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Rank the Star Wars Movies (so far).

It looks good, for sure. I'm really, really hoping it doesn't just end up being Empire Strikes Back. This would make sense since the previous film was really A New Hope again.

I'm afraid it is looking to kind of be that way. Rey being trained by an older, wiser Jedi while the good guys try to fight off the bad guys. The pilot, Po, looks to be taking on the Han Solo role and will likely be fighting The First Order. Then, Kylo Ren and Rey will fight, and neither will die since Kylo is the main antagonist needed for the toys, I mean the movies. Still, Luke's character looks potentially very interesting. He looks like he has changed a lot over the years, and I'm excited to see that dynamic. I want to see why the Jedi needs to end in the eyes of Luke.

Even more interestingly, where do you go after the end of this trilogy? Will there be another trilogy taking place after this one? Will they keep it just within the same universe? Will it be about the current characters somehow (Rey, Finn)? Will they create newer characters? Will it always be against the Empire/First Order? What was before the Galactic Alliance that the prequels told us about? Will we be following the same characters for years (Luke, Yoda, Han Solo)? I just don't know how many different stories there are to tell in the Star Wars universe. Unlike Marvel, the tone and imagery for Star Wars seems so distinct. So far, most of the images in the first two new Star Wars films have been callbacks. You know, Tie-Fighters, AT-ATs, Lightsabers, The Death Star, Blasters, and the Millennium Falcon. After 10 more movies of all of these things, will people just not care to go? Where is the ending here? Will Star Wars ever end?

Sorry for that kind of rant there, but it is an interesting topic I think. As for The Last Jedi, I'm hoping for the best here, and I truly hope this movie can live up to any expectations put on it.
1. Empire
2. New Hope
3. Return of the Jedi
4. Force Awakens
5. Rogue One
6. Phantom Menace
7. Attack of the Clones/Return of the Sith (kind of blurs into one)

But the latest trailer for The Last Jedi looks alright so far, hard to really pick much out from that apart from Kylo seems to not enjoy his helmet anymore!
Oooh now, this is new...

Well, that trailer is a bit pants, isn't it? Really don't like it.
I know it's only the 'teaser' trailer and it's not supposed to give too much away etc.. but it is supposed to at least generate a bit of a buzz, a bit of excitement, pose a question or two, maybe even hint at something new... but no. It's just, like, "Here is another Star Wars movie. Thou shalt go and see it for it is Star Wars", and they've just cobbled together a few Star Warsy images (light sabres, storm troopers, the Millennium Falcon etc..) in the hope that we're all brainwashed enough to just accept it and hand over our cash.
Well, sorry Disney, not this time. If you want me to go and watch Episode VIII, I'm gonna need a bit more incentive than simply "It's Episode VIII", cos at the moment Fast and Furious 8 is looking like a safer bet.
at the moment Fast and Furious 8 is looking like a safer bet
this just confirms everything you've ever said in this thread...

However, I think Edward is right ; ESB-rehash. Luke=Yoda, Poe=Han and so on. But since ESB is the BESTEST film, thats no bad thing. :)

As for the future, would think Disney will finish off this trilogy (having slipped in a couple of "Stories" films alongside it) and then head off in the same way the Marvel-Universe is doing with far too many films with incomplete and incoherant plots (aka multi-film-story-arcs) whilst squeezing every $ they can from the thing. :(
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Well, sorry Disney, not this time. If you want me to go and watch Episode VIII, I'm gonna need a bit more incentive than simply "It's Episode VIII"

That's bollocks really though, isn't it Howie? ;) I know it, you know it and Disney knows it. Just as people that were disappointed with Episode I went to see Episode II, and people disappointed with Episode II (i.e. everyone) went to see Episode III, and people disappointed with the prequels went to see TFA, and people disappointed with TFA went to see Rogue One, you will go and see Episode VIII simply because it is Star Wars...

It could look like the worst film ever made and tens of millions of people will still go and see it, and will continue to go and see Star Wars films because the fanbase is huge and dedicated. It's a no-brainer for Disney.

Personally I thought the trailer was OK. Didn't show a lot, much like the first teaser for TFA, but what it did show got me excited. Those funny looking ships with the red smoke, a big space battle, what's not to be excited about? As for posing questions, how about what's the book? Who is/are The last Jedi? Why is the logo red? :)

For me it was good just to see characters I cared about again after Rogue One, and the blend of classic themes and the new ones from TFA was ace. It also looked like there's gonna be some lovely cinematography in this one.

All that said, I bet at least half of what you saw and heard in the trailer won't even be in the final film, if the trailers for Rogue One and TFA are anything to go by.
That's bollocks really though, isn't it Howie?

Well... Yes and no. I mean, I'll watch the film, of course I will, but how good the trailers are could be the difference between queueing up at the Imax in the cold December weather on opening night, or hanging back for a week or two to see 'what the reviews are like' and maybe catching it at the cheapo Odeon when the fuss has died down. Or even, perish the thought, just streaming a free copy off t'internet.
At the moment, based on that trailer alone, it's looking like a 'maybe hang back and see what the reviews are like' kinda film. That's all I'm saying.
Because everyone knows that's the only trailer that will be made for this movie.

I mean, remember all those people who didn't watch Star Wars 7 because the first trailer starts with a Black Storm Trooper? Obviously they had the whole movie figured out from the 2 minute preview. ;)

That was exactly the point I was making. Teasers rarely give much of the plot away, and nobody wants the plot to be given away in Star Wars films anyway! I'm sure the other later trailers will convince all Star Wars fans to go and see it, regardless of how good or bad it looks, because in the end it's a new Star Wars film... ;)
2-Star Wars
2 tie or 3 - Rogue one

I canct really make my mind about Rogue One vs. Star Wars.

