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The Games we play...

Smelly said:
I'm quite far into metroid 3 now.
The only thing i'd recommend to people when playing metroid 3 though - is to play with a notepad.

I have pages of notes saying:

Byron, "reactor", couldn't get into room as i needed multiple rockets

So i know that when i get multiple rockets i can go back there for power ups, etc.

Good idea, especially when it will ask you to find all those energy cells... I'm nearing that bit, and it's apparently a bit pants.

I actually really liked MP1, and 2 less so, but 3 is by far the best one. It's a REAL shame they didn't put multiplayer in, but they certainly made the singleplayer long enough - I think I've played it for about 20 hours so far and I'm 60 ish % in.

I've just started Galaxy, and now tonight as SOON as I get home, I'm going to hunt for the soundtrack. It's actually one of the best game soundtracks I've ever heard :P

Also, got Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles. It's actually pretty good (for what it is - an arcade laser game thing) but as an RE game, its just not... well, like an RE game. I'll give a better review once I play more than 30 mins :P

And I've preordered Zack and Wiki - looks like a right laugh. Is it out in the US yet, Smelly? And if it is, is it any good?
Gah Ikaruga is still bloody hard.

but it still is a fantasic shooter.

Definatly recomend it to people who like the old shooters like R-type, Gradius and life force ect ect
Ploddish said:
I've just started Galaxy, and now tonight as SOON as I get home, I'm going to hunt for the soundtrack. It's actually one of the best game soundtracks I've ever heard :P

Second that, the soundtrack is awesome on galaxy.

Galaxys a really good game, I really like it. Started playing it after I was bored from finishing Assasins Creed, now im addicted.
Ploddish said:
And I've preordered Zack and Wiki - looks like a right laugh. Is it out in the US yet, Smelly? And if it is, is it any good?

Zack an wiki is ACE..

Until about level 9.. at which point it turns into the hardest pile of rock hard stupidly OTT game i've ever played.

You try to think logically, you try to come up with ways around stuff by experimenting.. But do something wrong, and it normally results in instant death.

And you have to do all that while avoiding bad guys and stuff.. Again resulting in instant death.

Sod that for a game of soldiers.

I ended up completing it using a FAQ.. Just so i could not bother with the irritating pile of rock hard crap again.

It IS good though. :lol:

(refreshing to see a DIFFERENT game on a games console - which isnt just bloody shooting things)

The first tutorial level is annoyingly dumbed down (considering how hard later levels are) too.
Battalion Wars 2


Guitar Hero 3


Super Smash Brothers Brawl

>Battalion Wars 2

Mixed opinion on this one.. i worked on it.. but i'm not on royalties.. so not sure if i care if people buy it or not .. :lol:

I recommend Assasins Creed to anyone.

I wouldn't it's crap, repetitive and boring.
^Agreed, it is very repetitive and the ending sucks.
But it is fun to run along rooftops and dice people with your hidden blades. :D
Ok i'm takeing this topic now as not just games recomendation but game talk as well.



Ikaruga is with out a shadow of a doubt the hardest game I've ever played!

I seriously recond getting it though its an amazing game I can't name a harder game. and i'm willing to bet its harder on halo on legendary (considering I'm on easy on ikaruga and I cant do it)

Burnout paradise on 360 is awsome if your a fan of burnout it has changed a little but id say for the better, They boast a open world enviroment and this is actually the first game i think iv played that is full open world from the start it lets you do anything you want whenever you want and never in any way rushes you to actually do anything its basicly drive and crash and do what you want. There is the races and all the other events hundred to play infact but if you just want to drive and smash its amazing if you wanna just do the races its amazing as well i highly recomend it.

Another game i recomend is zack and wiki on the wii its something different and it works really well as stated a few posts back it apparently gets really hard later on in the game but iv only just got it so not that far and im enjoying it a lot.
I picked up a pre-owned copy of Tomb Raider Legend the other day. It's pretty good in my opinion. There is enough to keep you interested in the game until the end. But, the final level is a big disappointment.
Also got a copy of Spartan: Total Warrior. Very stupid game. Very simple, just hack and slash your way through everyone. But still a lot of fun. One thing that does annoy me though is the crappy soundtrack. Since when did Greeks have really strong US accents? Though then again 300 is the same.
big john said:
Burnout paradise on 360 is awsome if your a fan of burnout it has changed a little but id say for the better, They boast a open world enviroment and this is actually the first game i think iv played that is full open world from the start it lets you do anything you want whenever you want and never in any way rushes you to actually do anything its basicly drive and crash and do what you want. There is the races and all the other events hundred to play infact but if you just want to drive and smash its amazing if you wanna just do the races its amazing as well i highly recomend it

Sorry john but I have to disagree with you about burn out paradise.

it was bloody aweful IMO. It didnt fell like a burnout game at all.

