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Rita vs. Stealth

Rita vs. Stealth

  • Rita

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stealth

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Since we already have our fill of generic Top Hat Accelerator layouts, I personal enjoy Rita's layout, as it's a nice change up from the usual launch, top hat, brakes.

I'ma fan of dynamic accelerator layouts after having experienced a few of them. Without the amazing height or speed, Stealth just looks ****.

Rita.. for the name and layout. <3
UC different doesn't mean good. And Snoo the layout isn't exactly amazing, it's practically corners all the way round, even the "airtime" hills are twisted.

Rita for me is shockingly rough around the corners, and there is a definate kink in the turn down after the first airtime hill. The airtime is good but you're twisting to the side aswell so I always find my head hitting the restraints there.

I personally enjoy Stealth alot more, it's more intimidating, the launch is better and you don't fly forwards in your seat halfway down the launch track and get bored waiting for the agony of a corner. The tophat is great and gives a bit of airtime. The drop down is ace and you get airtime anywhere in the train.

Rita kind of shuffles around the corners waiting for a glimpse of airtime and then slams into the brakes and takes you on a gentle tour of the maintenance shed.
this is one hell of a tricky one i tell you that !
they r both AMAZING
and both got great forces!
but i think stealth wins
because it has height && speed !!
Stealth is a ****ing joke. It's so God-damn short, it has no airtime, no thrill, nothing. The drop is ****ing hilarious though, and is the only piece of track in the country less interesting then Velocity's launch.

It's a laugh that it's a major coaster.

As for height and speed? It's at 200ft for what? Two seconds? If I'm being generous. And at 80mph for what? Five seconds? Again, that's being generous.

Whereas Rita has a fantastic launch, great positives (especially in the Corkscrew-station-turn) and three spots of hard airtime (three more then Stealth, I might add).

Stealth is awful and hilarious. Rita is amazing.
I rode Stealth several times and I loved it! Then I did Rita and hated it because the launch is rubbish compared to Stealth, the first turn cracks your ribs, the layout is rubbish (I know you will say Stealth has a bad layout to, but does Rita go 200ft high?) and the whole experience is very rough, which I don't like in coasters.
Stealth is alright in the front but it's pretty awful everywhere else. The launch is okay but the rest of the ride is bollocks. The top hat gives me NO airtime anywhere, the speed hill is one of the most pointless things I've seen on a coaster. It's far too short. the layout is god-damn awful, and with it supposedly a major ride, it's stupid. It doesn't even have turns for crying out loud.

RITA however is awesome, the launch is incredibly intense, whereas the first turn is uncomfortable it makes up with great airtime and forces and a fun ride. I didn't find it rough apart from the first corner and it made me want to go on it again. I think Alton have done much better dumping RITA down in less than a year, and Stealth being dumped down after 3 or 4 years of planning.

So RITA wins.
I can't believe Stealth has more votes. Rita is class, and I can't imagine Stealth matching-up. I haven't been on Stealth so I won't vote.
Rush said:
Stealth is alright in the front but it's pretty awful everywhere else. The launch is okay but the rest of the ride is bollocks. The top hat gives me NO airtime anywhere, the speed hill is one of the most pointless things I've seen on a coaster. It's far too short. the layout is god-damn awful, and with it supposedly a major ride, it's stupid. It doesn't even have turns for crying out loud.

RITA however is awesome, the launch is incredibly intense, whereas the first turn is uncomfortable it makes up with great airtime and forces and a fun ride. I didn't find it rough apart from the first corner and it made me want to go on it again. I think Alton have done much better dumping RITA down in less than a year, and Stealth being dumped down after 3 or 4 years of planning.

So RITA wins.

How exactly is Rita's launch more intense than Stealth. Stealth's is blatently more intense, I have ridden both coasters, so I know. Did you super glue yourself into the seat on Stealth, there is tons of airtime on it.
^I never really get airtime on Stealth. Not in the front or the back.

