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LiveForTheLaunch said:
Apocalypto wasn't that good anyway Taylor, as we've already discussed. Fur coat and no knickers film

Blah blah blah.

Nah, I liked it. I mean, it wasn't a top fiver, but a top tenner for me for sure. Like, the beginning was fantastic, as was the first half, but it got a bit dry when he was running through the jungle everywhere. But overall I thought it was really good.

All my top 20 films are good ALL the way through! :p

I watched Fargo last night - continuing my quest to see all of the generally recognised Top 100 films of all time.

Like The Big Lebowski, it was a bit of a mixed bag. I loved the bits of it, and found other bits to be bland. The direction and film making was superb, and the stuff with the guys from Brainerd was fantastic - some of the best scripting I've ever seen. Beyond that, it was just a bit blase though. The violence and basic story was pretty dull, and the film making wasn't good enough to really pull it up.

Still, I did really enjoy the film, which is the point :) It had not only a good middle, but also a good start and a good ending! So that racked it up a few points too ;)

Solid 4/5 :)
Just saw Lost In Translation, starring Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson.

Loved it.

There was just something about the whole Japan setting that really got me into the film. It wasn't really laugh-out-loud funny, but just.. really amusing, if that makes sense. Both the main characters were great, and the different things they did when they met up was just fun to watch, and the dialogue was pretty good too!

A solid 9/10.

I also saw Crash again, last night on Film4.

Even better the second time around. I know some people dislike the film due to the level of racist comments/characters, but that's the point of the film. The director didn't just decide to make all the characters racist if it didn't have any purpose in the film, and the academy wouldn't have given the best screenplay Oscar to the writer either, or the BEST PICTURE Oscar for that matter.

It really is a great film that is worth seeing. Some incredibly gripping and intense scenes, which are well acted out.

9/10, almost 10/10.
Just finished watching Severance. I was going to write a review but this guy of 'Flixter' pretty much summed up what I felt about it.

Severance is a film which can't make up it's mind if it's a comedy, a horror or a piss take and rip off of so many other movies.

I mean with a plot that's paper thin, it seems to forget certain things completely such as a leg in a fridge and a rocket launcher going wrong, i mean what did the writers do here? Squeeze every idea they had out of their little heads, definitely a sign desperation.

It's like Hostel,Saw thats meant to be like The Office but it's a disgusting joke of a decoy, if that's possible. Myself being English I'm meant to appreciate this dribble. I clearly do not.

It's when you reach the 2nd half and realize that NONE of the jokes are any good and that you've seen this kind of movie a million times before. You begin to look at your watch, wonder in the kitchen for a snack, then you sit back down and realize the nightmare is still on.

This will appeal to football yobs with the intelligence of an ape who are impressed by lameness and crude meandering jokes. Even two blonde's thrown in to goggle at for young male teens on heat who have no time for anything but buying Nuts magazines. This film is a sucker for the male audience.
Danny Dyer trying to act is a blessing to watch too. I mean this man does not i repeat does not seem to change in any movies he's in.

Stick to Hot Fuzz & Shaun of The Dead which are FUNNY!. Severance is a pile of **** that could sink the UK with it's filth.

Plus the ending is so predictably flat. I feel like hiding in a paper bag.

Overall I give it a 4/10.
Watched Saw for the first time a little while ago.


I really don't need to sum it up, seeing as everyone and their grandmother has seen it. But, I loved it, seeing as I never watch horror movies.

10/10 for being brilliant.
Going to see either HSM3 or the new James Bond film.
Thankfully it's looking more likely to be James Bond unless the tickets are sold out.
Trust me to say the tickets were sold out. There was one seat left in 007 and two of us.
So High School Musical 3 it was.
It was actually ok.
Actually, I lie it was pretty damn good. The songs were great and very catchy, the dance routines were really energetic and it had plenty of new songs. Even though the film was pretty long at 135 minutes it flew by and felt really short. There were some really random bits though like the car in the junk yard that tried to eat everyone and the part where the whole school started rotating upside down and Troy was running along the ceiling, but even that didn't ruin the film.

I though HSM was well past it's sell by date but this film proves that it still has some kick left.
What I never understood is why everyone hates it so much.
When the first film was released no-one would shut up about saying how amazing it was and I think that it was because the songs were played continuously that everyone got fed up with it. Then everyone decided that they don't like it anymore and they all secretly watched the second one. Seriously I talk to people about HSM and they say "It's crap" then I ask if they've seen the second one, to which they reply "yeah". So you obviously don't hate it that much if you saw the sequel.
So yeah, it was pretty good and I don't think THE £5 it cost me to get in was wasted at all. :p

^ Couldn't agree more, although, I never watched more than the first one. I was put off them so much that I never bothered with the second or third.
Johnny said:
I also saw Crash again, last night on Film4.

Even better the second time around. I know some people dislike the film due to the level of racist comments/characters, but that's the point of the film. The director didn't just decide to make all the characters racist if it didn't have any purpose in the film, and the academy wouldn't have given the best screenplay Oscar to the writer either, or the BEST PICTURE Oscar for that matter.

It really is a great film that is worth seeing. Some incredibly gripping and intense scenes, which are well acted out.

9/10, almost 10/10.

You fail, Crash sucks, i wanted the two hours of my life back!
The Fifth Element

Well.. a classic favorite of mine.. quite cheesy but awesome at the same time.

