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The ^ < V game

^ is correct about curious, what are you planning :evil:
< just posted the 100th post in this topic :)
v will like cheesy beans
^ of course I do yummy.

< thinks about dinner and what furie may be planning. DMP?

v has the farts from too many beans.
^ May be on the right tracks (on two counts)...

< Is at work so can't watch the TV program about coasters! Cheers for rubbing it in! :roll: :p

v Can fit a CD case into their mouth
^Can't say I've ever tried, but my mouth isn't huge. . .
<Is still angry about not getting his subsilver. Any word on that yet?
v Has done all of CF's quizzes already
^ Yup! and not doing verywell in them!
< Has been working hard all morning and is now going out to work for the afternoon ( most unusual) but hey it's sunny!
V Will be home before I am tonight!
^hasnt got a clue
<scared himself with a story
v will laugh at my personal phobias
^ Too right! Muhahahahaaaa! Fear my bouncing rabbits of doom!

< Only has 40 minutes of work left to go! Woot!

v Doesn't know what hypothalamus is without using google or a dictionary.
^ Wrong! biology was one of my better subjects!
< Needs another cup of coffee
V Doesn't know how to wash dishes!
^ Lies ..... you put them in the dishwasher, add powder etc and press ON :D

< Does know how to wash dishes

V Porky cat lover.
^ Yes I do like Chrunchies!
< listening to Rage Against the Machine (Calm like a Bomb - cool)
v will hopefully like Rage Against the Machine too.
^Why do people keep saying I'll like bands whom I've never heard of? No I've never heard of Rage of the Machine.
<Never posts in serious topics. Ever.
v Likes posting in serious topics. . .
^ Must have been living in musical limbo for 15 years!!!

< Tries to spread posts across lots of different topics

v Tries to spread caterpillar juice on krackerwheat!
^ Knows who RATM are (ignite ignite ignite ignite ignite ignite etc) and ALWAYS ends up on top of me in these situations (oo,err madam) I spend all my time looking up a hamsters crack. A gitting hamster who can juggle and I can't, git. Also knows my crackerwheat shame.

< Can't juggle, but just made an awesome post about scientific breakfast studies. With pictures too, you all should look

V has never met Penn and/or Teller. I have. woo!
^ Is definately right. I haven't. I did not even know who they were.... until....
< Knows at least one other member of CF who has met Penn and Teller
V Is wondering who it might be
^Wrong knows who it is

< looks at birthday card FROM TELLER

v The person who went to Vegas on MY BIRTHDAY
^ The person who loves me so much let me go to vegas on my own leaving at 5:30 am on her birthday

< The person who went to vegas and spent a while talking to teller about the damn bullet trick

V Wonders what the hell we are on about
^Birthday is soon, happy birthday!

<Dosent have clue what you are on about.

VMay post in the smiley war.
^ Is right and has a girly sounding surname
< Has a ding-dony sounding surname
V Has a surname, but no middle name.