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Urgh, it's so annoying, all the cinemas I go to aren't showing Moneyball so I'm going to have to pay silly amounts to see it at either a dirty Vue cinema or pay to travel to somewhere too far out of my way.

Anyway I've been watching some 'classics' on DVD for the first time today. I started off with John Hughes movie, Pretty in Pink. I enjoyed it, a lot better than The Breakfast Club (still don't understand the hype around that).

Then I watched Breakfast at Tiffanys. Really enjoyed this film, totally wasn't what I was expecting. It was quite wacky and different which is what I really liked about it.

I ended today with There's no business like show business. It was alright, I found a fair few of the musical numbers quite boring and a bit OTT tbh. Overall I enjoyed it.

Oh and I finally watched Stand by me on blu-ray the other week (don't think I posted about it). I quite liked it. Also watched Horrible Bosses on blu-ray last night, still hilarious.
Lain said:

Ace. :)

Right, finally got to see it the other day. I was a bit disappointed by it, didn't really engage me. Maybe it's because I know nothing about Baseball so 90% of the lingo about the game I didn't understand? Not sure, just can't put my finger on it, I wanted to love it but just couldn't. It all felt very average at best.

Rating: 3/5

Also saw Happy Feet 2 the other day in 3D.

I quite liked the first one apart from the whole 'this whole film is subtley to tell kids about global warming', well this film was very similar with some added hints about oil spills and some new pointless characters like Bill and Will the Krill (see what they did there? Very clever). Overall it's a fun family film if a little dark at times, the scene with the birds I think will distress some kids and maybe some adults that have a fear of birds thanks to the Hitchcock film. Apart from that it's all rather familiar ground with some amazing animation (interesting that they used real people in the first film and CGI peeps in this) and some very decent 3D. The end credits deserve some praise too, nice to see something unique, must have been a pain to make though.

Rating: 4/5
Just watched The Secret of Kells

What a beautifully animated film! every shot has such incredible art direction. With a lovely story and beautiful music, throughly enjoyed it. I'm not suprised it was nominated for an oscar. And you can watch the entire film on youtube!

Bridesmaids - Yeah, not as funny as people were making it out to be. And it went on for **** ing EVER.

Bad Teacher - Had its moments. Just not many of them. A bit **** really.
Puss in Boots

I went into the cinema just expecting this to be decent but it was actually very good. It had a very good, enticing storyline that was a little predictable at times. It was very funny aswell but at times made me realise how much I miss having a cat.

Black Beauty

This isn't my style of film at all but it was on TV and my mum wanted to watch it so I was pretty much dragged into watching it. It was actually pretty decent that was pretty emotional at times. It dragged on and on and on though. At one point, I thought it was coming to end and it carried on for another hour!
Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted


Personally I think Dreamwork's is running out of idea's



And Hasbro is still trying to milk money, oh and it stars Rihanna :roll: </3
Haha, Battleship looks awful.

As if they spite the amazing Bank of China building in Hong Kong <///3

And Rihanna seems to have as much personality as always. That is, the same as a piece of lettuce.

Just looks like Transformers tbh. But, the toys don't have the following that did, so people won't be nostalgia-blinded to how crap the film itself is. Hopefully.
Transformers is amazing! (But horrible on the scale or regular films, just good to watch when you want to shut your brain off)

Yeah, Battleship looks awful, doesn't mean I won't see it, I will be rooting for Rihanna to get round house kicked in the face, here is to Chris Brown making a cameo.

Madagascar 3, just kill it already. Give me Kung Fu Panda 3 and How to Train your Dragon 2 already.
So, saw two films today. First up was The deep blue sea

It was as depressing as a coldplay concert. The acting, direction, score and the way it was all shot was fantastic though. However my viewing of it was ruined by being in a bit of a depressing mood already, people coming in during the film and talking and seeing lots of mice running around which I thought was disgusting. So yeah, fantastic film if very depressing.

Rating: 4/5

Next up was Puss in Boots in 3D.

Not a fan of Dreamworks, especially the Shrek franchise. My hopes were a little up as it features the best character from the other films. Yeah, that didn't stop it from being turd on a stick. Just didn't find it funny at all apart from a few moments where cats chase lights but if I wanted to watch that I could just go on youtube. The 3D was a bit meh too, I think there were two, maybe three scenes where it was actually noticeable. It also relied heavily on adult jokes which I think can be ok if it's mixed in with child friendly ones but it got to the point where I just thought it was inappropriate. Yeah, this is yet another example as to why I'm not a fan of Dreamworks.

