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The ^ < V game

^ Cant spell deoderant (Can I)?
< Does wear it, jah!
V Also does.
^ sorry man. I am.
< is surprisingly enjoying chill out music.
v is also surprisingly enjoying chill out music?
^disagrees, enjoying the 'sound of silence'

<is really bored, and ready for this school year to be over.

V is also ready for this school year to be over
^ So true

< has 34.5 days left (not including days I know I'll miss)

V has more days than me
^ is right

< 39 days left (not including days off then it'd be around 30)

V The general that be commanding these invasions.
^ Ummmmmmmm I don't think so.
< Downloading Acid X-Press demo for school.
v Will like RAtM (this time they will).
^ Does like sport most of the time
< Thinks it is time to go and do something constructive with today
V Already has done something constructive today
^ May think that waking up is a kin to constructive in certain situations.
< Is spending his Saturday chilling before a big night out!
V Is glad they don't work Saturdays
^ Is damn right, yey!
< Is happy he can be lazy on Saturday
V Also is.
^Hell yeah
<Is preparing for football
\/ Will be watching a footie match
^ enjoys SOCCER
< is gonna watch the monsoon come down outside, rather than watch a SOCCER match.
v likes little boys.
^Likes Vortex(I take it).

<Likes Vortex too, and likes most flat rides.

VEnjoys most flat rides?
^ Is right, wheeee Top Scan goodness!
< Loves top scans.
V Hates Samurai for its borderline appauling settings it runs on at Thorpe Park.