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Ian said:
I hope everybody that was creaming over the Batman film has preordered it and will be getting their copy at midnight and then watching it on repeat for weeks to come.

So many people loved it so much, giving it rave reviews and 11/10's, I really hope you'll all be lining up for it the second it's released.

I haven't preordered (don't see the point) it but I will be getting the Blu Ray release on day of release!
nadroJ said:
I seriously seriously advise you to save your money and download it or something. It's really not worth it. And how the hell are you two gonna get it anyway? =]

*Edit* Just IMDB'd Kevin Smith, that guy is huge!
I can safely say I disagree with you about zack and miri. Thought it was just as good as most of smith's films and better than most of Rogan's.
And getting in was easy.
bigjohn - I meant the guy is a big big guy and yeah I recognised him after I saw a picture of him.

John91 - I suppose we have completely differnt tastes then my friend =]
I finally watched the latest Indiana Jones last night.

I thoroughly enjoyed it. As far as film goes it fulfilled every quota that I was expecting from it. Funny where appropriate, good action sequences, reasonable storyline etc.

If you want to sit and just enjoy a bit of a no brainer it is a great feel good movie. I thouroughly enjoyed it! :)

Some of the CGI was a bit shaky but meh, I dont like CGI anyways

All in all I give it an 8/10
Tropic Thunder

Well.. it sucked.. I'm just happy I rented it for free or I might have been pissed. The occasional laugh.. every 20 minutes.. was about all I got from it.



A small, independent film I saw in Film class. It was ok, but not blow off my pants amazing.

Just saw the Italian Job for the first time. I'd ridden all the coasters and heard the movie was good... conveniently enough, it was on TV.

Definitely a great movie. I got a very Ocean's 11 vibe from it, which is definitely a good thing. The car chases were some of the best and it's definitely something i wouldn't mind seeing again... 9/10 probably.
^I'm guessing you watched the homage remake of the orginial yes?

Check out the orginal if you can, it has nothing to do with the remake, just another good film if you like heist movies.
Thing is, it isn't a remake persay though....

It has a different story and is more like a modern sequel as such. It has very loose connections with the original. Definately just a case of "paying homage" to an already amazing film.

The original is tonnes better!
If you want to sit and just enjoy a bit of a no brainer it is a great feel good movie. I thouroughly enjoyed it!

Indiana Jones was not a no brainer! You may have thoroughly enjoyed it, but I can definitely say I was thoroughly confused from about halfway through until the end. It was a decent film though.

Tropic Thunder

Well.. it sucked.. I'm just happy I rented it for free or I might have been pissed. The occasional laugh.. every 20 minutes.. was about all I got from it.


Yeah.. I saw it in the movies and bought it because I found it somewhere for five bucks, but it's defintiely not the greatest comedy going. The laughs were way too infrequent, but they were decent when they did occur. I liked the part where he was doing that play to the village :p .
LiveForTheLaunch said:
If you want to sit and just enjoy a bit of a no brainer it is a great feel good movie. I thouroughly enjoyed it!

Indiana Jones was not a no brainer! You may have thoroughly enjoyed it, but I can definitely say I was thoroughly confused from about halfway through until the end. It was a decent film though.

Well it certainly didn't confuse me. I had guessed, very easily, that it was aliens very early on and who the bad guys were and pretty much how the film would pan out. Seriously, I can't work out what was confusing...
LiveForTheLaunch said:
Indiana Jones was not a no brainer! You may have thoroughly enjoyed it, but I can definitely say I was thoroughly confused from about halfway through until the end.
How can that film confuse you? It's like impossible. Unless your three years old.:p
Just been watching [REC].

It currently has the really dodgey credits music going.

How to say stuff with out spoiling... Well It starts fairly slow but like Cloverfield kicks RIGHT up. It actually made me jump and shout out. What it does in Scare Tactics it worked. When it got creepy. it actually was creepy. Simple shock tactics worked and the very ending (like last minute) was pathetic.

I'll give it a 7 or an 8/10
How can that film confuse you? It's like impossible. Unless your three years old.

Well, the sound DID go out for about ten minutes like, halfway through the film, so that could be a decent excuse :p .

And the ending of Rec was kinda creepy but it also made it seem like they just wanted to get the movie done and over with.
LiveForTheLaunch said:
And the ending of Rec was kinda creepy but it also made it seem like they just wanted to get the movie done and over with.

What else could they have possibly done at that point? If they'd dragged the movie out at that point it would have been terrible.

No Taylor, the ending is awesome.

As is the whole of Rec.

What won't be awesome? The fact they are doing a sequel... not just a sequel, a sequel in which the reporter is in the cast... um... HOW?
^You never actually saw the reporter die. She just gets dragged of screen by the possessed girl. You just assume she was killed. :)
Ben, don't get me wrong, like, I liked the movie, but the whole thing with the possessed girl seemed a little bit random.

Blair Witch Project is better :p .