Rating: 2/5
Seen more. Hugo in 3D.

I felt it took a while to get going but once it all started coming together it became a great film. Film buffs will be able to work out what's going on quite early and when a certain name is revealed I made a little noise of geekery which made my Sister look at me in an odd way :p The 3D was spectacular but it was alright. The cast were really good and as I say, once it gets going it becomes a great family adventure flick.

Rating: 3/5

Sherlock Holmes: A game of shadows

I really loved the first one and this film manages to completely top it. The cast are epic, the story is entertaining and clever and it's just great fun. The ending was great, I'm not going to say any more than that but yeah, just, wow, what a way to end a film. This is clearly a must-see for everyone.

Rating: 5/5
^How dare you dislike Dreamworks, so much better than Pixar. Kung Fu Panda and How to Train Your Dragon **** all over EVERY Pixar movie...besides Toy Story franchise.

Sherlock Holmes 2

Enjoyable, Robert Downey Jr. is awesome, but I felt it was missing something...oh yeah, the new Dark Knight Rises trailer before it! I got screwed and had to look at Rihanna's face begging to get round house kicked. Fail
I'm going to pretend I didn't see your bit about Dreamworks and Pixar.

Was the DKR trailer meant to be before Holmes? Interesting, I saw the film at a cinema that shows more independent/specialist films (no idea why they got Holmes tbh) so we just got some trailers for films along those lines.

I know that at certain IMAX cinemas they're showing the first 5 minutes of the film before Mission Impossible 4. Maybe they just didn't get the trailer ready in time for this week? I'm sure it'll appear online at some point anyway.

Oh and a film shouldn't be frowned upon purely because they didn't show a particular trailer beforehand.
tomahawKSU said:
^How dare you dislike Dreamworks, so much better than Pixar. Kung Fu Panda and How to Train Your Dragon **** all over EVERY Pixar movie...besides Toy Story franchise.

Uh, no.
peep said:
I'm going to pretend I didn't see your bit about Dreamworks and Pixar.

Was the DKR trailer meant to be before Holmes? Interesting, I saw the film at a cinema that shows more independent/specialist films (no idea why they got Holmes tbh) so we just got some trailers for films along those lines.

I know that at certain IMAX cinemas they're showing the first 5 minutes of the film before Mission Impossible 4. Maybe they just didn't get the trailer ready in time for this week? I'm sure it'll appear online at some point anyway.

Oh and a film shouldn't be frowned upon purely because they didn't show a particular trailer beforehand.

Yeah, it was meant to be shown before Holmes. They had two showing at the theater I went to, and it was on the print, but they didn't have Battleship (lucky) or Rock of Ages. I know several people who saw the trailer with the movie. Yeah, there is a 7 minute prologue before MI4 that won't be with the actual movie. Both are online now, but have horrible quality and I don't want to try and suffer through them. I tried to suffer through the trailer, but once they showed the city and it was a giant blur, I turned it off. It is supposed to hit the web, HD version, on Monday. I'm going to see MI4 on Wednesday so hopefully it is bearable as I despise Tom Cruise.
Film buffs will be able to work out what's going on quite early and when a certain name is revealed I made a little noise of geekery which made my Sister look at me in an odd way

Porter? I thought the movie was meant to be about him or something.

I really want to see it but a lot of people have told me it's confusing and has no real point. But it just really intrigued me when I saw the trailer.

Madagascar is fab so shush to whoever doesn't like it. And I hated the first Sherlock.
Like several before me I saw Sherlock Holmes 2

Like peep said the first one was awesome and this managed to top it. Absolutely fantastic, completely epic, and just a really well done film.


Regarding the trailers, I did see the new DKR trailer (it's actually supposed to be released with the prologue that comes out with MI4, but obviously not XD), where we get some good battle scenes and several shots of Bane, and just overall sexiness. I also got Rock Of Ages (which is what I wanna see purely cuz it's the music I grew up with) and Battleship (which looks ridiculously stupid).
Not really something thats being shown now but it is about a movie so it seems to fit here.

Been looking at the people they've been trying to cast in the Live Action Akira. If some of them actually get a part I'm flying to America, punching the casting director, the actors and everyone else related to it.