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The ^ < V game

^ None so whatsoever

< Is absolutely knackered and thus is playing RCT!

V Will think im a boring sod for not looking foward to santa coming
^ Lol of coarse not because Santa isn't real!
< Knows that Santa isn't real.
v Disagrees with (don't know how though lol!).
^ But you can't say santa's not real because it ruins the magic! It's like going to Disney and saying they are people dressed up :(

< Had got a pool table for christmas :D but payed ?125 towards it, god knows where it's going to go

V Also payed a bit towards their christmas presents
^ Yes infact I did!
< Agrees with what bezzzzzer said but doesn't the true magic of Christmas come from the nativity scene?
v Has squashed a banana in someone's face at sometime in their life.
^ nope never! Im a lil angel ... much!

< Is in the middle of playing RCT n having a rather boring xmas eve

V Will also be having a boring xmas eve
^ No actually I am on my computer, strangely enough :p

< looking foward to christmas and boxing day

V Is also looking foward to christmas
^ No but I am going to in a second. Aye, I'll be off to the Arctic...:twisted:
< Is obsessed with theme parks, rollercoasters, and polar bears (well eating them, or to be more precise, drinking (don't ask just look at my sig :p))
v Is on Coasterforce (for once, I might actually be correct)

^ Starting to feel that way

< Is satisfied with the presents she has got

V Wont have opened any pressies yet?
^Ha! I dont really get pressies, only from relatives and they aint here yet.

< Is waiting to sink teeth into the big juicy Turkeyyyy!!!

V wants a piece of Turkey