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The ^ < V game

^ Noooo...I am working throughout :shock:
< Will manage to work from home by telephone hopefully
V Will be involved in the LOTR debate
^ Yes! I'm looking forward to a lot actually!

< Has found out they are working all day boxing day

V Isn't working over the christmas holidays
^ Doesnt even have a job :p

< Has been playing RCT and is improving thanks to my tutor ;)

V Will have a higher version than RCT1?
^ Yup just finnished a massive fish supper with lashings of bad cholesterol :D
< Now cannot move
V Will be appaulled by my unhealthy diet
^ not in the same way as you

< will work during Christmas, YAY.

v wants a white christmas
/\ Hello Chris, I'm not spooked
< Is doing creepy voice
\/ Won't have heard creepy voice