I don't agree with people disapoined with the prequels going to see Rogue One. Many people I know didn't see rogue one because of desapointment plus franchise fatigue. This makes me very sad. I mean, it's Rogue One ffs!
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Even more interestingly, where do you go after the end of this trilogy? Will there be another trilogy taking place after this one? Will they keep it just within the same universe? Will it be about the current characters somehow (Rey, Finn)? Will they create newer characters? Will it always be against the Empire/First Order? What was before the Galactic Alliance that the prequels told us about? Will we be following the same characters for years (Luke, Yoda, Han Solo)? I just don't know how many different stories there are to tell in the Star Wars universe. Unlike Marvel, the tone and imagery for Star Wars seems so distinct. So far, most of the images in the first two new Star Wars films have been callbacks. You know, Tie-Fighters, AT-ATs, Lightsabers, The Death Star, Blasters, and the Millennium Falcon. After 10 more movies of all of these things, will people just not care to go? Where is the ending here? Will Star Wars ever end?

The problem with Star Wars seems to be that there always needs to be an Empire to fight. Star Peace wouldn't be as exciting as a franchise, and that with the light/dark side of the force means that there has to be distinct heroes and villains. Preferably, it should be an underdog story too (although Episode II and III arguably weren't), where a ragtag bunch of pure-hearted, but inexperienced rebels defeat a well-organized, overwhelmingly powerful, but arrogant Evil Empire.

That... doesn't lend itself to very much plot variety. They could do some interesting variations on it (Episode II had huge potential for showing how the Jedi could ruin the galaxy with good intentions), but ultimately, the franchise seems destined to become movie after movie of underdog rebels dealing the overdog Empire decisive blows such as blowing up their extremely expensive superweapons or killing their leader, but ultimately failing to change Status Quo because the fight itself is what sells the movie tickets.
Have you seen those new Star Wars stamps that are coming out?
Some of them are pretty cool.
There's Chewie. Looking good, bruv:

Threepio. Nice!

R2. Awesome!

And then...

Ohhhh and then.

I mean... What the absolute f*** is that supposed to be?? Is this Star Wars or f****** Happy Feet? It's like... it's like... I'm struggling to even type the words, my brain can't even comprehend the imagery - it's like Jar Jar Binks had a baby with a f****** Ewok.
Apparently it's called Porg. Who the f*** is Porg? And why have they quietly slipped him in among a few collector's stamps, rather than a full-on trailer reveal? Perhaps Jedi Master @furie can shed some light on who or what that thing is, as he's into all the Jedi folklore and read all the kids books n stuff.
Honestly, my expectations for this new movie have taken a spectacular nosedive, shot down like a bullseyed womp rat over Beggar's Canyon back home. Maybe that's what Porg is? A f****** womp rat.
I tell ya, if that thing comes on and it's got a squeaky voice, I'll be walking out.
If you're disgusted, it must be bad. Though in sure it'll be the highlight for you in the end

Porg stands for "person of reduced growth" and is often related to stumpy characters in films.

Yeah. ****.

No extended universe mention as far as I'm aware.

Stamps are nice though.

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So Ewoks are fine Howie, but Porgs are too far?
Much inconsistency there is.
( they are pretty awful aren't they, just merchandising crack - they did appear briefly in the behind-the-scenes-trailer thing released earlier this year ; on youtube )
I did this with the stamps from 2 years ago...
There were 2 sets of stamps then, the 12 character ones and then a bunch of vehicles - this time there seems only to be the one "set" so not sure it a repeatable exercise this time around.
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The stamps are super nice!
But it does seem a very weird place to do a character reveal for an upcoming movie. In a line-up of much loved fan favourites, why would you slip in a furry, bug-eyed (and let's be honest, slightly creepy) penguin looking thing without any backstory on what it even is?
Sumat's not right.

^Edit: thanks for that link @davidm
Worth it just to hear Admiral Akbar say "It's a wrap" :D
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People like something quirky with a bit of fluff on it.
Saw a box of Rogue One figures in tesco a while back and my friend who knows 0 about Star Wars immediately said the yeti thing would be their favourite.
I have absolutely no memory of the yeti thing even being in the film.

Here's one for you all:

Revenge of the Sith
Rogue One
The Force Awakens
Return of the Jedi
Empire Strikes Back
Attack of the Clones
A New Hope
Phantom Menace
My title of 'Member with worst taste in Star Wars movies' may actually be in jeopardy.
^ I think you still get the title because you somehow put Empire Strikes Back below all of the prequels. That's simply offensive. Don't worry though HeartlineCoaster, your list is also pretty awful ;)
^ Ahhh, it's so hard, but there's just something so offensive about someone saying "The Phantom Menace, one of the worst movies ever, is better than Empire Strikes Back, one of the best movies ever." At least Revenge of the Sith has some quality. Oh whatever, I highly disagree with both of you, but you guys enjoy your odd favorite Star Wars films.
Revenge of the Sith
Rogue One
The Force Awakens
Return of the Jedi
Empire Strikes Back
Attack of the Clones
A New Hope
Phantom Menace

You better be under the age of 20, otherwise **** right off... ;)

Gotta say, those stamps look a bit **** to me, Porgs or not. For a start they have R2 with his stupid "where were they in the original films" jet thrusters. Nope, not for me.

On the whole Porg debate, they are obviously just something for Disney to make cuddly toys of and rake loads of cash in from the kids. That's the price we've paid for new Star Wars films folks. As long as they're not in the film much I don't mind really.

Did anyone notice the announcement today that Colin Trevorrow has been removed from directing Episode IX. That's two Star Wars films in the last few months that have changed directors. Slightly concerning!