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kimahri said:
one more thing to add

do not say you dont like mass effect around jer

He gets all bent out of shape because people dont agree with him :p
Will do, thanks for the advice. :D
Anyway I think Resi4 is amazing and is the best game on the PS2 and Gamecube. (Havn't played it on the Wii but can imagine it being more fun) :D
kimahri said:
one more thing to add

do not say you dont like mass effect around jer

He gets all bent out of shape because people dont agree with him :p

what the **** is your problem I'm only pissed at you becuase of your ignorance... and your pre-judgement of a game you probably know jack squat about! but won't play because "OMFG it's an RPG that not japanese i won't play it" and how you really judge a game before you play it...patheitic your like the people at fox who wanted to ban it because there was a sex scene in the game, then openly admitted to never playing it.
^dude your not making any sense here...jsut admit to being igrnant and i'll get off your back ;)

anyway to keep this on subject

Team Fortress 2, the game is as addicting as crack (jsut better for you) The system based around classes is much better thought out than sinlges players all running around as the same person picking up diffrent weapons. The game is perfectly balanced and even if your the guy running in with a shotgun you have as equal chance of killing the guy with the rocket launcher as he does killing you.

Team Fortress 2 gets a 9/10!
Just bought resi 4 for $20.. So we'll see.. Picked up (the film) batman begins special edition while i was there for $6 too.. bargain.

Something most of you wii owners probably havent tried.. but really really should do.. is "endless ocean".

Especially great online too.

It's a game like nothing you've ever played before.. im not sure you'd even classify it as a game..

But it's ace.

Shame wii doesnt have online headsets.. as communicating with yer buddy in co-op mode would've been f-ing ace.. especially if they put some sort of underwater bubble effect behind your voice..
ye iv seen vids of endless ocean tanya wants it just to go swimming with the fishes lol. But it looks like a cool little experience to play may go look in bargin bins and see what i can find for her lol. On a side note burnout just gets better but seeing as i cant play it anymore as my xbox just got red lights of doom im very pissed of so back to zack and wikis frustration and mario galaxy with luigi for me for 3 weeks
big john said:
back to zack and wikis frustration

I've completed zack and wiki.

By the end of it, i cant say i actually was enjoying it.. More fustrated to hell with it, but determined to finish it anyhows.

Last level i gave in and downloaded a walkthrough, just so i would never have to see the bloody thing again
In returning to the endless ocean thing

it looks like one of those game that would interest me

I'm really attracted to the weird, wonderful and similar which may explain why I love REZ
Who was it who recommended resi 4 wii?

it controls TERRIBLY! It's especially hard to play after playing a shooter with decent controls (metroid 3).

I actually prefered playing it on the cube.

With the wii pointer, it feels like it wants to be a fps, except you cant straffe, or fire while running, etc.

BAH!! Pooey pooey poo plop it is.

REZ HD IS OUT (according to jer)



(if it isnt out)


Smelly said:
Who was it who recommended resi 4 wii?

it controls TERRIBLY! It's especially hard to play after playing a shooter with decent controls (metroid 3).

I actually prefered playing it on the cube.

With the wii pointer, it feels like it wants to be a fps, except you cant straffe, or fire while running, etc.

BAH!! Pooey pooey poo plop it is.
I've never played it on the Wii, but on the gamecube and PS2 it's pure brilliance. :D
Smelly said:
With the wii pointer, it feels like it wants to be a fps, except you cant straffe, or fire while running, etc.

I actually have a rant coming on...

The reason I think Resi 4 is the dogs bollocks, is because it's actually realistic. It controls in a realistic manner. I like racing games to play as though I'm actually driving a car, so I like my shooting action games to play like I'm actually doing it in real life.

the one thing which has made every FPS ever made ****, is strafing! It's the most unrealistic crap ever. It is not physically possible, so every FPS which uses it is just rubbish! It's as realistic as Mario jumping from platform to platform and riding clouds!

FPS' are all inherently ****e!

Second point, ask any marksman, and they will tell you - you can't run and shoot! You stop, aim, shoot, run (repeat). Guns are too hard to control when moving, so you have to stop, otherwise you'll just end up killing seagulls!

Therefore, I surmise that Resi 4 is the best game ever, because it's actually as close to being a cop running around killing things as you can possibly get.

