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"Now Showing"

^hehe, whether it'll even happen though is still to be seen. The amount of times it's been cast and then all fallen apart now is silly. I think they should just give up. Then again they did release a blurb for it and it sounds like they are slightly changing the story, that'll probably anger fanbois even more than the casting tbh.
It doesn't need to exist, at all. We have the original Manga and the Movie, they both do their jobs and being kinda cult means they can't cash in on it.

Also there's only so much KANEDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! and TETSUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! you can take in a feature length film.
Re: "Now Showing"

Last I had heard about it was Leo DiCaprio was gonna play someone and Neo Tokyo was gonna be a major new york city (Manhattan I believe, maybe Brooklyn) thay Japan took over via the old kids with special abilities (never read the manga as it cost too much, only saw the movie. I know, Im lame) or something to that extent.

Switching between the hideouts'...
OMG looks prefect. I think they really did a good job on it. I'm going to be so pissed if we waited all those years for a piece of :censored:
Hobbit and Dark Knight Rises trailer in IMAX <3
Being screwed out of the prologue of DKR </3

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

I solely saw this for the DKR prologue, and I got shafted from it. I hate Tom Cruise with a passion, and while the movie was enjoyable, it wasn't worth the ticket price. Rental yes, theater no. But IMAX is amazing.

Re: "Now Showing"

kimahri said:
The manga is only $16 per volume...

Edit: I think...

Yea...you mean the smaller editions, right? The only time I have found it was when it was put into a giant book that was like, 30-40 bucks due to it being a special limited edition or some stupid jazzy whatnots.

Story short, I was young, didnt have the money to get it, and mommy saw the price and pulled me away.

Switching between the hideouts'...

Intricks said:
kimahri said:
The manga is only $16 per volume...

Edit: I think...

Yea...you mean the smaller editions, right? The only time I have found it was when it was put into a giant book that was like, 30-40 bucks due to it being a special limited edition or some stupid jazzy whatnots.

Story short, I was young, didnt have the money to get it, and mommy saw the price and pulled me away.

Switching between the hideouts'...

I lied, $24.99 per volume. times that by 6 and then you realise this super special limited edition is cheaper...
The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

I really liked the book (though it's not the work of genius that many people make it out to be just because the author's dead), and I liked the original Swedish film version, so not sure why I went to see this really, other than "it was about to come on" when I sashayed up to the cinema.

Maybe I wanted to do that really c**tish thing that everyone does with remakes. You know, those "OMG I can't believe they did an American version of The Ring! The (practically identical) Japanese version is, and therefore I am, much better" kind of things.

I can't do that because I preferred this one to the Swedish one, apart from Daniel Craig, who's never appropriate. It was a "long" film, but I'd rather have that than skip over too much or try to shoe-horn too much into a shorter film. Anyway, it was really good. The lead actress (Rooney Mara) is excellent, as are the rest of the cast (Joely Richardson <3). Just a shame they had to cast Daniel Craig, but I guess they wanted a "big" name in it to sell it better.

Sherlock Holmes - Whatever The Subtitle for the New One is

Meh, to be honest. It looks great. It's a fun film. There's no story. It's watchable and fun though; I can't knock it for that.
^Hmm, still not sure if I should see Girl with the tattoo or not. After reading your post I'm a bit more tempted to. I agree about Daniel Craig, he just bores me.

So anyways, I went to see Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol at the BFI IMAX in London last night.

I loathe the first three but with Brad Bird at the helm and a preview of The Dark Knight Rises, how could I resist? Well, I was not expecting 2 hours of fantastic action scenes, it was really enjoyable, the use of IMAX shots to really show of some of the vast, spectacular landscapes was really cool and more immersive than 3D. I thought the cast were pretty good and I liked the fact it was all rather simple and easy to follow and they weren't trying to look cool by making it all sound complicated. Oh and it was really funny, actually wasn't expecting that. The action scenes really are amazing too, I'd heard that the hotel scene in the middle of the film is better than just everything, they really weren't lying, just wow. Due to the nature of my day job there were things that annoyed me like loads of scenes being totally out of focus and some dodgy CGI (I'm looking at you, big explosion scene in Moscow). But yeah, totally worth giving it a try. Yay for Brad Bird.