To me burnout means selecting your race from a menu, selecting your car and go drive off really fast and hopefully not crash. bit even when you crashed it felt good just to watch.

What I dont want in burnout is the open world map so I end up having to boringly drive around to find the thing I want to do and find out its a stupid challenge type thing with a one on one race.

Burnout revenge is one of the best racing games I've played. it felt fast. the crashes were awesome and it just overall a lot of fun to play.

Although I will say this I was playing Burnout paradise in the shop so I couldent play it properly but I dont think I'll even think about betting it now.

Now on to something else...


Eternal Darkness for the gamecube.

I never though I'd see the day where I actually liked a nintendo game since I grew up with the amiga 500 but I have to admit that Eternal Darkness is pretty good and gets rather scary when you have no sanity left but some of the effects are more humorus than actualy scary (such as your head falling off and getting a the BSoD). over all its a pretty danm good game. the controles are fairly good (if the sanity effect doesnt kick in)

There are a couple of thing I dont like about it such as you end up walking around endlessly trying to find out what your suposed to do and when you do find something its completly the wrong thing you were supposed to do at the opposet end of the bloody map!

Another thing I dont like is some characters are a worth a pile of crap. Sure some of them are supposed to be average or mentally disturbed people but there are 2 people that are absolutly pathetic and pretty much are screwed if they are fighting more than 2 things at once.

I won't comment much on the graphic for 2 resons.

A. I really dont care alot for graphics unless theyare horribly messed up and bad


B. My TV makes them look really dodgey in some places (For example some of the cut scenes are pixelated for some reson)

The story is a bit confusing with its Cthulhu mythos and character swapping but when I finish it 3 times I think it'll all come together

So over all I'm gunna give Eternal darkness a solid 8 out of 10

and now here is something that not many of you are going to like.

Resident evil 4: Wii edition

I dont know if it was because I played Ikaruga (BUY IT!) before it, was playing burnout paradise earlier that day and it got me pissed off about it or my lecturer was being an overall DICKHEAD!

But resident evil 4 was kinda... bad and rather boring.

I found a couple of thing completly pointless and stupid like:

Standing completly still while a bunch of pesent run at you with an array of sharp objects

Jumping down a rather high bell tower and lanind squarly with out even injuring your self

Explosive tree's...

or some of the controls. Why the hell would I want to shake the wii more while pressing B to reload when I could just tap 2 buttons in less than a milisencond?

I found the first few moment of playing rather boring and uneventful even if I was getting attacked by people. the whole stand still and let them run after you thing annoyed me when the camera would just shoot up because the control stick controls the camera in aim modethus making me come out of aim mode run back a bit and try again alot slower.

Even if the game does get better later on it hasnt really impressed me yet (unlike Ikaruga and Rez which were amazing from the first level)

so a Very poor must try harder for RE4 atm but hey you never know...

Bonus 1

Apidya- Amiga 500

since I'm in a bit of a game reviewy mood from doing those three I though I'd do this as well

Apidya for the Amiga (500 and up I think) is a game I recently discovered in my game collection for my amiga and I never knew it exsisted untill earlier this month.

A classic Shmup and a pretty good one at that you play as a... bee. well some dodgey blue haired bloke that turns intoa bee to get revenge on some other bloke tho used his own bee sized bee's to sting the hero bee's girlfriend/wife and guess what the the last boss of the game is

A hornet

see story here: http://avians.net/~hawthorn/apidya/apidyastory.html#1

great little game and uses a power up system similar to gradius and Project X and it probably in the same league as them in terms of difficulty

Only thing i dont like about it is when you doe your pretty much screwed and it a 1 life deal to get throug the whole game.

The music is great and the sprites are pretty well detailed especially for a 1992 game all of the enemies are recgnisable and resenble what they are supposed to be

and I'll finish on a hppy note :D

Edit: plod has kindely tolde me i have maney spalling mistakses and well i relly CBA to read throug hthis and correct theme so enjoy :)
I have to disagree on two counts Kim.

