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I actually really enjoyed Burn After Reading. It was quite typical Coen brothers, yeah, in that it was rather different to the norm. It was a very dark comedy, but very entertaining as well. Very atypical script for a comedy, or a spy film. Malkovich was the star of the show as you could predict, but everyone put on a good show. I think it was Tilda Swinton that said its all the more entertaining because all the main characters are just such awful people, you don't develop any sort of attachment to any of them. Probably the 2nd best film i've seen this year. 8/10.
^^Casino Royale was great! I thought the poker dragged on a bit, but it had decent pacing, good character work, and I preferred the injection of realism. I thought it was the best Bond since Goldeneye, not surprising since they share the same director.

As Peep already said, the main problem with QoS is that is has NO pacing at all, which makes it flat and boring (the super-quick in-yer-face editing carries some of the blame). That and the crappy script.

^The Coens seem to have an obsession with randomness, using it as their main tool for observing human behaviour. For me, the less randomness they use (or the more carefully they use it), the better the film, as it tends to come across as just lazy writing.

Hence I love O Brother Where Art Thou, Miller's Crossing and Blood Simple, enjoy The Big Lebowski or Intolerable Cruelty, admire No Country For Old Men (until the ending, although that came from the book) and The Man Who Wasn't There, struggle with Fargo and Barton Fink, and actively dislike The Hudsucker Proxy, Raising Arizona and Burn After Reading.

Mixed bag like :).
Ollie said:
^That's why don't enjoy the Daniel Craig Bond films.
They don't have the super cool gadgets that 007 should have and he doesn't make cheesy comments at things that happen.
They seem to forget that it's another Bond film. It would be fine if it was something else, but trying to continue on a successful franchise and then throwing it in your face is just stupid.
When I saw Casino Royale I kept forgetting that it was a 007 film I was watching, and they seemed more focussed on jumping to different countries around the world and blowing things up rather than concentrating on what makes a James Bond film what it is.

Thing is, they're kind of trying to go back to how they were written, and the first Connery films were much more serious too. We look on them as cheesy now, but at the time - they were serious drama.

Over the years, they've become more and more cheesy, and it's what people expect. However, the returns are diminishing as people go and see them, and are bored with "yet another Bond movie". So they're damned no matter what they do. Try and make it a serious film, and it's panned for not being bond enough. Make it a Bond film and it's panned for being a cheesy filled gadget fest.

I recommend they stop making them :)
I went to watch Burn After Reading with Mark, and actually, it being my first Coen bros. film, I really enjoyed it.

Perhaps it's just the fact I loved the stupid story it told, or just its obscure way of telling said story in a brilliant way that required the actors to be total idiots throughout.

Brad Pitt as a dumb blonde works suprisingly well, shockingly.

Malkovich was amazing, especially the scene in the car. It was amusing, in a shallow stupid-people-doing-stupid-things kind of way, but when it's Clooney doing it, then, well, I don't mind :p

There was some nice music too, and it didn't outwelcome its stay at a short 90ish mins.

Mark is wrong, but that's because he's an filmetist barsteward :p

EDIT: I realise days after writing this that I didn't give it an actual score... 7/10
Watched I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry last night. I do enjoy the comedy of Kevin James and also Adam Sandler.

Basically, it's about 2 firefighters, Chuck and Larry. Larry save's Chuck's life and must repay him through gay marriage which will enable Larry to get his pension for retirement.

I do kind of think the plot is diluted too much, if the storyline was more strongly based on the idea of two hetrosexual friends preparing for gay marriage more comedy would have come out of it. Nevertheless, there's quite a few laughs in this film, and 2 great comedians who make sure of it.

Apart from the focal storyline we have 2 seperate ones (if which mentioned would spoil the film to anyone) but all these storylines do contain some varied humour.

I think the film is worth a watch, but not a comedy classic.

^Ug, Adam Sandler can go hide in a cabinet full with scorpians. He is soooo lame, I don't understand why peeps like him, the only decent thing he is in is The Wedding Singer, I suppose Little Nicky was ok too, mainly down to Rhys Ifans though and a blind Tarentino :p

Anyways, last night I went to see French film OSS 117 - Cairo: Nest of spies.

Basically its Airplane! meets Pink panther meets Bond. As a result its the best comedy of the year (even though France got it back in 2005, lame). Now I found out its based on a series of books (just like Bond) but was made before Bond. Unlike Bond the film makers decided to keep the story in the 50s so the main character didn't have to lose any of his characteristics. Agent OSS 117 is very dumb and yet somehow solves the mission without really knowing he is doing so. The actor playing him was great and I can't wait to see the sequel thats in production at the mo. If you can, go see it!!

Rating: 4/5

Tonight I went with the family to see Ghost Town.

