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Thoughts on Saw

Screaming Coasters said:
Ollie said:
^I've already had it ruined for me several times now. It sucks as I should of been one of the first to ride it and now everyone else has got on it already and spoilers are everywhere.

They are everywhere, but its you who are clicking or reading them.

Yes, but I go to read a review which I'd presume was spoiler free and the first thing that flashes up is pics from the queue. Then another video said outdoor pov so I thought it was safe and it came straight up showing what's on the indoor drop. Also the BBC have footage inside that they kept showing on the news.
Aren't they going to try and make it more intense for fright nights?
I saw alot of hotspots in the outdoor queue for lots of patron scarage. :p
The indoor queue doesn't have many hiding spots which makes me think if they do do something it won't be like the mazes as some people will be put of riding as they don't like scare attractions.
Fright Nights are scary enough, and that's without the mazes ;)
I think I was trampled on in the dark by a million chavs because it was so cramped :(
I hope they do something good and effective with Saw for the next Fright Night event. They might get more actors to recreate more scenes from Saw. I'm looking forward to it :D
There weren't any actors when I rode Saw in the morning but when I returned later on in the day there were a few actors in the 'traps' which was pretty cool. I didn't see the guys on stilts that were there on opening day though.
Finally got on Saw today even though we thought we might not as it broke down lol.

1st ride was at the front and no effects were working apart from the saws on the drop. I found the coaster forceless and really boring tbh preferred Rage and Speed. There was some nice air time though on the air time hill and some of the drops. The drop in the dark is the best part.

2nd ride was in the back row and the theming was working, well if you can call it that. Its just like that old ride in Southend tbh bits of wood or plastic with some glow in the dark paint really not impressed.

The coaster in the back row was totally different from the front in terms of roughness and boy was it rough. This time the coaster seemed to be a lot faster and flowed better but still forceless Speed and Rage seem to pull more G and leave me feeling dizzy Saw just simply done nothing at all.

So overall its an ok addition to the park as it allows Stealth to not have huge queues, but did I like the coaster no did I like the building and theming no. Its all sort of half effort which I am shocked about seeing that the actual people that make the films are involved. Merlin own a wax works so for **** sake get them to make the bloody bodies.

We queued 90 mins for the 2nd go as it kept breaking down, I dont really think its worth queuing more than 45 mins for.

Everyone had different views today and it does seem to make a big difference where you sit.

Also as someone said today why does it say "game over" just before the lift hill? thats when the main coaster part starts so why game over?. I personally think the lift pause kills the flow of the coaster, I know this can not be avoided but its just not themed enough at this point.
Well, just got home from Thorpe and I can finally give my thoughts on Saw...

I liked it, I liked it a reasonable amount in fact.

The ride itself has some cool blasts of intensity and some great flowing sections. In part there are some rough areas which give you a bone jangling, but nothing that really killed the hell out of me. Airtime was also present in very small dosage.

I wasn't overly fussed with the whole of the prelift section, barring that small drop from the station level. That was very cool! Even though I knew it was there, it got me on both rides. The rest of the apparently amazing theming was, for me, rather non existent. Leigh was telling us that not all effects were on during our first go, but on our second everything was working. Not that it really made all that much difference unfortunately. The whole body bathroom tunnel bit has too much light streaming in from the outside and it kind of spoils it because all I could see of the body was a shape on the floor... it may as well have been a sack of potatoes. But then, having said that, I wasn't ever expecting the all singing all dancing extravaganza that some people were, so I actually wasn't overly disappointed by it. It was pretty much what I expected. Mid standard theme.

My only major criticism, is that because of the rather incoherent theme throughout the building the lift hill actually acts as too much of a pause breaking into the ride. On both occasions we came to a full stop and took some time before engaging the lift hill. Meaning that any pacing or excitement that had been given in the initial section was now all but lost. Now, they HAVE to stop you there, I know this of course, but had the theme and story been more coherent in the building section (on the actual ride) and had the theme and story continued until you actually move up the lift hill, perhaps it wouldn't feel like everything came to a complete grinding halt. I dont know how to explain it properly, it all just felt very disjointed.

Overall, the ride is good, not amazing, not fantastic, not anywhere near the amount of hype that has unavoidably been built up. It certainly isn't be any means world-class. Once again, the company that implies their world class status by flexing their "2nd Largest Group" quote a fair bit, leaves me feeling as though my initial response to this to ride was right:

It would be a great ride, if it were for a much smaller, lower budget park. I know that is harsh, but I can't help walking away from Thorpe expecting so much more. At one point in the lead up to opening I actually begun to believe that Thorpe might just pull something out of the bag, but alas no, I should have trusted my initial instincts.
Mark said:
It would be a great ride, if it were for a much smaller, lower budget park. I know that is harsh, but I can't help walking away from Thorpe expecting so much more. At one point in the lead up to opening I actually begun to believe that Thorpe might just pull something out of the bag, but alas no, I should have trusted my initial instincts.

Spot on, Mark.
I liked it, but I thought it could of been much better.

I expected the queueline to be more tense and to build up fear, but I dont think it does that at all. The video gets boring after seeing it a few times, especially when waiting for the staff at merge point to let you through.

The ride experience was better than expected though.
Not really as people tried to avoid them and just moved forward to you ended up squashed as Will and I found out.

Remember on a busy day you end up stuck there and for 5 mins we just heard a bang then a blast and after once or twice its rather a none event.

Thats my problem with Saw its all sort of a none event, if you only queued 10 mins then fine. After 90 mins its just nothing, its hard to explain really.

With some coasters I dont mind queuing for 90 mins, but f Saw had a queue like that again I would really not bother.
I'm just curious as to why everyone thought it was rough. For me it was more smoother than air, and I have no idea why.
I did not find it rough in the front, but in the back I did. Its not rough it the true sense tbh. It just seems to bounce around and take the turns badly just like the other Eurofighters I have been on.

The bump after the drop is bad in the back, I was on the back right and the person on the back left did not feel it.

It really does depend where you sit tbh.

Again it all depends on you really, I find Eurofighters rough others do not. I find Rita fine others find that beats them up.
^Well, two of my friends thought it was roughish, but they were scrawny, and another thought it was smooth like myself, so it might be more to do with that than the ride its self.
I still maintain that the only part that was actually rough is the crunching bottom of the main drop, it feels like it has no wheels at all at the point and that the car is just scraping along the track!
Fair enough, I do agree that height would affect it somewhat drastically

(hehehe, I can't believe I put "somewhat" in my post, you can tell I'm doing my English Coursework can't you! :lol: )
I'm just curious as to why everyone thought it was rough.

I'm tall, 6"3' to be precise, and I think that about most coasters. So its obviously a tall person thing. Which I wont complain about :lol:

By the sounds of things, they should have kept more of the track indoors, say like up to the bottom of the lift, then maybe something could happen as you sit at the bottom of the lift waiting..?
Bicko said:
I liked it, but I thought it could of been much better.

I expected the queueline to be more tense and to build up fear, but I dont think it does that at all. The video gets boring after seeing it a few times, especially when waiting for the staff at merge point to let you through.

The ride experience was better than expected though.

Yeah I thought that too, apart from the gunshot there was nothing good about the indoor queueline, even that got a bit tiresome after a while. Also I found the area not dark enough which wasn't helped by the fast track entry door been constantly left open.
^The lighting will be something to do with health and safety I pressume as the park don't want people tripping or anything. I guess anything in the queue is better than nothing though. Even if it's not amazing it's better than waiting in a cattlepen for any other ride.