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The Games we play...

Ah.. can we not get into these "mines better than yours" arguments?

For the record i dont actually own a gaming machine, so i really dont care either way.

I tried to fill you in, let you know what the beef is..

It matters jack ****e either way.

The ps3 will sell shedloads this year.
Microsoft will inevitably retaliate by releasing the xbox 1080 (or whatever).

Like it or lump it though, the 360 is a great machine. The ps3 not so great (For the cost), less power and less decent games. But it'll sell the most, which in turn will mean it'll have the most games.. which in turn means it'll be the one most worth getting (but by which point it'll be more cheap.. so why not hold onto yer wallet until that happens?).

As i said, i dont care either way.. but if someone spouts an inacuracy i'll pipe up and tell them they're wrong - in the same way as someone will if i started spouting inaccuracies on here about coasters.

"Developers are still exploring it's capabilities, whereas they are already being restricted by the 360's. "

Oh please.. read that in edge magazine or something?
As i said in my last post stop licking sony and microsofts arse this is a game thread. Whos gives a **** if each machine is better people will buy the one they like no matter which is more powerfull or cheeper. For example i have a 360 and a wii and i am considering getting a ps3 aswell in the future but for now the ps3 has to many maybees and what ifs to it so untill developers start to use it right ill save my money for more 360 games. And as for your comment on paying to go online, What about the thousands of people who dont play online for this reson ether machine is as good as the next but i will admit i find at the moment the 360 is a better al round machine if you dont want online play if you do fair enough the ps3 is free but for me that is not an issue a i am yet to find a online game i like playing with other people without thinking that there sad and just spend there life on here so they can kill me quicker. I think the best 2 games i have played online was mariokart ds with ian which was very funny when he lost and got mad hehe:p. And mini golf on xbox live cause people where sit at it lol. But ye my recomendation for a games console is get the one that YOU like not what everybody else tells you to just cause there up sony/microsoft/nintendos arse. Back on topic my 360 is back from the shop so burnout will be getting hammerd again, PLus while it was away i found my old megadrive, snes and n64 in the attick and have been having fun times with old games namly playing goldeneye for about 10 hours lol hehe.
No one buy world championship darts on the Wii, its terrible and just simply doesn't work.

If you want to play darts just buy a dart board.
spicy said:
No one buy world championship darts on the Wii, its terrible and just simply doesn't work.

If you want to play darts just buy a dart board.
Or you could fling your Wii remote into your TV. :roll:

Another thing... Why hasnt this topic been stickied yet its got more replies than the what are you reading topic and in the same genre as the musi and film's one.
kimahri said:

Another thing... Why hasnt this topic been stickied yet its got more replies than the what are you reading topic and in the same genre as the musi and film's one.

Because the title's spelt wrong.

Looks... Great...

Its a joke... incase you didn't know. from the same guy who did the Vii ^_^

Edit: forgot about youtube tags not working with the county links... oops
Homer said:
Ketchup said:
This might well be the best post I have ever read on this forum.
You read it here folks, all bow down to me. :p

The reason why the PS3 has a "remote chance" these days is due to the fact its the cheapest Blu-Ray player out there. Since HD-DVD is starting a slow death and Blu-Ray is still gaining momentum, thats why the PS3 lately has been gaining some steam. If it weren't for that and the hype for a few exclusives (MGS4, Little Big Planet, etc.), the PS3 would just flat out suck.

I compared the PS3 to the Saturn for a few reasons:

1. Both consoles made by well-established gaming companies.
2. Both had "horrible architecture" (as in hard to develop games for, thats why developers are mainly going for the 360).
3. Both consoles have some "niche games" (Saturn had a few fighting games, Panzer Dragoon, etc.; PS3 has MGS4, Final Fantasy 13)

1stly One of the main reasons for buying a PS3 is not only for the supperior technology but also for the blu-ray which is the cheapest blu-ray players at the moment..But that is why it's so great, it can play high def movies which is a plus for any body!

2ndly It will also upscale standard dvd's to 1080i (not 1080p)

3rdly Architecture- The only reason why people say it is has horrible architecture is because it uses new a new development kit that has never been used before, mainly because of how the system it self works.

4th It is the most powerful console ever (end of) It has 9 processor's and runs at over 4GHz which is

5th nVidia known for creating graphics cards have proven that the graphics card on the PS3 is the most powerfull.

6th These niche games that you talk about, yes they are from a series of games from the first PS1 and yes they are aimed towards a narrow segment of gamers. However! With more and more developers churning out games for the PS3 they will broaden the market to everybody in the end, how do you think the PS2 managed to sell over 120 million consoles and still have strong sales in some countries! Heck over the christmas period the PS2 in some countries were outselling the 360!