I think Ricky Gervais was great but there was something about this film that I just didn't enjoy. Maybe it was just a little too cringe-worthy for me at times. I suppose overall it was good but it was nothing special.

Rating: 3/5
peep said:
^Ug, Adam Sandler can go hide in a cabinet full with scorpians. He is soooo lame, I don't understand why peeps like him.

Hes funny, and unless you can convince just a few million fans I think that debate is overweighed. :wink:

****ing epic really. I loved it.. first time I've seen it all the way through in a long time.

I watched Airplane last night for the first time in like half a year... it's still the greatest comedy out there, in my opinion. So many great lines.
SnooSnoo said:
****ing epic really. I loved it.. first time I've seen it all the way through in a long time.


CedarPoint6 said:
I watched Airplane last night for the first time in like half a year... it's still the greatest comedy out there, in my opinion. So many great lines.

Correct x2 :)
Chorus Line

I dunno how I felt about this one; it was a decent movie, don't get me wrong, but it felt so incomplete and like it didn't have a good storyline. Like, the whole thing seemed to be getting juicy details from characters that the authors or whatever made no effort for us to get to know them beforehand, so it was like, it was hard to care about what they were saying when you didn't even get to know them. It's hard to explain, but yeah, it's worth a watch just not the best musical out there.

Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone.
Decided to watch this again as I was bored and I haven't seen it in years. It was actually pretty good still. It was funny to see all the actors all little children and sounding like they're on helium the whole time. :lol:
This films got what the other films lack. Magic.
It's all about how magical the film feels. In this one they have lots of things where you thing "hey that was pretty cool" or "I wish I could do that in real life". The rest seem to just speed through the books missing loads out and just more concerned about raking in the cash.
Just watched Octopussy.

Woop for classic Bond :D Its so cheesy and 80s but it does have a decent storyline and a decent villain.

Rating: 3/5
Donnie Brasco - 7/10

Hmmmmm, acting seems a little shoddy at times. First 15minutes is just laughable - you would never know Depp and Al Pacino were 'great actors'.
However, somehow the movie just sucks you into this really depressing story about 'Lefty' (Al). Although based on true events about the character Donnie Brasco/Joseph D. Pistone (Depp) you really get in touch with the Gangster Boss wannabe 'Lefty'.
You get a feel for the 'Mob life'.
Michael Madsen plays his usual self, hard man but slightly wooden acting - still a good performance.

This movie doesn't get more recognition hasn't been given the 'respect' it deserves. This really isn't just a Mob Gangster Movie. It's M&S....Well, its just great, bordering brillient, movie.
One of Al Pacino's best performances.

The Usual Suspects

Well, for only ever hearing "OMG, THE ENDING IS AMAZING"... the ending wasn't.

The whole film was a bit of a disappointment really, with no really stellar acting or direction or film making in any sort of sense, but the ending came along and rendered the whole film pointless anyway, so we can ignore the first 90 minutes and focus on the last five...

Um, OK... didn't help I'd figured it out anyway, and for a huge 'twist' it doesn't come out of nowhere (like The Prestige, Sixth Sense, Fight Club) because for the whole film you're trying to figure out who the guy they want is, and it turns out to be the only person you imagine it could be.

... so disappointing to say the least, with a twist that rendered the whole film pointless, a slight waste of my time, and basically, not worth more then 6/10.
Been a while since I last posted in this thread. Here's some movies I've seen (quite) recently:

Lost in translation: The 'plot' was ok, though a bit easy and predictable, which however suited the movie (style). There was a great atmosphere and l could identify with some of the themes there, which I guess made me like the movie a bit more. It had a few moments where it almost went too artsy or became almost pretentious in a way, luckily they 'didn't go there'. 8/10

Into the wild: A good. pretty strong 'road movie', made after a true story (well not entirely, but more than just been 'based on'.) with beautiful nature and some interesting ideas. The lead actor annoyed me at a few times, other than that I really don't have much to complain about. It was quite well-done. 8.5/10

Bourne Ultimatum: First of all I'm going to say that I'm a bit disappointed. Reason being, all the hype I had heard about this (and yes I have seen the first two Bourne's'..). It was exciting and a bit intense, I have to admit, but not as awesome as I've heard/read/seen people rave about it. Yes, I liked it and it's cool how he always 'gets through', by being smart etc. but also quite unrealistic at times, call me mr.boring, but some of those situations were too 'much for me' if you know what I mean. 7.8/10

Fight Club: I had been wanting to see why it's so well-liked. But, at school in a class one dude just spoiled the movie by asking the teacher a question, needless to say I was a bit pi$$ed off. Yeah given that I knew how it would end, it was a really good movie still, with good acting and some nice humour and decent story. I wasn't too fond of the very very ending (after the twist) though. 7/10 for the viewing (considering I knew how it ended). 8.5/10 if I hadn't.