Rating: 4.5/5

For peeps wondering about the Dark Knight Rises proglogue. Well, I saw the trailer first online the other week and wasn't impressed, just felt weird. This prologue gave me the same feeling, it just doesn't feel like either of the other Nolan Batman films. Oh and you really can't understand what Bane is saying, tbh it doesn't help there is some ridiculous amount of bass coming out of the speakers at the same time due to the nature of the scene and the soundtrack. I think they've tried to start with (well, I assume this is how the film starts) a scene that sets up the way the villian works like they did with the Joker in the last one but whereas that was just cool, this just felt like, I dunno, they were trying too hard to be cool.

Hmm, jury is defo out for this third flick, it was always going to be tricky for Nolan to deliver a third film that comes anywhere near the excellence of the first two but I am a bit worried that he has failed.
Just watched Tron for the first time. I had already seen Tron: Legacy, so I had mixed expectations. On one hand, the original movie enjoys a certain status, on the other, the way the sequel treated computer lingo made me brace for bad research.

What can I say? First of all, the likeness to computers is, simply put, terrible. The plot is all "evil this-and-that" with computer related terms thrown in seemingly at random. The way the film talks about programs and searching and games and whatnot is simply cringeworthy. I know the film was made in an era where computers still were mysterious boxes filled with magic, but it hasn't aged well at all. I might be cynic and not see the movie for what it is meant to be, but all I see is a regular family action film full of jumbling words and sentences taken from a beginner's guide to computers, that the writers apparently didn't even bother reading. The bit was a nice touch, though.
peep said:
^Hmm, still not sure if I should see Girl with the tattoo or not. After reading your post I'm a bit more tempted to. I agree about Daniel Craig, he just bores me.

So anyways, I went to see Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol at the BFI IMAX in London last night.

I loathe the first three but with Brad Bird at the helm and a preview of The Dark Knight Rises, how could I resist? Well, I was not expecting 2 hours of fantastic action scenes, it was really enjoyable, the use of IMAX shots to really show of some of the vast, spectacular landscapes was really cool and more immersive than 3D. I thought the cast were pretty good and I liked the fact it was all rather simple and easy to follow and they weren't trying to look cool by making it all sound complicated. Oh and it was really funny, actually wasn't expecting that. The action scenes really are amazing too, I'd heard that the hotel scene in the middle of the film is better than just everything, they really weren't lying, just wow. Due to the nature of my day job there were things that annoyed me like loads of scenes being totally out of focus and some dodgy CGI (I'm looking at you, big explosion scene in Moscow). But yeah, totally worth giving it a try. Yay for Brad Bird.

Rating: 4.5/5

For peeps wondering about the Dark Knight Rises proglogue. Well, I saw the trailer first online the other week and wasn't impressed, just felt weird. This prologue gave me the same feeling, it just doesn't feel like either of the other Nolan Batman films. Oh and you really can't understand what Bane is saying, tbh it doesn't help there is some ridiculous amount of bass coming out of the speakers at the same time due to the nature of the scene and the soundtrack. I think they've tried to start with (well, I assume this is how the film starts) a scene that sets up the way the villian works like they did with the Joker in the last one but whereas that was just cool, this just felt like, I dunno, they were trying too hard to be cool.

Hmm, jury is defo out for this third flick, it was always going to be tricky for Nolan to deliver a third film that comes anywhere near the excellence of the first two but I am a bit worried that he has failed.

I'm just ignoring the MI4 part because it was not that good, enjoyable, yes, but not amazing. But I'm sorry, anyone with the ability to hear can understand Bane, he is very easy to understand if you listen closely. That is how Bane is supposed to be, not how he was done before. And the clips shown in the trailer have no sequence of events, clearly since they say Gotham is in a state of peace, and then they show the prison outbreak shortly after. I'm quite upset I saw a spoiler for the movie, but it ties the trailer in so much better and makes so much more sense. Never doubt Nolan. Never.

