Anybody watching WandaVision?
Weird as f**k. Two Marvel superheroes in a kitschy, 1950's black & white sitcom? Weird.
Clearly though, all is not what it seems and there are enough teasers and titbits of something sinister going on in the background to keep it intriguing.
Too early to say whether or not this is going to be good or bad (only 2 episodes so far), but I'm interested to see where it goes.
Unlike Dave, I seem to have slipped into becoming a Marvel geek by accident. I've read the majority of the main comics now (the important stories), so know a lot about Vision and Scarlet Witch's relationship and how it all pans out.
The films have generally taken the highlights of the comics and introduced them into brand new stories. WandaVision seems to be doing exactly that.
I liked it, but... It's half an hour of a 50's sitcom, with three or four minutes of "intrigue". That means, it's 26 minutes of 50's sitcom. Which is a problem really. Yes, it can get away with it for the first two episodes, but either the sitcoms have to be incredible, or they need to up the intrigue game.
I'm really interested in where this will go and the effect it will have on all the future Marvel films and TV series.
I preferred Legion (I don't know if anyone watched that?) which was similar, but much, much better.
I'm looking forward to Loki, that looks a bit like Legion mixed with Agents of Shield (hmmm, maybe not a good thing

Who else has been watching The Boys?
Man, that it is one messed up TV show. Highlights so far from season 2 include the bit with the whale ? and the bit with the gills ??.
You'll know 'em when you see 'em. One more episode to go, not sure whether I'm looking forward to it or dreading it?
As Billy Butcher would say: "Fackin diabolical".
YES YES YES. Loved The Boys. Can't wait for the next season.
Good Omens - read the book back in the day, was a bit disappointed with this though.
I thought that the two mains were really good and stood out. I was never keen on the book though, I found it to be a bt messy. It wasn't bad, but I never really rated it. Found the series to be similar t be honest. I've read huge amounts of Pratchett and a spattering of Neil Gaiman and I never thought Good Omens lived up to either of their own works.
American Gods - S1 & S2 - again read the book, quite stylish series, but pretty good, S3 has just dropped too.
It's gone on too long. It started brilliantly and you're right, it is so stylish. This season though has lost the edge. It needed to be wrapped up in two mind-blowing seasons. Instead, it's lingering like a dead wife.
The Expanse - S2 & S3 - had watched S1 a few years ago when it was on Netflix and struggled with it a bit (despite it being "hard sci-fi" which I do read a fair bit of), but enjoyed S2 and S3 though and there's another two series (s5 recently appeared) so they are on the radar.
Same here. I want to love it. I just can't for some reason. I think it can't decide if it's 2001, Alien or Blade Runner. So it just does all them badly.
Likewise though, I found S2 and S3 much more appealing. S4 I really didn't get on with, it all got a bit Star Trek. S5 is back a bit more like S2, but it's not there.
Alienist S1 - was OK, will give S2 a go.
Yep, S1 was OK. S2 was turd
Star Trek Discovery S3 - I had struggled thru the first two seasons when they were on, started S3 but it was just annoying me so much I gave up on it. Fail.
I liked the first season. It was different.
I managed to cope with season 2, but never loved it or hated it. Meh.
I DID make my way through season 3, but it panned out exactly as I thought it would and it was just very poor. I think they hinted that they may not be doing any more.
Raised by Wolves - more hard-scifi (and Ridley Scott too) - bit hit and miss - will look out for more of it though
I'll have to look out for that and see if it appeals.
Did anyone watch Altered Carbon? First season of that was fantastic. Second season, so-so.
I'm currently on Disenchantment Season 3. I really like it. It's easy to watch and is mildly amusing with a nice continuous plot. It's different to Simpsons and Futurama, but I don't think particularly worse for it.