detail. His two factories are on either side of the country from each other. And furie being a silly billy has decided that he's going to get toys from his manufacturing facitility to his boxing facitility on a bike courier taking one box at a time.

So, even falls. And smelly has only managed to get 1000 toys slowly and steadily to the shops.

Furies "UBER" plant has made over 10 million toys. But thanks to using a bicycle courier, he only got 5 toys to the boxing plant (who has been sat around waiting all day for toys to come in). Subsequently furie only gets 5 toys to shop.

See furie may have had the fastest available plants and factories available to man. But he didnt put them together very well. Subsequently smelly (With his average power) managed to completely wipe the floor with him.

I hope you enjoyed my bed time tale.

The end.
I have a Quick Question here...

What is Gradius V like?

I love shmups so yah.

I wish to know about the difficilty, control and ammount of bullet (I LOVE bullet hell/manic shooters)

Muhthankingyou if you can help.
furie said:
The PS3 is NOW - and has been for a couple of months - CHEAPER than a 360

I said "expensive for what you're getting"

(the clue is in the last 4 words :lol: :lol: ).

The Wii though is aimed at the casual gamer.

I'd argue the exact opposite. But it all depends on your definitions. Personally i think the generic tripe shooters (halo et al) are about as "casual" as you can get (i.e. mind numingly boring, repetitive, dull, etc.. but sell like **** of a shovel to the "pop music brigade" who'll just buy into the next "cool" thing regardless of whether it's any good or not).

Whereas games like smash bros/mario galaxy/metroid 3/etc are about as hardcore as you can get.

If i ran a general poll here asking the percentage of halo 3 owners who completed it within a few hours.. and the percentage of mario galaxy/metroid 3/etc owners who've managed to get anywhere near the end.. i think it'd be quite obvious which one is aimed towards "casual" gamers.

Whether or not that's a good thing is for another discussion.
^I can see where you are coming from smelly, but the Wii is shown to have the more fun and pick up and play games such as Wii sports, Guitar Hero and things like that. The simple games that you can play with a group of friends whilst having a laugh.
Smelly said:
furie said:
The PS3 is NOW - and has been for a couple of months - CHEAPER than a 360

I said "expensive for what you're getting"

(the clue is in the last 4 words :lol: :lol: ).

A machine which runs the same games, with mostly unnoticeable differences, but with added HD media?

The ONLY thing separating the 360 and PS3 is games, and that's only a current thing, as the developers will jump ship back and fourth anyway.

If I'd bought a 360, I'd never play online (I'm not paying for it), and I'd never play it (due to hating the controllers (rumble or not)). I'd also have wires running around my house (I'm not paying extra for WiFi), and it wouldn't be in HD, as I like my Wii using component - it makes Mario all lovely and crisp :D the PS3 at least has the common decency to have a HDMI out :D

So, for ME the PS3 is priced absolutely perfectly - The 360 would be £300 of wasted money...

See, I can understand an anit-fanboy kickback, but not if it's not actually relevant to those of us who spent 12 months (and more) looking into it all before making a holistic decision. :p

I should recommend a game, as this bickering is tedious - Mario Party DS is excellent! It's finally a Mario Party Game worth investing in! :D
Smash Bros!

best game i've played in ages..

out in states in the next 2 weeks.. gawd knows when the euro release is..
furie said:
the PS3 at least has the common decency to have a HDMI out :D

Actually all 360's have HDMI output now, not just the elite's anymore. Besides, you said £300 of wasted money, which would imply you're buying the elite, which has always had HDMI anyways.

As for the controller hate, not sure where that's coming from really. XBox controllers were the worst in the world, but since i got my 360 the old PlayStation controllers just feel a little too small and cramped.

As for game recommendations, i got World In Conflict for xmas and have been playing it a bit recently, and it's pretty awesome if you like RTS's, especially online.
Since the dawn of time, the Xbox has sucked. That's the bottom line.

At least the Playstations have one or two good games. They still suck.

But, SOMEONE BUY ME SMASH BROS. Well, somone get it released soon, AND THEN BUY IT FOR ME. I can't wait to kick people's butts from miles away.
To be quite honest iv always stuck up for the 360 and in some sence still will its a great machine but after having it for a long time now and watching ps3 over the last year or so get better and 360 get a bit worse plus the added bonus of my 360 dying taking 2 weeks to repair then worrying that if i play it for any legnth of time ill be without again as it will melt again, I took the decision to get rid and get a ps3. My decision was not based on power or which is better, It was made on the fact that my confidence in the 360 had just gone plus all the games i owend on 360 i got again on ps3 so not realy any difference. Saying that there is one shining example i did get with the ps3 and that is UNCHARTED DRAKES FORTUNE, This game is stunning and i dont care what fact figures and crap you spout there is no way in hell the 360 could even manage to replicate this game without problems its that stunning, Not just graphicly which it does excell in umbelivebly but in sheer size of the game i have been playing it for 26 hours now and im just at 79% compleate the chapters are huge. So to the talk earlier that sony wont use disk size to there advantage i present this game, And as for load times iw will admit drakes fortune does install a little bit the first time you play but only take about 10 mins but after that there is no load time and i mean nothing at all after you start playing it is a seemless experience from start to finish. Ill stop going on now but must say everyone must at least try this game even if you dont like it just take a look as it such a stunning looking piece of work it get 200 out of 10 from me i think its that good
aye.. agree with all that.

