marc said:I also do not think DC is string enough to be lead at BBC I want to know who's joining him.
marc said:I just hope neither take that over rated idiot Ben.
"stuff the old people, we want people who can work their Sky boxes"
'Sky Sports F1 is real sex and BBC is like porn.'
Smithy said:Oh my reasons for not liking Brundles move are purely selfish, removing my own feelings on the matter it's a sensible move, more money, more technology and a shinier product.
Smithy said:'banter' though I loath the word.
Smithy said:Can't knock the BBC for picking the Olympics over it, more annoying they chose to keep BBC Four over what if I'm right is their biggest viewing figures provider.
Smithy said:Another selfish view, BBC Three has Family Guy and Top Gear repeatsAnd the odd bit of obscure football.