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Just been to see Cloverfield, and it was incredible.

I love the way they've made it seem that you are actually there, experiencing it all. Excellent use of special effects. Good choice of actors aswell, it makes it more realistic to see completely new faces.

I hope there is a sequel, perhaps the same night from another perspective? Or the aftermath, because the creature is still alive. When they whisper "Help us" at the end, if you play it backwards it says "It's still alive."

I'm also impressed at the film's marketing, one neat trick is that the characters all have MySpace accounts which haven't been accessed since that fateful day.

One thing that is bugging me is some people are passing comments on how the battery life lasted 7 hours - when in reality the actual filming was 74 minutes; which a camcorder is more than capable of.

I too just came back from seeing Cloverfield and I thought it was brilliant.

I was worried that the whole character POV thing would detract from the movie, but it didn't in the slightest. All the scenes were shown just as I would've expected them to, so I wasn't left thinking "move the camera!" or anything.

The monster was unique, and the whole film was just great.

And you know, I actually liked the ending. It was completely unexpected, but when I thought about it, it worked really well.


The J.J. Abrams directed Star Trek trailer before the film looked interesting, but I was a tad disappointed that it was gonna be a Star Trek film, but I'll still probably see it! An interesting cast it'll have too by the looks of it, including Zach Quinto, Eric Bana, Simon Pegg and Leonard Nimoy of course.
Well I've just watched Cloverfield AGAIN! :D
Really grown to like this film now, and it really does feel like it has happened and your watching footage that someone left for others to know the true story of what happened.
The lighting effects were usd perfectly, but the moments that tried to make you jump seemed like they were trying too hard and kind of spoiled the effect.
Anyway excellent film and gets a perfect.

*Oh and I too like the ending, it makes a change to the usual predicatble endings that almost all films have.* :D
To quote the mighty ron gilbert (highlight to read):

Cloverfield is a great movie because a bunch of whiny self-absorbed twenty-something New York hipsters that live in apartments no one can afford all die. For those of you working on your term papers dealing with film deconstruction and plot subtext for your Understanding Film class, let me break it down for you. The whiny hipsters all represent whiny hipsters we hate. The monster is metaphor for a giant monster, and the shallow asshole good looking people all die because they should.
There. I saved you an evening in the library.
Sounds like exactly the reason I loved Starship Troopers. Everyone I ever wanted to die or be hurt in programs like 90210 are!

Even better, I cheered in Blair Witch when they finally all bought the farm! I couldn't wait for the lot fo them to end up a sausage meat. So Cloverfield sounds right up my alley!

If it turns out to be Cthulhu, I'll be even more chuffed, if it doesn't, huge monsters are fine in whatever form as long as they're killing people I hate!

Definitely going off to see it on Monday in Eastbourne now! :)
Good thing your going in Eastbourne furie, the Hastings cinema is crap. I only use it for convenience.

Got around to watching Wild Hogs last night, after trying to see it for about a year. I thought it was pretty good, but ended kinda strangely IMO. Thought the extreme makeover thong on the credits was hilarious though.
Slayed said:
^Seconded, Starship Troopers is awesome :p.

Shall be watching Cloverfield and No Country For Old Men this week, but last night I caught up with one of the films stacked-up on my Sky+ box, Lady in the Water.

I wanted to see if it was a bad as the reviews made out. If anything it's worse! ATROCIOUS film, what the hell was Shyamallamalan thinking! It was funny though, despite trying to be serious XD.

Its M. Night Shyamalan, its bound to be dire. Unbreakable was unwatchable...

Saw No Country for Old Men myself too last week. Its a cross between a really cool film, and being a little bit cheesy almost. There's lots of suspense, very little action, and yes, it does have a pretty cryptic ending, but still I liked it. Just don't go expecting a big budget action thriller, its not your typical Hollywood blockbuster. Its up for Oscars so that usually excludes it from 'generic blockbuster' territory anyway.

I've never seen Tommy Lee Jones more at home than wearing a stetson in an american desert though.
Slayed said:
Curse you Peep, beat me to it again! #-o

You should know me by now :p Then again with no job at the mo I can go see films when no one else can...makes for awesome viewing (apart from the cloverfield screening which was full of film students).

I can sort of understand some of the criticism of the movie regards to no real storyline, but to be honest the film is meant to be different, it wasn't trying to be like every other movie made, so in other words, doesn't need much of a plot (a bit like snakes on a plane). It was made to shock the audience by putting them into the action (which the hand held camera-style defiantly gave it), into the position that the movie's characters were in.

I also have to add that there were some truly jumpy moments which had some great tension building up to them. It would be nice to also know wtf was going on (e.g. more info on the monster) but I suppose the whole idea is that it can keep audiences guessing so then they can reveal more in sequels (although they have been confirmed it will still be a long time until we see number 2).

