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The ^ < V game

^ How did you guess....yes it is tea and not coffee!!!!!!!!
< Has a really sore throat which is why it is tea by the gallon
V Will feel sorry for me
^ Was until I heard you are pissed off...

< Is concerned about Hales well-being

V Is also concerned
^ Nope but will be hopefully!
< Is watching the snow falling outside :santa:
V Will be jealous of my snow!
^ lol, not I have no twitch, but I bet it would be funny

< Is cutting down my own christmas tree today out of my back garden? how strange?

V Already has their christmas tree up
^kinda.. but not as bored, as i am when its 5am and no one anywhere in the world is online...

< Has just seen one of his christmas presents by accident..

\/ Hasn't seen one of their christmas presents by accident...
^ Yes and no, have alreaddy got one of mine. :)

< Just got back after a little walk in the snow, the only problem was that the snow was about 0.5-1 meter deep.

v Havn?t been out walking in deep snow.