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The ^ < V game

^ Is right, yeeeeeeey, chocolate is great :)
< Has chocolate
v Doesnt
^ Snook in sneakily because he spends too much time in FF

< Doesn't really like Chocolate too much (so doesn't have any).

v Will be amazed I don't really like chocolate!
^ Wow you don't like chocolate? *cough*freak*cough*
< Loves chocolate, especially when melted.
V Thinks I'm odd for melting chocolate and then eating it.
^ Well melting chocolate with a hot drink isn't odd
< Runs to cupboard for the last bar of Nestles Double Berry, puts kettle on
V Is jealous
^ Yes I am.
< *runs into kitchen and finds a large diary milk* I think I'll melt this now.
V Is so jealous of my chocolate they're crying.
^Believes i'm more jealous than I am.

< Jealous yes, crying no.

v Respects me for not getting worked up over lack of chocolate.
^ Yes very much so.

< stuffs another Baci choccy in gob

v Wants to bathe in chocolate
^ Has some very good ideas.
< I now wish I was rich enough to buy that much chocolate.
V Is that rich and is going to do it to spite me.
^ Is wrong, the bath tub is white - my dad would muller me over the stains

< Would get murdered by his dad for filling the bathtub with melted chocy

V Also would.
^ but if you rich enough to fill with choccy you rich enough to have the bath professionaly cleaned.

< thinks about a nice warm cosy bed

v sleeps in a hammock
^ No although sometimes it feels like it
< Plans an earlier night than of late
V Plans to stay up late
NOPE! NO MORE LATE NIGHTS FOR ROSS! as you well know peterino!
<is a very quiet young lad now who goes to bed on time and does his homework : )
v lives in a house?
^ Yeah suppose you could call it that.

< still thinking about a warm cosy bed

v snores really loud
^Might be correct, I wouldn't know...

< Should really get to bed

v should really get to bed too
^ No way

< needs to get dreads retwisted

V wishes they had dread locks too
^ Maybe, not sure if they would suit my complexion.
< Is now pondering the thought of me with dreads
V Is trying to remember what I look like to imagine me with dreads!
^ Very correct, weird image...

< Cannot wait for SOAD concert on monday.

\/ Will be a fan of SOAD.
^ Is right... System Of A Down

< Is planning...

v Is curious...