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I know this movie is old. I was watching Donni Darko today. It is a good movie. I recomend it.
^oh dude, that is like THE movie. I love that movie, so darkly twisted and beautifull. Yeah, well, now I've posted, I'd reccomend Donnie Darko.
I'm finding it hard to keep Phantom of the Opera out of my DVD for long. It's a truely great movie, with great music to boot, and it makes me cry.
^ Yeah it's a great movie, I watched it about 2 weeks ago on TV. It was a lot better and longer than I expected and it really made an impression on me (somehow) and made me think in(general) and thinking about the movie, like brainwash said. I do also recommend it.
^That one worried me when I saw the posters. It was screaming those two terrible words at me. 'Family' 'Comedy'. The posters make it look like the sort of thing that'll get shown on christmas day for ever more. After seeing the trailer though, it doesn't look too bad!
I'm quite intruiged by "It's all gone Pete Tong" I saw a couple of posters in bus stops around town so went on the Apple site to watch the trailer, it could be quite good.
^Looks really good actually. I hadn't even heard of it but it looks like great fun so I may just have to go see that.
Its made naught but 10 miles from my house, up on the hills! Yeeeeeeey!
Im with Bieger on this one, WAR OF THE WORLDS, i highly reccomend seeing it when it is released (june 29th)

Also some over favorable films coming out this year are,

Starwars episode 3: 2 days to go!!
Batman begins
Goblet of fire,
chronicles of narnia
^Not only is it Tim Burton, but it's Tim Burton, Danny Elfman & Johnny Depp. Them three back together again can never be a bad thing.

Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka is inspired casting too, I can't think of anyone who'd fit that role better.