Anyways, last night I finally got to sit down to watch Superbad again. I do like this film, its just a nice lol comedy about geeky teenagers who want to get laid. The main reason I love it though is because of the cops who escort Fogul around, they are brilliant, they produce most of the laughs and I'm glad they put an extra on the DVD of extra sketches with them. If you want a good laugh, watch this!
US Marshalls

Not a new one, but one I haven't seen before. It was on the tube last night. Pretty good film, although a bit lengthy, shows how peoples views can change.

The main reason I love it though is because of the cops who escort Fogul around, they are brilliant, they produce most of the laughs and I'm glad they put an extra on the DVD of extra sketches with them.

Lol, have you watched the gag reel for that movie? The one cop must say "I'm sorry I blocked your c-o-c-k" to McLovin about fifty times before doing it without laughing.


Linkage if you wanna see it :p .

Anyway, I bought "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" today at the store after a pretty embarassing experience at the cash register. Some stupid beeper went off and then she kept asking me for an I.D. and then she took the movie away from me and told me I was too young. But in the end I got it, so I'll probably watch it tonight or something.
Just saw A Knights Tale on film4. Haven't seen it in ages. It is still an awesome film, very funny and full of decent action. This is one of the reasons why its a shame that Heat is gone. He was awesome in this.
Seen a couple of films recently.

Sixth Sense (once more) on Friday. I love this film - it's so cathartic. It just bobs along in an easy going fashion, with some lovely camera work and good acting. It had some decent scares too when I first saw it, but now it's just a nice film to watch every so often. The rest of his stuff is just as well filmed, but the scripting isn't good enough, and the films are more tedious.

Last night though I watched TMNT! I was dreading it, as I've seen so many kiddie/hero films remade and utterly ruined. They're just so cliched and formulaic. TMNT didn't disappoint there, but there was something good about it. The mood of the film, and the artwork was superb. It was really lovely to watch at times, I just loved the imagery. Okay, it's stil la rubbish kids film at heart, they'd not managed to do the successful cross between kids and adult filming, but I still enjoyed it for what it was :)
I now it's not a recent film but I watched 'The Knightmare before Christmas' the other day.
I've heard some pretty good comments about it so sat down to watch it. I thought it was crap, the songs lasted WAAAYYY TOOOO LOOONNNGG!!! and the plot was just boring.
Can't see how anyone liked this.
Tim Burton you've dissapointed me with another musical AGAIN!. :x
3/10 (only becasue I like the theme music). ;)
They had to many people on working today at work so I got sent home and went to see Cloverfield. I was nervous that this wouldn't live up to the hype and be quite **** like I am Legend but thankfully it wasn't. It was brilliant and for such a short film it felt really long which was great.

I thought the shaky camera thing might put me off the film but it really doesn't. It actually adds allot more to the film. I was also quite surprised how many times we got to see the monster as I thought it would only show it for like a second.

Overall a brilliant film and I would definitely go see it again.
Jumping the cloverfield bandwagon


Best power rangers/voltron/godzilla movie EVER!


Any way I freaking loved it. took a little bit to kick in but once it did it was nontop :O all they way through and I've never been in a nigh on dead silent movie theater before it was just eerie


At one point I though the creature looked the alien on the box art for Alien Breed


but NO! it was perfect at keeping you guessing what it looks like till needed


Coaster Ollie said:
I now it's not a recent film but I watched 'The Knightmare before Christmas' the other day.
I've heard some pretty good comments about it so sat down to watch it. I thought it was crap, the songs lasted WAAAYYY TOOOO LOOONNNGG!!! and the plot was just boring.
Can't see how anyone liked this.
Tim Burton you've dissapointed me with another musical AGAIN!. :x
3/10 (only becasue I like the theme music). ;)

How dare you slate such a classic. You also seem to be mislead in thinking that Burton made the film, he only wrote the book/poem and I think he might have been an executive producer too.

I love all the music in the film (actually have the soundtrack sitting in front of me as I type this :p ). Danny Elfman (the composer) done an amazing job on the music, its dark at times but then there are amazing, happy-like songs which I find uber catchy. I don't find the film that long, I do agree there is the odd moment where it really needs to move on but as a whole its an amazing film.

Oh well, everyones entitled to their own opinion :roll:

Btw, its nightmare, not knightmare :p
^ Agreed, NBC is one of the best films of the 90's. With the dark gothic theme its right up Burton's artistic style.

Danny Elfmans score and vocals in the lead role make the film almost his own as well.

Defo one of my favourite films ever.
Just watched National Treasure on DVD. I was a bit iffy about seeing this as I think Nicolas Cage is a terrible actor (just happens to be in a few good films). Unfortunately I love the look of the sequel (out Friday I believe) so I wanted to watch it in case of hints at stuff in the first film. I have to say I enjoyed it and it didn't slow down at all, always something going on. The film was very enjoyable and I'm so glad I watched it now. Obviously its not the best film ever made (stars Cage in it, thats a big loss of awesomeness) but its still a cool film to watch on a lazy afternoon :p

And for those of you who love ratings - 3/5