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The ^ < V game

^ Yeah but I don't think they will be hiring 14 year-olds.
< Planning a trip to Dreamworld for tomorrow yay!
v Will say something random.
^ Is an aussie

< Likes chicken (theres something random)

V Is probably a veggie and thinks my views on meat are wrong
^ Bah, no chance, double business first thing....

< Still putting off doing his theatre work...

V Will think of a way to get me to do it
^ Get off CF!!!!!!

< Has also coincidently got Theatre work to do for Friday!

V Has a lot of work to do over the christmas holidays (much like me :( )
^ Hmm some if the teachers give it to me hehe

< Is battling with ICT Coursework for an exam in january

V Will also be doing the same coursework for the same exam?
/\ No coursework, but I do have an IT mock exam tomorrow
<Hates Mock exams
\/ Also hates mock exams
^ nah, they're a breeze really...

< has finished theatre work for tonight, and is now extremely annoyed at my dad...

V Wonders why...
^ A couple of years ago I would have said yes, but the magic went for me a long time ago

< Feels a little grinchy after saying that...

V Thought Jim Carey was good in the Grinch
^ Not at all, and isnt working xmas day
< Went to see The chronicles of Narnia and thought it was fantastic
v Has also seen it
^ Nope is practically the same!

< Is dossing around on study leave as has no exams wooooo!

V Will also be on study leave but doing nothing?
^ No! Our study leave was cancelled so we had some exams while we were still at school! Even though everybody practially never came to lessons that week anyway

< Is havign withdrawal symtoms from the winter and all the parks being closed :(

V Doesn't like the winter
/\ Correct, I hate being cold

< Hates the cold

\/ Will be a total lunatic and like the cold