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UK Riots

Nemesis Inferno

Strata Poster
It's going down, spreading like wildfire, and god knows why we have so many idiots in this country...

All started from a peaceful protest demostrating against the police shooting someone (who was a drug dealer :fp1) and since then it's escalated from there, violence, panic, looting and god knows what else going on...

Place has completely gone to pot... Hate it... Makes me actually wonder why I want to live here for the majority of my life atm...
Re: London Riots

So many riots in 2011, and without being insensitive to those affected, they're truly fascinating to watch. Here's the stuff I have been saying on Facebook. I've only highlighted just a few issues that are probably fueling the anger in London at the moment:

If the government met it's poverty-reducing targets, then maybe - just maybe - these riots wouldn't be happening. Poverty + anger leads to violence, it's been proven in the past. Look at the mass riots in the 80s, for an example.

It's many, many issues, all are linked to poverty in some way or another. Unemployment, cost of living, anger directed towards a Tory government, crime, recession, government cuts, corrupt police... the list goes on. I think the killing of Mark Duggan has only fuelled anger and given many 'thugs' an oppourtunity to express anger and cause devastation.

However, if poverty and unemployment was the main cause of the anger, then the North would be under siege right about now too - I think the concentration of people in a small area (such as housing in London) doesn't help. We all know putting lots of angry people in one place only fuels the anger (hence why police tactics such as Kettling [sp] are dreadful and do not work). And yes, immigration also has an impact.

But let's face it, MOST of those rioting aren't doing it because they are angry about unemployment or against the government, they're just pure and utter thugs. Chavs, thugs and ****. I hope they burn in hell.
Re: London Riots

It's happening in Wallington at the moment, just literally hundreds of yards away from my mum. Now I'm REALLY concerned.

EDIT: Mum says they've cornered off Wallington high street and the thugs are moving off. Sutton now under attack, she says.
Re: London Riots

It's totally disgusting to watch london degenerate into this anarchy.

I can't believe how bad it is getting, and it seems that nothing is being done against it!

I know that this is because of previous backlashes when police have dealt with riots, but this is getting pretty stupid now.

Personally, I think that the second anyone starts any kind of criminal activity (Looting, bombing, missile throwing whatever) they should lose all rights to any kind of fair treatment.

There needs to be some sort of retribution for this, so far I believe the only tactic that has been proposed is to "post images of the rioters for everyone to see" - great, so you're going to make them famous... genius...

I hope something gets done soon, but I can't see it happening...
Re: London Riots

I hate to turn this into a North/South thing but it annoyed the **** **** out of me to see a headline on a newspaper this morning "Britain in Crisis!" .... ermmmm, no pal, London is in crisis don't tarnish us with them **** idiots.

And the Southerners are supposed to be the most civilised. Jesus.
Re: London Riots

I really don't get why people spaz out when a cop hits someone when they're throwing **** at people. If it was me I'd let the police beat the **** out of them, you can't riot with broken legs. If you get irrepairable damage or die or something it's your own stupid fault.

As ridiculous as it sound it make me want to be some sort of comic book vigilate like rorschach just to cave their face in with a cleaver.

Edited for clarity.
Re: London Riots

Pierre said:
I hate to turn this into a North/South thing but it annoyed the **** **** out of me to see a headline on a newspaper this morning "Britain in Crisis!" .... ermmmm, no pal, London is in crisis don't tarnish us with them **** idiots.

And the Southerners are supposed to be the most civilised. Jesus.

Whilst London is still having the majority, there's some **** happening in the North...

Absolute shame and disgust to be in the country tonight...
Re: London Riots

This was found on the streets of Tottenham today:


Re: London Riots

It's gradually creeping closer to me, hopefully it's not going to get any closer. It is outside my school though and T-mobile in Sutton has been smashed up.

I was listening to the radio this morning, and a spokeswoman for the police said that if the police were to arrest anyone, that would take two police officers off the street for 4 hours, so they won't do anything except "contain" it.

I hope this dies down in the next few days. I'm going up to London soon, and although central London has been relatively unaffected so far, I would be a bit worried.

Clapham Junction closed off as well, although they won't tell anyone why.
Re: London Riots

A sandwich shop window got done in in Birmingham and there was an unrelated shooting in Leeds which has led to nothing.
Re: London Riots

The shops down the end of my dads road have been looted and set on fire. I was there just a few hours ago.
Most these people are doing it just for the sake of doing it. Hardly any are doing it because the police shot that guy. If it was a white man that had been killed would this be happening still?

It's only going to get worse and looking at the live footage the police seem to be doing **** all and with all the fires I don't think I've seen a single fire engine or anyone trying to put out the blazes.
Re: London Riots

This has grown to the point that it no longer has anything to do with a person being shot. This is the country falling into anarchy. One of the comments I read earlier is that someone said "Im getting back my taxes".

I actually think this has been brewing for some time. People have been waiting for an excuse to kick off and stick up the middle finger to the 'establishment'... that guy getting shot has become purely an excuse for a far bigger scale problem.

People are furious with the country at the moment. As I said on Facebook. Many people predicted that the Conservatives getting into power would push this country to breaking point. I would say it is very much broken right now.

Let me be clear. I am NOT condoning what is going on in anyways, but I can see why it is happening, just like it did in the 80s... It is totally political and aimed at those with money by people without it.
Re: London Riots

I'm in Asia and I'm bored of hearing about this, so glad I'm not at home...
Re: London Riots

I feel like a dick for doing this, but somebody had to post it:


But in all seriousness, this sounds very bad. My thoughts and prayers go out for all those affected and I hope all the British CFers are safe. It's interesting hearing a lot of members saying how the event makes them disgusted to live where they do, and I feel the same way about the US at times. Things like this make me think if we're really making progress when it comes to social issues. It really is a shame and I hope it gets better soon.