You are the first person I have heard say it looks meh, and everyone I know can understand Bane just fine, but if you can't, Nolan said he doesn't mind people going to see it a few times.
tomahawKSU said:
. Never doubt Nolan. Never.

This is key.

I thought Heath Ledger was a bad idea.

Then I thought a film set around going into dreams sounded gimmicky and crap.

Then I gave up doubting Nolan.

You are the first person I have heard say it looks meh, and everyone I know can understand Bane just fine, but if you can't, Nolan said he doesn't mind people going to see it a few times.

Yeah, if you actually listen to him, he's easy to understand. I like it. He's got a **** muzzle thing on, of course he's gonna be a bit trickier to understand.

Also, Anne Hathaway smashed any doubts I had about her in that one dialogue.

Also, I watch that trailer, like, daily. I think it looks AMAZING. I don't see any difference in tone from the other two?

Still speculating about what Marion Cotillard is actually going to DO in it though. Anyone else think she'd make a great Talia Al Ghul, and what with her character having an obviously fake name at this point, and Liam Nesson being in the first teaser trailer, and all the pit imagery in the trailers (Lazarus Pit, anyone)... I would stab at, Bane breaks Batman's back, the Al Ghuls take him to the Lazarus Pit, ???, profit?
I'm actually upset that they are cleaning up Bane's voice. Total garbage. Ben, you are spot on about MArion Cotillard, it was confirmed, and then taken back less than an hour after that she IS going to be Talia Al Ghul. Thankfully I saw a friend post the link, so I clicked on it, it worked, went to my brothers computer to show him the link, and then it was no longer working. Tom Hardy is going to be an amazing Bane. Simple as that. And from what I have read about Anne Hathaway as Catwoman and how she has modeled the character, she is going to steal this movie. Can't wait to see that suit on an IMAX screen though, still can't get over the fact that by bending over she ripped the suit something like 15 times in the first 2 weeks of filming. <3
tomahawKSU said:
Ben, you are spot on about MArion Cotillard, it was confirmed, and then taken back less than an hour after that she IS going to be Talia Al Ghul.

See, I should be writing these things :p

Tom Hardy is going to be an amazing Bane. Simple as that.

Yeah. This really.

And from what I have read about Anne Hathaway as Catwoman and how she has modeled the character, she is going to steal this movie. Can't wait to see that suit on an IMAX screen though, still can't get over the fact that by bending over she ripped the suit something like 15 times in the first 2 weeks of filming. <3

Haha, she looks amazing in it. But, other than her formidable assets, just the way she hisses that line into Bruce's ear seems to get the essence of Selina down in about ten seconds. I LOVE IT <3
^^ It's also the Goddamn Batman. Has there ever been a Batman movie that has been unenjoyable to watch, regardless of the actual quality of the movie.
tomahawKSU said:
But I'm sorry, anyone with the ability to hear can understand Bane, he is very easy to understand if you listen closely.

[quote="peep]really can't understand what Bane is saying, tbh it doesn't help there is some ridiculous amount of bass coming out of the speakers at the same time due to the nature of the scene and the soundtrack. [/quote]

Yeah, re-read what I wrote. He was hard to understand (and like, the entire audience was reacting the same way as me) because there was some ridiculous amount of bass due to the nature of the scene (don't want to spoil for those that haven't seen it). Bane's voice is pretty much all bass too which meant the clarity between the sound effects, score and Bane's voice was just a jumbled mess, hence why no-one in the audience could understand the majority of what he was saying. Maybe it was just the way that cinema's audio is set up?

Everything he says in the trailer I can understand perfectly fine, it was just that viewing of the scene I just couldn't understand whatsoever. They still have ages left to work on the post so it's clearly not the final mix yet anyway.

I agree that Anne Hathaway will be an epic catwoman but then again I think I was the only peep that didn't doubt that casting choice. Oh and yeah, that one line of dialogue from her in the trailer was definitely amazing.