Just finished watching Saw V.
It was quite a good movie. Better than 3 & 4, but still not as good as 1 & 2.
I didn't understand what was going on at some points so afterwards had to look it up and it was really clever. The cliffhanger ending wasn't as surprising as the other films, but rather a way to lead on to yet another Saw film.
This isn't really a film but more of just them tying up the loose ends from the previous films.
Dave said:
Johnny said:
I also saw Crash again, last night on Film4.

Even better the second time around. I know some people dislike the film due to the level of racist comments/characters, but that's the point of the film. The director didn't just decide to make all the characters racist if it didn't have any purpose in the film, and the academy wouldn't have given the best screenplay Oscar to the writer either, or the BEST PICTURE Oscar for that matter.

It really is a great film that is worth seeing. Some incredibly gripping and intense scenes, which are well acted out.

9/10, almost 10/10.

You fail, Crash sucks, i wanted the two hours of my life back!
I know it's after halloween, but I wanted to see more of Saw.

So, Saw II

Once again, I don't need to tell you all how brilliant it was. It was indeed better then the first. I loved the wordplay in it, along with the riddles.

Another 10/10
Dave said:
Johnny said:
I also saw Crash again, last night on Film4.

Even better the second time around. I know some people dislike the film due to the level of racist comments/characters, but that's the point of the film. The director didn't just decide to make all the characters racist if it didn't have any purpose in the film, and the academy wouldn't have given the best screenplay Oscar to the writer either, or the BEST PICTURE Oscar for that matter.

It really is a great film that is worth seeing. Some incredibly gripping and intense scenes, which are well acted out.

9/10, almost 10/10.

You fail, Crash sucks, i wanted the two hours of my life back!
John91 said:
Why? Was it the racism in the film?
^I agree with Johnny, Dave and John91, its a turd of a film.

Why? Cause its one of those films which takes loads of semi-decent actors stuffs them into a story which has a cripe script about some form of hatred (in this film it happens to be racism) and then given mass loads of awards because if it isn't given awards then the award ceremony is looked bad upon which is totally wrong. It lacks any form of decent film making skills, the acting is piss poor compared to some of the actors previous or later works and it just screams "I'm a cripe film, don't watch me". To love it is compared to love taking sharp metallic items and creating deep and nasty cuts into your skin.

Also, why are peeps annoyed by HSM? The third was so good which is highly rare and they are just innocent, cheesy fun, they are to be taken with a pinch of salt, to enjoy.

Anyways, earlier today I went to see Quantum of Solace.

I'm still not 100% sure on what I think of this. I'm a big Bond fan but this one almost felt like there wasn't a plot, it was just like "1 explosion, 2 explosions, 3 explosions, 4" with some form of chase in between (no, the other Bond films are not like that, they actually have a good storyline/plot). Apart from this the acting was excellent and the action sequences were good, even if it felt like I had seen them all before. I've seen critics blaming the director for this fairly lame Bond outing but to be honest I think its more the writers who are at fault. Three writers and they couldn't even get a decent story together, gah, I think some new writers need to be in charge for the next outing.

Rating: 3/5
Johnny said:
Dave said:
Johnny said:
I also saw Crash again, last night on Film4.

Even better the second time around. I know some people dislike the film due to the level of racist comments/characters, but that's the point of the film. The director didn't just decide to make all the characters racist if it didn't have any purpose in the film, and the academy wouldn't have given the best screenplay Oscar to the writer either, or the BEST PICTURE Oscar for that matter.

It really is a great film that is worth seeing. Some incredibly gripping and intense scenes, which are well acted out.

9/10, almost 10/10.

You fail, Crash sucks, i wanted the two hours of my life back!
John91 said:
Why? Was it the racism in the film?
No, it was due to the fact it was mind numbingly dull, I was told off by my film tutor for snoring.
^Lol, the only film I fell asleep in at the cinema was Malcolm X, looong film.

I actually quite like Crash, yes it's contrived but I found it interesting, and it's nice on occasion to see films with some sort of intelligent intent, and that don't revolve around selling eye candy to the teenage demographic.

Speaking of which, I saw Burn After Reading. Typical Coen Bros odd comedy fare, i.e. barely funny and basically involving weird characters banging into each other in random ways for little discernable effect. There's a good film concept lurking in there about satirising the intelligence industry but it's smothered by lazy writing.

Nice turns by Brad Pitt and John Malkovich though, and the title of the film should really have been WTF since the characters shout it incessantly :p. 5/10.

Also saw Quantum of Solace last night. If you want to see what a film with all the fun sucked out of it looks like, this is it. The camerawork is stunning, Craig is great, there's lots of endeavour on screen, but it's NOT FUN, somehow the production team forgot that they're meant to entertain!

And I know the writer's strike meant that the script was only half-done, but good grief, at times they'd have done a better job just making it up on the spot. 6/10 (extra point for the camerwork).
^That's why don't enjoy the Daniel Craig Bond films.
They don't have the super cool gadgets that 007 should have and he doesn't make cheesy comments at things that happen.
They seem to forget that it's another Bond film. It would be fine if it was something else, but trying to continue on a successful franchise and then throwing it in your face is just stupid.
When I saw Casino Royale I kept forgetting that it was a 007 film I was watching, and they seemed more focussed on jumping to different countries around the world and blowing things up rather than concentrating on what makes a James Bond film what it is.