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The ^ < V game

^going to get woken up early to go shopping.
<Well If food shopping count's?
vIs bored?
^ I don't really care as it gets too hot here!
< Hates wearing DT's.
v Will enjoy DT's (I dunno anyone who would though!).
^ Erm the only DT's I am aware of are alcohol related
< Is bored with the football
V Won't like football
^ Would if you REALLY want but I wouldn't want cheese mailed all the way from the US to Austrailia haha

< Is looking forward to his basketball game this weekend

v Also plays basketball
^ Nope, I'm a very un-sporty guy....unless Pool and Snoker count as sports

< Has to go do my target round

V Is bored and cold because of the winter
^ Oh I think I already know the answer to that wink, wink nudge, nudge say no more!
< Is going to a party tomorrow.
v Will want to go a party as well.
^Yeah, that'd brighten my day up.

< Will be doing work any minute, and its going to be nasty.

V Won't be doing work as bad as mine.