Either way, both rides are fun, but because Rita has the more exciting and (back then) original layout and has some great airtime over the hills, I voted Rita.
Rita does it for me. Stealth is an okay ride, but it really isn't anything fantastic. Rita's layout is original, and Stealth's isn't end of, the only way Stealth could've been better than Rita in my eyes is if they had stuck with the original plans and made it an X-cellerator clone, but of course the budget won out.
^Xcelerator is awesome, better than both Stealth and Rita.

But I don't think they actually said originally that it was going to be an Xcelerator clone. They simply said it was going to be based on the size of Xcelerator, meaning the 205 foot top hat and the launch and acceleration. Not sure though.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Well, considering I've been on both bigger versions of Stealth, and a few other launched coasters which are a bit under the speed of Stealth, I don't think Stealth would thrill me that much. It's a one trick pony, and the trick is less amazing than those of its bigger siblings, so to speak. It seems to have a decent atmosphere, but the atmosphere doesn't make for an amazing ride experience.

At least with Rita I'd be able to experience something relatively new. It also has some decent looking airtime, and it also has a launch, so that's a plus.

So, coming from someone who hasn't been on either, I'd pick Rita.

My thoughts exactly (except that I haven't ridden Ka or TTD, but I've done Hypersonic). Rita looks to be a much more entertaining ride than Stealth. It's just that Rita looks so damn short.

I'll still take Rita though.
I think the reason I prefer Stealth is because, for me, Rita is just a fun ride like errr Spinball. Stealth, however is just in your face intensity and adrenaline which always excites you and leaves you looking like you just saw a vision of hell.
danielfitzgerald99 said:
Rush said:
Stealth is alright in the front but it's pretty awful everywhere else. The launch is okay but the rest of the ride is bollocks. The top hat gives me NO airtime anywhere, the speed hill is one of the most pointless things I've seen on a coaster. It's far too short. the layout is god-damn awful, and with it supposedly a major ride, it's stupid. It doesn't even have turns for crying out loud.

RITA however is awesome, the launch is incredibly intense, whereas the first turn is uncomfortable it makes up with great airtime and forces and a fun ride. I didn't find it rough apart from the first corner and it made me want to go on it again. I think Alton have done much better dumping RITA down in less than a year, and Stealth being dumped down after 3 or 4 years of planning.

So RITA wins.

How exactly is Rita's launch more intense than Stealth. Stealth's is blatently more intense, I have ridden both coasters, so I know. Did you super glue yourself into the seat on Stealth, there is tons of airtime on it.

I have ridden both coasters as well FYI.

Alright, this is my opinion, I found RITA's launch much quicker, it felt smoother, forceful and it had a much better feeling of speed in my opinion.

Stealth's launch may be fast, but it goes along the track like a dick on a cheese grater. It is rattly, it loses all speed the moment after it launches, it is feels far weaker than RITA (and even Rock 'n' Rollercoaster).

At the end of the launch track, both coasters try and kill you, RITA has a vulgar turn, Stealth has a G-Force spike which forces the restraints to staple you. I'd rather not be stapled to be honest. Because of this stapling, Stealth produces NO airtime whatsoever, it can't really either when it crawls over the top hat at such a slow speed.

I would say RITA has a thousand times more airtime than Stealth only, 1000 X 0 = 0.

Whereas lots of people say it has no airtime, why are you arguing with me? If I really was stupid enough to super glue myself to a coaster, I'd make sure that it was a decent one as well.

Oh and lets not bring up the discussion about Stealth and RITA's acceleration rate.
To be honest, if you think Stealth has airtime, you clearly don't know what airtime is.

On the brakes, being pushed forwards is not airtime, it's just unpleasant.


leaves you looking like you just saw a vision of hell.

I can agree with, because having to re-ride Stealth for eternity would be true hell beyond any a guy in red PJs could conjure up.
I prefer Rita even though it has no tophat. I accerlerates faster and it give you soch an adrenaline rush. Go Rita.
As much as I love Stealth, I have to go with Rita as well. I just think they could have done more with Stealth. I love them both, but Rita just edges out in front.
Im going with Rita because I prefere zooming past the trees and other close things, where as Stealth was just up and down and it was over so quick I was like wow, that sucked.
Don't get me wrong I would love to ride Stealth any day of the week, but I do prefere a better layout.