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Mine's on the DVD shelf. I know exactly where it is :p

Top film, and everyone should know where their copy is ;)
It should be on the shelf but we have looked everywhere and its lost :(

Going to buy it again when I get paid thats for sure.
Asda had a double pack of both films for a few quid the other week. You could buy it and just toss out number 2 :)
furie said:
Top film, and everyone should know where their copy is ;)

Agreed, it is a good film. I don't own it on DVD, something I do own though is...

...Shoot 'em up. Which I watched for the first time earlier.

It is a dire film. There is nothing good about it, utter trash, glad I didn't pay much for it.

Rating: 1/5
^I thought it was a great film if you took it for what it was.. killing people.

The plot was.. meh.. very meh though.
Watched Batman: The Dark Knight for the first time since I saw it once at the cinemas and I must say that Heath Ledger deserved his Oscar.

I still stand by my opinion that it's a great film, great plot for a comic book movie and just pretty decent in general.

Doesn't get a 10 though, so 9.5/10
furie said:
1) Snoo is right. Balls to historical accuracy if it makes a good film (Kevin Costner Robin Hood springs to mind). Sadly, Pearl Harbour was a bad film

To quote Team America:

I miss you more then Michael Bay missed the mark
When he made Pearl Harbor
I miss you more than that movie missed the point
And that’s an awful lot girl
And now, now you’ve gone away
And all I’m trying to say is
Pearl Harbor sucked, and I miss you

I need u like Ben Affleck needs acting school
He was terrible in that film
I need u like Cuba Gooding needed a bigger part
He’s way better than Ben Affleck
And now all I can think about is your smile
and that ****ty movie too
Pearl Harbor sucked and I miss you

Why does Michael Bay get to keep on making movies?
I guess Pearl Harbor sucked
Just a little bit more than I miss you
Corpse Bride

Got it for five bucks in a bargain bin at Walmart which was pretty good considering it was like twelve dollars at HMV. I had wanted to see it since it came out but I never got around to it, so when my mom brought it home, I had to give it a go!

I actually quite liked it; not overly long, straight, to the point, good animation, and a different storyline. Burton sure does make some good films!

^Yes, Burton is awesome, there is no denying that fact.

Just watched The Untouchables on DVD.

It was ok but nothing amazing.

Rating: 3/5
Sometimes peep, I think you're awesome, but then you fail.

Untouchables is brilliant... I reviewed it about 30 pages back. Actually, it's aged really badly and when I was 15 I didn't realise how dreadful Kevin Costner was, or pathetic Sean Connery dying was. However, I still think there are some utterly superb shots (the train station and the baby and the baseball bat scene) and the soundtrack is one of the last of the "over the top, we are making a SERIOUS movie" soundtracks.
^Lol, yeah the soundtrack is rather like 'hey, I'm like over here being all epic and that'. The baseball scene was great, knew what was coming but it was good. I think there were moments where it had aged badly and that's what kinda put me off, for example *spoiler* when the guy falls from the building.

It didn't really surprise me that it was the same director as Scarface, that film was bad, I felt like I was Alex in a clockwork orange with a metal contraption forcing my eyes open to watch it.
I think my friend who I borrowed the DVD off hyped it up too much and then I watched it when I was tired, didn't help. The only good thing I remember is the classic scene near the end at the mansion.

I thought the concept sounded cool at first, but it seemed like one of those movies that would sound cool, but would turn out soo far fetched and ridiculous in the end. I was very wrong, actually! They took a good idea, pulled it off very well, and I was actually on the edge of my seat for most of the movie. The thing I dislike about modern movies is the amount of computer generated graphics they use, but in this it reallly works up until the (SPOILER-end where the aliens/angels come-SPOILER). Other than that though, there are some scenes that just left me shocked, and the last scene of NYC was incredible.

It wasn't just an action movie like, "oh my God look at that guy getting shot haw haw", it actually had a good storyline, decent character development, and it really made me think about the world, the universe, and the human race.

peep said:
I think my friend who I borrowed the DVD off hyped it up too much and then I watched it when I was tired, didn't help. The only good thing I remember is the classic scene near the end at the mansion.

Yeah, it's not as good as the hype. You also need to love that gangster type of film, which I'm not keen on.

However, the direction (in both films) is superb. They're those films you can enjoy if you love over the top bloody violence, or if you're watching for how well made they are.

Both are beautifully shot films which is what attracted them to me... And probably the fact I was 15 when watching them and didn't know better :p
Saw Lesbian Vampire Killers despite my sister telling me it was crap. It was actually very funny, I laughed loads and although it was trying a little bit to be like Shaun of the Dead with the editing and stuff, it still managed to stay original.

So sister was wrong, I shouldn't have listened to her anyway as she thinks 28 Days Later is crap =]
Just watched Stolen Kisses.

A French film by Francois Truffaut, it was really random. I loved the old spy, he was classic, had me in fits of laughter. It was ok, had some very funny moments, but in classic French style, it didn't make much sense and was just some random stuff put together.

Rating: 3/5

A very interesting film, if a bit slow but it works and creates and gripping storyline. Very well shot. Especially in the 2 intense scenes it has. It really is one to see on the big screen and I really do like it.

It sort-of touches on the idea of creation. It does make you think of the world you live in more.

The number thing kinda reminds me of my real life! But I won't go into that...

9/10. In Short, Worth Seeing.
^Good, I've been looking foward to Knowing (despite the Cage Factor). I've been deliberately avoiding any kind of spoilers though :).

Update time:

In Bruges
Finally caught up with this. I love watching films with great scripts, it makes things so much more pleasant! Basically a two-hander between Colin Farrell and Brendon Gleeson as hitmen stuck in Bruges; both are great, the supporting cast are great, the dialogue is razor sharp, the swearing is fabulous, and every character is thoroughly reprehensible, lush :).

It does smack heavily of Sexy Beast though, especially Ralph Fiennes's role (good though he is), and also suffers from some odd cliched choices (one more for the "wait until main character arrives so you can say something meaningful with your dying breath" list).

7.5/10, loses out from the Sexy Beast comparison.

If this had been around before the Oscars, I'd have known Sean Penn was going to win.

Awesome acting by Penn and James Franco, and in fact the whole cast. The film very carefully documents the rise of Harvey Milk, the US gay rights movement and its political and social fight back against those who try to crush them.

Clever use of stock footage intercut with the drama reinforces the reality and impact of events, and shockingly reminds you just how recent it all is. Although it does teeter a bit close to being the gay Braveheart at times :lol:.

9/10, I thought it was excellent.

Where to start :?.

The graphic novel (aka comic) is revered, and I read it beforehand, so I'll start there. Fantastic though some of it is, I feel it tries too hard to be clever and significant; for me it's a flawed effort.

And therein lies the problem with the film. It slavishly follows the novel, is inevitably forced to drop some of the clever stuff, and what's left is all the flaws magnified and writ large for 160 minutes. It also fails to bring anything new to the Watchmen experience, raising the question, "Why bother?".

Technically it's visually well realised, and some parts are great - Rorsarch and Dr Manhattan in particular - but the dialogue frankly sucks, the women can't act, and it never manages to distill the novel down to a completely effective narrative. The changed ending is also far too clean, the make-up is awful and the comedy Nixon utterly off target.

BUT, if you haven't read the novel, you may well get much more enjoyment out of the film as you try to work out what the hell is going on with these nutters in this strange new world.

I don't think it will stand up to repeat viewing though - and the idea of the 4 hour version fills me with dread.

5/10 (extra point for trying).