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Which is why your a 15yr old girl Taylor.. haha

It's true though. You're not going to just be waxing a car and suddenly know all of these moves and techniques. Also, you're not gonna be able to do them with that kind of strength right off the bat.

I was in martial arts for a long time, and I was sick at it, and even I didn't learn that fast :p .
How old were you Taylor?

And define sick.. kicking a box isn't amazing.

Shush your lies.. commoner.. :lol:
How old were you Taylor?

It was from grade five to about the beginning of grade nine. So about ten to fourteen.

And define sick.. kicking a box isn't amazing.

I know I'm weak as ****, but to be honest I was actually really good at Tae Kwon Do, mostly at kicking (could kick a few inches above my head, and the kicks were pretty strong too surprisingly).

Oh yes and it was so not just a box, it was other people, and boards :p . And the surprising thing is, the boards actually broke, lol.

I did win a gold medal and a silver medal once. If I can find them I'll so take pictures to prove.
Two differences between you and him... he had an amazing teacher.. I'm willing to bet you did none of that.. ;)

And two.. if someone has natural talent, teaching someone something is much easier then someone who lacks it. You would be the latter..
Two differences between you and him... he had an amazing teacher.. I'm willing to bet you did none of that..

My teacher was actually pretty good. I think he was like an eighth or ninth degree black belt, deserving of it too.

And two.. if someone has natural talent, teaching someone something is much easier then someone who lacks it. You would be the latter..

Lol, well that was my beef with Karate Kid. He learned too fast, natural talent or not. And no, I didn't have a natural talent but I was still very good at it, and you're not gonna tell me otherwise :p .
Last night I sat up and watched Weird Science on E4 (after the awesome program that is Reaper).

I've always wanted to watch it but I didn't want to buy it on DVD (I have no idea why, I buy everything else). Anyways, its a very corny 80's flick which I have to say, I absolutely loved, there were a few cringe-worthy moments (not that keen on that sort of humor) but it still amused me, very random. Its like a strange 80s mix of Superbad and Ghostbusters, really odd.

Rating: 4.5/5
Me and Lain saw Cloverfield last night and Sweeney Today.

Very little spoilage, but I'll warn you anyways. :p

I loved them both, not sure if I loved the Cloverfield monster or thought it was really lame though. I liked the feel of the film and got really into it, which I wasn't expecting for me as I expected the filming to give me motion sickness. Seeing it in an empty cinema helps direct your attention better I suppose. There were some really on the edge of your seat moments and I found myself getting frustrated towards the start desperate to see the monster. It's a well crafted film, but I don't know if I like it's ambiguity or not. It was certainly original. The length of it, the monster, the perspective.

Sweeney was fantastic. I loved the first half, if felt it took a while to get into the swing of things... And then concluded too quick. But I enjoyed the musicalness. It was great fun and brilliantly over the top with the the artsy lack of realism.

I don't like rating things, so I shant. :p But they were both bloody good.
The Invasion

Hm, it was an alright movie overall, but I can't see why it's the top rental movie at my local video store. It wasn't anything special, and I've never heard of it prior to today. It just seemed kind of drab and there were tons of loopholes.

Watched Starship Troopers last night (on Blu-Ray :p ).

I love this film. It's just so over the top and utterly ridiculous! Superb entertainment, top fun, and my brain wasn't taxed for a single second!

4/5 :)
^I love Starship troopers, might have to plan to get it on blu-ray :p

I might go and see Cloverfield in a couple of hours, so may post a review laters.
^Seconded, Starship Troopers is awesome :p.

Shall be watching Cloverfield and No Country For Old Men this week, but last night I caught up with one of the films stacked-up on my Sky+ box, Lady in the Water.

I wanted to see if it was a bad as the reviews made out. If anything it's worse! ATROCIOUS film, what the hell was Shyamallamalan thinking! It was funny though, despite trying to be serious XD.
Watched Borne Ultimatum the other day...I really am lost for words...its just...so...bloody...awesome.
Well I went to see "No Country for Old Men" last week and am a little late in this review but oh well. Watch out spoilers....

Anyways the film started off quite boring and then got better and enjoyable as it went on. Then when they are in El Paso the film goes from good to absolute rubbish and gets really hard to follow. I didn't even realise the main character died until the credits came up at the end and the film seriously has the worst ending ever!!. The whole cinema was like "WTF it's over?!?!?!!?" and the last 3/4 hour of the film is just pointless.

Woop, recently got back from seeing Cloverfield in London (digital screening).

Due to all the hype surrounding it I didn't really want to see it, never got caught up in the whole frenzy. I do think they did an awesome job on promoting it, congrats to them, but not only for their marketing but for also making one excellent film. It felt so real and you are really put into the middle of the action, as if you are one of them, which is excellent, something that hasn't been achieved in film before (properly). It was exciting and uber scary but the realism of it all is what makes the film so great. If it wasn't filmed hand held then it would have defiantly lost the whole realism effect. I also realized at the end of the film that it doesn't have any music apart from background music at the party. The credits were a bit odd, it just sort of finished and the audience just looked at each other as if to say "is that it?", then half-way through the credits a bit of music played which was really odd, created a strange atmosphere within the cinema.

Anyways, I'll give it a rating of 5 out of 5, cause it loves it. Go see it!!
So I finally got round to seeing The Simpson's Movie and, like quite a few others I know, thought it was pretty ****ty.

I laughed a few times and that was about it really. It's a shame as I used to love The Simpsons but I think it has gone on for too long and the movie has pretty much killed The Simpsons.

So I'll give it a 4/10.
^With you there David, I thought it pretty much sucked.

Curse you Peep, beat me to it again! #-o Although you seem to have watched Cloverfirled :p.

So yes I just got back from Cloverfield too. This review will be fairly simple, to match the film!

The first 20 mins - sub-Hollyoaks nonsense (i.e. cheesy teen TV drama).

The remaining 50 mins (short film this) - excellent in-your-face action. Good pacing, great effects, really immersive.

However the main characters (especially the men) are pretty tiresome and vacuous, which doesn't help you feel that much empathy for their plight and undermines the tension (apart from one nicely emotional scene on the mobile (no spoilers)).

But essentially there's NO plot and NO character development, which is why as Peep says the film just ends - it's got nowhere to go.

Would it have killed them to try that *little* bit harder and put some plot in, give it some meat? Lazy, and a shame when it's so effective otherwise.

Really this is the equivalent of a particularly tasty but simple chinese meal - great while you're eating it, but you're hungry again soon after.


[BTW, was it me or was the Hellboy II trailer before it REALLY badly edited?]
I thought Cloverfield was awesome. It never got boring and was just easy to enjoy. Unfortunately I couldn't say the same for Sweeney Todd. It had a few good bits, but I often found myself having to force myself to pay attention to it, it was just a little dull.

Also, the trailers for Iron Man and Star Trek were the sex.