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The ^ < V game

^ Is right, went earlier, however I need a bag of nuts (dont start) ... I seek honey roasted!

< Needs honey roasted nuts.

V Will be immature and laugh at my need for snacks with names that can easily be turned against me in an attempt to make me look foolish.
^ Well they are better than Nobby's nuts!
< Really must stop this and go to the shop
V Thinks that I should take the dog for a walk at the same time
^yeah ok.
< wishes he could fix the damn glitch in the rct3 game
V will be confused about rct3 glitches.
^ too right love it especially peach.

< thinks about getting washed and dressed

v wants to eat dinner soon
^ Oooh... That's so annoying... Lazing about while I've been in work for 5 hours :p

< Is getting seriously peckish, yes. Has to have lunch on the hoof then bugger off to Hastings... Wonder if I can make it to Thorpe before it shuts..?

v Is jealous of both Kaz's abject laziness, and my opportunity to visit Thorpe in works hours :D
^ definately:D
< Lunch is now eaten....back to work...meh!
V Agrees that OI should go back to work!
^ Probably, then again, call in sick
< Is about to play a game non-coaster related
\/ Is doing more then two things at once (ecluding breathing and blinking)
^ Yep on CF, on MSN, watching TV, being me.

< needs a time out

v wants to do the family work for me for a week.
^ is right

< is chatting with his girl friend while listening to Ben Folds Five

v enjoys girls
^ No but do think it is out of character
< as usual needs to go to work instead off faffing about
V will probably be astounded by my laziness!
^ ah never! Laziness is inherent in us all. Some just find it more luxurious.
< Perplexed by Aero's "^" Statement
V May explain the statement.
^ Is confused by my previous statement
< Meant to say that Mark is not greedy and that I think it out of character thet he should think that he is! (it is good, not bad!) :D
V Is confused by everything
^ yep such is life

< has a rumbly tumbly

v thinks about a huge choccy cake( or will be now)
^ Is seriously obsessed with food

< Doesn't like chocolate cake, but does think about not liking whilst reading about it.

V Hasn't changed their socks in 2 days...
/\ wrong, but if you had said underwear.....

< needs a shower

\/ is going to comment on the football