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I just got back from Sweeny todd

To be honest I dont really know what to think of it


This is the first time i'v beeen writing a post out and thinking out loud with it at the same time.... its fun ^_^

any way

sweeny todd

well since it's musical I'ma gunna say... the music was actually really good. depp was quite a good singer as was every one else in the movie

What I wasnt expecting in the movie was quite a bit of humor

what I will say about the ending is

It ended too soon atually alot more happens than just that.

I'll give sweeny todd


do you have to leave

so many spaces

between your sentences?

Anyway, as for the Scary Movies, I agree that four was a bit crap compared to the second and third, but even so I felt it was better than one. I think the reason I didn't like the first one was because I didn't see a lot of the movies they spoofed.

I do think that two (if that's the one in the mansion) is my personal favourite, followed by three, four, and lastly, one.
Definately agree that 2 is the best there Tay.

To stay on topic, I bought my mum Edward Scissorhands on Saturday. Sat down and watched it with her earlier and I was shocked by the fact it was actually really good. Really good acting, good story and very original.

by the way kim, it's Sweeney not Sweeny.
Taylor.. do you have to post SO MUCH POINTLESS CRAP in each and every post which have almost nothing to do with the topic at hand?

As much as I spam, at least I keep it short and kinda on topic. You go way off and write a novel.

Both of you.. shush.


The Longest Yard.. saw the remake version of the classic earlier today.. I liked it.. better then the original IMO.

SnooSnoo said:
The Longest Yard.. saw the remake version of the classic earlier today.. I liked it.. better then the original IMO.


We all know the best version is the one with Vinnie Jones it.

He's well 'ard.
The Vinnie Jones version of Mean Machine is awesome. Espescially Omid Djalili (or how ever it's spelt) and Jason Statham.
I am Legend

It's pretty good, but it's not a, "OMGZZZ! I HAVE TO SEE DAT AGAINNNNN!!!!!!", movie, but it's still really good.

It was VERY suspenseful, and full of action. A few parts weren't so good, and the whole thing all-around didn't fit together that well.

Overall, 8.5/10
Can we ditch the scores out of ten and just have:

Watch it in cinema
Wait for dvd
wait for tv
download it for free
dont bother wasting your time on it (anything taylor likes)
Here's another one who's just seen Sweeney Todd.

I really liked it. Visually it's amazing, but Burton's stuff always is, the performances are excellent (acting at least, singing was just ok), and it's close enough to the stage musical that fans of the original should probably like it.

I was a bit disappointed that "The Ballad of Sweeney Todd" was changed into an instrumental piece (it's the best song from the musical), but I guess it did work better that way for the movie.


Watch it in the cinema.
Taylor.. do you have to post SO MUCH POINTLESS CRAP in each and every post which have almost nothing to do with the topic at hand?

As much as I spam, at least I keep it short and kinda on topic. You go way off and write a novel.

They were talking about the Scary Movies, so what's the big deal? You spam, I write novels, it's all the same. You can choose not to read it if you want :P .

I made my mom watch Superbad the other day and I'm pretty sure she'd rate it about a zero. Obviously has no sense of humour :lol: .
^thats probably because its in no way remotly funny lols. Each tot here own i presume but i just sat wondering when the funny bits where going to happen but they didnt so i wanted the hour and half of my life back hehehe:p
Yea, Superbad is really overrated. All the funny bits are in the trailer, and other than those it's just dull and drawn out.
Went to see AVP Requiem (cert 15)a week ago and it was good, more of the same Aliens and Predators fighting but with a hybrid!
It's an Alien with a Predator face, if you saw the last AVP you need to remember the very last scene as this one carries on from that.

This time they invade a small American town and reek havoc. They breed faster than before and don't need the face hugger to from breed anymore, they have evolved.

The only annoying part is even though it is Requiem, there is still a mystery that means we may not have seen the last of them.

Really good if you like gore.