1. Burnout Paradise - The best in the series was Burnout 3. Everything about it was spot on. From there on in, it became stale. All the usual modes had become tired, and the new modes introduced weren't as much fun as the old ones. The last game I thought was dreadful - just a rehash. I played it for a few hours, but then took it back.

It needed a complete overhaul, which it's had now. I don't like open play areas generally, but the game does work with it, especially the new 'Crash' mode. I'll not get as much out of this as I did with BO3, but it's something different, and will get the most attention off me since BO3. The online mode is sublime though, and I'll probably be dragged often into online games :)

Well worth looking at downloading the demo, but it doesn't really do the game much justice.

2. RE4 (Wii) - One of the best games I'd played in years. It's a glorified lightgun game, and once you realize that, you get on with the game much better. The Wii controls are excellent, and if they didn't work for you, you need to try setting them up properly, I didn't have any issues with the controls at all. The levels start as a shooting gallery, but once you've got a little way in, it really comes alive. It's a compelling game, and the controls and learning curve are superb.
furie said:
It's a glorified lightgun game, and once you realize that, you get on with the game much better.

But it's only a "lightgun game" due to being played with the wiimote.

Does that not mean that once you put a wii controller on halo (for example) it becomes a glorified lightgun game?

Actually i'm gonna have to pick it up today.. i have some best buy vouchers and need a wii game now i've beaten metroid and zack & wiki - and am bored of mario.
Sam said:
Fifa 2008 :)

Buy it.

Play me on it.

and beat him in the last minute when you're still a noob at the game and he tries to have your eyes out by making it a ranked match.... LOL you suck Sam.
Smelly said:
furie said:
It's a glorified lightgun game, and once you realize that, you get on with the game much better.

But it's only a "lightgun game" due to being played with the wiimote.

That's not what I meant. The Resi games aren't FPS's, they're "survival horror adventures". So if you expect an FPS, then you'll not get one. You are basically, most of the time, put into a shooting gallery, where you just plug away at the enemies stumbling towards you. With no strafing, it can't be anything other than a 'light gun game' on the Wii. All be it, the best you'll ever play. On the other systems, it was easier to understand it's not a FPS, On the Wii, the lines are blurred and it becomes something else entirely.

Still one of the best games of the last few years, and the Wii controls make it superb!
but playing burnout in a shop for a little while doesnt do it justice and if your having to drive round to find a race your not playing the full version as there is a challenge or race at every junction in the game so id suggest actually playing it with the full version before judging it as the demo was a bit crap lol
two words: Mass Effect

I jsut beat the game today and OMFG best game ever (it runs at about 14hrs on normal at my pace) The game is said to be an RPG but is more like a 3rd person shooter (better than gear) the stroy is gripping form start to finish and the ending does not dissappoint (like most new games do). The music direction is easily the best original music in any game, makes you feels like your watching a movie with the ginormous orcestra picking up as a massive strructure appears out of the solar clouds! One last thing and i'll rearely say this about a game...but translating the exact story into a movie would be amazing.

Only a ****ing moron (kim) would pass up on playing this game.
I recommend getting The Darkness.
It's such a ****ing brilliant game and has amazing visuals to match.
You paly as someone from the Mafia who has just discovered powers that his family have had passed down for years. It's bassically the power of darkness.
Most of the game your going round with two grinning snakehead darkiling things comming out of your shoulders. :D
But they are only most active in the dark so to take an advantage in each level you have to shoot out the lights.
Once you kill someone you can devour his heart which then lets you summon darklings from certain points. These Darklings follow you around and help to kill enemies in certain ways (i.e pinning them down and slowely sawing off their head with a handsaw).
If you own a PS3 then you can download a free demo of the game which contains three levels. It can be found on the demos section on the 10th page. :D
Also you can turn on T.V's ingame and watch programmes such as 'Popey, and 10,000 leages under the sea' :D
10/10 great game. :)

Maybe I was a little too harsh about RE4

Replayed it last night (and stayed far away from any buttons on the cutscenes)

It is good but not as great as everyone (mainly plod) made it out to be

(also I need help WHERES the AMMO AND HEALTH! I'm really low :P)

one more thing to add

do not say you dont like mass effect around jer

He gets all bent out of shape because people dont agree with him :P