I was merely contesting people who were saying that the ps3 was more powerful, or better value for money.. on both of those i can firmly say not.

But i WILL be getting a ps3 eventually (probs sometime this year)
Bitter said:
furie said:
the PS3 at least has the common decency to have a HDMI out :D

Actually all 360's have HDMI output now, not just the elite's anymore. Besides, you said £300 of wasted money, which would imply you're buying the elite, which has always had HDMI anyways.

As for the controller hate, not sure where that's coming from really. XBox controllers were the worst in the world, but since i got my 360 the old PlayStation controllers just feel a little too small and cramped.

I was trying to compare like for like, which includes Wi-fi. You also have to remember it was 2 months before the Elite came out I made my choice (a long time really after both machines had been on the shelves for me to make a good decision).

Anyway, you put me together a basic USABLE 360 package for under £300, without HD-DVD, but otherwise, with everything the same as the PS3 (as close as the two can get). You can't do it. In the same way you can't actually get a USABLE Wii for under £230. You HAVE to have an extra remote and nunchuck - otherwise you're losing out on all the multi-player Wii goodness :D

At least the PS3, out of the box, is all you need. I've added an extra controller (I'm known at the local Game store, and he gave me a new controller from a PS3 hardware return for the price of a second hand controller (he put the actual second hand controller in with the return :D )).

So apart from games, the PS3 has cost me an extra £25.

Actually, cheap HDMI lead - £7.

It still doesn't negate the fact that I played on several 360's over the first year they were out, and every time was underwhelmed by the games, and utterly despised the controllers. I did even, on the last day I bought the PS3, look again at the 360. I just couldn't do it though, because it would have worked out only a small amount less, but I'd have hated it.

Each to their own. If you get on with the 360, then that's fine by me. It's a great bit of kit, but I just personally can't get on with it. I did the tests, I did the cost benefit analysis and the 360 - for me - just didn't cut it. That doesn't mean that it doesn't work the other way around for other people...

And yes, if you like Mario Party games, then the DS version is great - HOWEVER - There's no Internet game modes. You can only play multi-cartridge, which means getting your mates round. Still, if you don't have Mario Part 4 or 5 on the GC, it's still the best way to play the game :D
^^^Actually people need to take there time with games not just rush through it to see how fast they can do it and no i dont need to get better im good at the game im just taking my time and exploring everywhere like you should do with a game of this type. I dont care if it takes me 300 hours to compleate it as long as i get the best from it and enjoy it to its full potential
Usable 360 for under £300? To be honest I'm not quite sure what you're getting at, mine worked right out of the box, and my girlfriend bought it for me for about £220. It's got the 20Gb HDD, more than enough really, wireless controller, necessary cables (i bought a VGA cable, but not needed), headset, all i needed to do was buy a game, and I picked up Forza 2 for £15, that puts my usable 360 at under £250, let alone £300.

I'm not putting down the PS3 or Wii by any meas, and I'm certainly not saying i think the 360 is the best console out at the moment, I'm just defending it for the sake of defending it.
Wifi adapter - £59.99.
Monthly X-box Live subscription - £60/year.

Then you're getting what the PS3 offers. I couldn't manage without WiFi as Madame_Furie would kill me trailing cat-5 halfway round the house. Then again, if I didn't have it, I wouldn't need the Live subscription :lol:

I agree with you - I don't support one over the other - they both have their merits depending on your needs. However, like you, I don't like to see people making inaccurate statements.

Fact is, like for like, the 360 is much more expensive. You can certainly have a cheaper 360, if that's what you want. However, to claim that like for like, the PS3 is a rip-off compared to the 360, it's just not true.

I need Wi-Fi, and I desired HD movies. The PS3 did both of those things for around £100 cheaper than the 360. I could have bought a bottom end 360 and save £50, but it would not have satisfied my needs and desires, so would have been a waste of money.

It's all about buying the console which suits you best - working it out. You can't say which is the best, cheapest or most worthwhile, as each case is different on all three aspects.
furie said:
It's all about buying the console which suits you best - working it out. You can't say which is the best, cheapest or most worthwhile, as each case is different on all three aspects.

Dead on.