7th Rumble. I hear you laugh at the sony camp for taking out the rumble feature from the controller, but there is a reason for this which was the motion sensoring which does dramaticly enhance playability of games, for example Ratchet and Clank uses the motion sensor when Ratchet jumps out of an airoplane/spaceship and you need to guide him to the ground safely.

8- Back to blu-ray. More data for games, For games like Resistance fall of man it would be impossible to have the game on a DVD disk because it has 14GB of data onto one disk, the only way to keep the high level of data onto a dvd would be buy using 2 DVD disks, as dvd disks have only got on average the storage capacity of 7GB where on a Blu-ray you have either 25GB or 50GB (Hitachi though have produced a 100Gb disk though)

9-Online- Here is one area where the 360 at this moment in time is winning. Because of it's ease of use and cool features. But to be honest not for long the analysist to believe the PS3 will dominate in this area as well! Mainly because PS3 Home (Like online Sims) will be launching the middle of this year. Another plus is that the PS3 has built in Wifi and it is has free online gaming.

10- Extras- Playtv which will be a DVR (Digital Video Recorder) making your PS3 into some sort of Sky+ box.

Atleast with the PS3 you won't be needing to buy a new version of the 360 every month to keep up with what the PS3 can do straight out of the box. If you dont know what I mean, then im talking about 360 core, premium, elite, arcade...Stupid MS
^Couldn't have said it better myself.
Although Sony have now produced duel-shock 3 controllers, (which I think are out now) that include both sixaxis motion sensing, and rumble. :D

And Kimahri, that game looks awesome. :lol:
Smelly said:
spicy said:
No one buy world championship darts on the Wii,

Well thats a no-brainer!

I could tell you that from its name!

I quite liked the idea of using the Wii remote to throw darts though.

Little did I know whoever made the game has basically made it impossible to throw a dart.

Should have known better I suppose :lol:
Coaster Ollie said:
^Couldn't have said it better myself.
Although Sony have now produced duel-shock 3 controllers, (which I think are out now) that include both sixaxis motion sensing, and rumble. :D

And Kimahri, that game looks awesome. :lol:

It's out in Japan (they get everything first) not anywhere else though! Will be out soon.
I wish people like insane (and homer for that matter) wouldn't post such long posts full of complete and utter garbage..

it makes me soo tempted to respond pointing out the MANY MANY MANY inaccuracies, rather than sticking to the topic of this thread.

But needless to say, that's the most ill-informed piece of rott i've read all day

reet.. Back to games, check out : www.bbc.co.uk/videogaiden

(best games show ever)
You can't just post that link just to un-spam your post. :p

Anyway I've just had a brilliant online match with Smithy on Warhawk on the PS3. :D
Even if he did blow my plane up more times than me. :lol:

Anway I recomend getting Warhawk as it's cheap at only 20 quid from the PSstore, or 40 quid from any shop but it comes with a free bluetooth head set which is worth 25 quid. :D
Smelly said:
I wish people like insane (and homer for that matter) wouldn't post such long posts full of complete and utter garbage..

My post is way more factual than Insane's, and that's a fact!
Coaster Ollie said:
You can't just post that link just to un-spam your post. :p

Anyway I've just had a brilliant online match with Smithy on Warhawk on the PS3. :D
Even if he did blow my plane up more times than me. :lol:

Anway I recomend getting Warhawk as it's cheap at only 20 quid from the PSstore, or 40 quid from any shop but it comes with a free bluetooth head set which is worth 25 quid. :D

Did you? Lol, which game was that? I didn't even notice you were in there. What's your PSN name, and what team were you on :p
^It was about an hour ago, you were on the red team, me on blue for first game.
And the second game we were both on the same team.
Remember we were both underneath the bridge with someone else throwing grenades and shooting each other? Then I jumped off the cliff and killed myself. Got a plane, then came back and started shooting missiles at you :)

My PSN name is 'sillymatman1'
And yours is 'Djedwardsmith' :D
I've already added you, thats why I knew you were on. :D
Coaster Ollie said:
^It was about an hour ago, you were on the red team, me on blue for first game.
And the second game we were both on the same team.
Remember we were both underneath the bridge with someone else throwing grenades and shooting each other? Then I jumped off the cliff and killed myself. Got a plane, then came back and started shooting missiles at you :)

My PSN name is 'sillymatman1'
And yours is 'Djedwardsmith' :D
I've already added you, thats why I knew you were on. :D

You ****, I was wetting myself when that happened :p I just thought it was a stranger. I was pissing myself when you came back in the plane and started shooting us. Want some more games?
If you want, i'll be on again tommorow.
What other games do you have? :D

Anyway, I know that people are going to have a go at us in a minute for going off topic.

I recomend getting home when it comes out. :D

Doesn't the person at 31 secs in the video look like Snoo? :lol: