May as well write my views on the ride now. I wanted to wait until I'd been on a mix of cars, seats and rows as everyone has been saying how much it varies.
To start with It's a great ride. It's definitely a front row ride though as the back row can't see much inside and I feel it would of been better if the back row was raised so you could see over the seats in front.
The second car is the best as you get the extra speech from Jigsaw on his bike. But it means that you stop twice inside the building (Jigsaw bit and on the crossbow corridor). which ruins the pace a little.
The head choppers were really cool. The swinging axes were much bigger than I expected and the spikes seems like the only thing beneath you before you drop so that makes an amazing headchopper.
The crossbow corridor could of been better. I feel that the air covers too much an area. It just feels like wind and it should be lots of controlled bursts like Pirates 4D used to have. so it actually feels like an arrow missing you rather than a flock of geese.
The inline twist over the body is cool. Although you couldn't tell it was the bathroom scene if the body wasn't there. The scenery just starts halfway down a dark corridor. The water that sprays up from the body is a nice effect but I didn't get hit by it so I don't think it's actually spraying high enough to reach the riders today.
Onto the outside. The screens and timer before the lift-hill was a nice idea, but like others have said, once you pass under it you just sit there waiting for the chain to catch. It does work well in a way as he says "Game over" and then it's like you pass under it to meet your fate. The short wait at the bottom (it's only a few seconds) gives people enough time to look up at the tower and think "Oh ****!".
The drop is cool and gives a some nice ejector. The spinning blades are quite hard to see but you can see the structure clearly so you know it's there and it does seem directly below you until you swoop under it.
Myself and I'm sure many of you have heard that there's a nasty jolt at the bottom of the drop. My first two rides at the back were fine and it was like it wasn't there. I then spoke to Neal on MSN who said "Well actually you only feel it on one seat (front right)". Well how can you class a whole coaster as rough when it's only one seat?
So anyway on my last ride today on Saw I decided to go front right to see what all the fuss about. Yes there is a odd rough section at the bottom of the drop but it's nowhere near as rough as people say it is. It doesn't shake you around, it doesn't make your head bang into the restraints. It's just a small bit that's slightly rough. Most people riding didn't notice it and it only seems us enthusiasts know it's there as for some reason we all thought it would be a silky smooth ride? :?
Anyway round the track we go...
There is quite a bit of speed and the layout is good and twisty. The airtime hill was great and shot you straight out of your seat. And the side that descended adds to it because it goes off to the side.
You could hardly notice the trims and you just fly through the breaks like it's just a straight section of track and plummet down the other side.
The dive loop is good fun as it's small and forceful.
Then you bank round and up to the left onto the break run and that's the ride.
Overall Thoughts:
The ride was great. Thorpe have really worked hard to get the themeing right to please fans of the films and to create a really dark and sinister atmosphere that scares you as you queue. The ride relies too much on rider being on the front row to see things and it would of been better if the back row was raised slightly higher like on Oblivion so all riders get a good view. The effects were good but I can see the ride being dull if they were broken.
The overall layout is great and makes you come back to the station wanting more. Every time you ride you seem to notice something different.
So yeah, great addition to the park. I hope all they do now is make sure they keep it running as it's been breaking down alot recently. And to keep all the effects working and not leave them to rot like they have done with past rides.