Plus, I never has any issues with the controls, they were fine on my Wii, 1498 times better than any other FPS style control I've used on a console :)
furie said:
The reason I think Resi 4 is the dogs bollocks, is because it's actually realistic. It controls in a realistic manner.
Standing completly still is oh so realistic

I'd step back if i was in iminant danger of nastys walking slowly towards me

not un aim turn 180* run turn another 180* then re aim

just nice slow steady steps back

the one thing which has made every FPS ever made <>, is strafing! It's the most unrealistic crap ever. It is not physically possible, so every FPS which uses it is just rubbish!

In somecases yes unrealistic

but running forward whilst aiming (well spray and pray but that doesnt sound right) happens

FPS' are all inherently <>

HL2 :p

Second point, ask any marksman, and they will tell you - you can't run and shoot! You stop, aim, shoot, run (repeat). Guns are too hard to control when moving, so you have to stop, otherwise you'll just end up killing seagulls!

I dont want to run whislt shooting just move whilst in aim mode

Plus, I never has any issues with the controls, they were fine on my Wii, 1498 times better than any other FPS style control I've used on a console :)

Its not nessisarliy the controls just the camera for me

and aim mode

and the camera in aim mode
kimahri said:
I'd step back if i was in iminant danger of nastys walking slowly towards me

Funny, I'd find a covered area, easy to defend and then take the bastards out one by one... Much like I do in Resi 4

kimahri said:
In somecases yes unrealistic

ALL cases! :p

kimahri said:
but running forward whilst aiming (well spray and pray but that doesnt sound right) happens

Only to people about to be shot down by the professions taking a steady stance, stopped and aiming.

FPS' are all inherently <>
kimahri said:

As **** as the others because it's unrealistic (and because it refuses to work any more on my PC, which meant I had an hour to kill last night to work out why it is that I have a dislike for FPS games - which I did work out, it's because they don't act in a way which is natural, so there for fail as an accurate representation of the real world. Games for me should try to mimic the real world, or be plain fun and off the wall. If you're going to try and mimic the real world, make sure you get it bloody right!

kimahri said:
I dont want to run whislt shooting just move whilst in aim mode

Yes, but that's in an unrealistic FPS, not a collect-em-up adventure game, with shooting gallery elements.

kimahri said:
Its not nessisarliy the controls just the camera for me

and aim mode

and the camera in aim mode

Which were all fantastic for a Tomb Raider kind of game. It's like complaining that Mario Kart sucks because it's not as good a game of football as you get in Fifa 08! :p
I still remember the pure tension you feel when you first play Resi 4, it reallty immerses you into the game and makes you feel as if Leon is a real character and you feel his fear.
Plus the bit when you go into the maze and the dogs jump out on you scared the **** outta me. :lol:

Anyway i'm not playing anything new at the moment, I'm either trying to get my online ranking up on Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare, or asing about in HL2.
Also I completed Portal in 45 minutes yesterday. :D

easily a huge improve ment no the game. Sharper graphics, better sounds (although the bass can be affected depeneding no your TV or you lack of a sub) the game is the same excpet a diffrent menu screen. The game also give you the option of playing with the original graphics although if you choose that the game won't be full screen.
Therefore, I surmise that Resi 4 is the best game ever, because it's actually as close to being a cop running around killing things as you can possibly get.

Plus, I never has any issues with the controls, they were fine on my Wii, 1498 times better than any other FPS style control I've used on a console

Ah, but did you play it on ps2/cube?

I have, and i think personally the game SUFFERS from wii controls (not benefits)
Smelly said:
Ah, but did you play it on ps2/cube?

No, because I have yet to play a single console game which requires you to 'aim' with a stick which actually works. Not even the much lauded Time Splitters games (though they are a little better, but not much).

Resi 4 was as better at third person action than any of the mouse based games of that type I've played (Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider, couple of others in the past that I can't remember :lol: ).

Smelly said:
I have, and i think personally the game SUFFERS from wii controls (not benefits)

I think that you're old, and resistant to change :p
I honestly think Resi 4 for the Wii has possibly the single best control system I've ever used. I'm with Furie, it's just so real. Makes the game that much closer to perfection. Now, if I could actually complete it, it would be perfect :p.

I prefer it to Metroid's controls, although they as well are freakin' brilliant.