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The Games we play...

I'll always go back to Forza and Grid.

Okay, Grid was arcade, but it was still a brilliant game and the PS3 version (and 360) was the equal of the PC in terms of gameplay. Better because you had a controller.

I've got loads of racing games on the PC, but they're all like Live For Speed, GTR, Real Racing, etc. Great and realistic driving experiences, but no "game" around them. You find an online game and just race, or drop bots in and try to beat your best times. It's all a little "train spotter" ;)

Forza managed to get the right feel of the driving, but with an advancement system (essentially the same as GT's) to make it "gamier". The problem is that the cars just proceed around the track in a line and there's no real challenge to them.

Project Cars does what I've been saying for ages that's been missing from pretty much every racing game ever for ten+ years. It's makes you focus on a discipline and you advance through that discipline. Everything is open to you at the start, you just pick your championship.

It's like the original Toca games. That had you running through a season and that was it. I guess the F1 games are the same only the Toca games - the first ones - had the support races too you could dip in and out of for fun.

I love the idea of picking a car type and then running through a full season and proving myself against the opposition in the same class. That's what a racing season is and I want my measure of success to be a full trophy cabinet. I want to know that even if I retire in race 3, I still have 10 more races in the season to make up the points. I want that tension. I don't want to feel that I'm grinding for first to ad another car that I'll either never use, or I'll pump up to be the same as every other car, only maybe a little faster - but no real difference.

So yeah, my hopes are hanging on Project Car quite a bit.
furie said:
furie said:
Nemesis Inferno said:
As Bayonetta 2 is on it's way soon, here are the reviews:



So better than the first one then? I've got the demo but not played it yet. The original was very much style over substance, but what style :D

I played the demo last night. It was like the original, only bigger and more explosive. It also looked identical to the original ;)

It's certainly the most flamboyant arcade game I've ever seen and it reminded me of when I used to go into arcades and be wowed by how over the top the were. Not my kind of game and the Wii U pad crippled me after playing it for ten minutes - but I can see why lovers of arcade games are going mad over it.

That's what the Pro Controller is for (assuming it can be used in a similar fashion to say, Pikmin, where you can use the Gamepad for off TV play and still use that control system)...
Nemesis Inferno said:
That's what the Pro Controller is for (assuming it can be used in a similar fashion to say, Pikmin, where you can use the Gamepad for off TV play and still use that control system)...

I've given up with the disappointment of never being able to use it for anything other than as a second player in a twoplayer game - and quite often not even then :(
I think it's more problem Furie, I like simulators and I don't really care about the story or game around lol.
Yeah, I know a lot of people like that. I prefer a simulator, but I also want the challenge of decent AI and something to aim towards, rather than just driving around in circles, never really achieving anything :)
Driveclub traded in for an absolutely pitiful £21 (**** you Game), picked up Watchdogs and Killzone. Finished Killzone earlier today after two days blitzing it, really enjoyed the story and thought it was a decent game.
^ If anyone has a CEX near them I urge them to use them for trade-ins. They always pay (and sell) for over the odds. I genuinely don't understand how they run because the price of second hand stuff they try to sell is ridiculous.

https://uk.webuy.com/product.php?sku=71 ... EYeHMnp9OI

Finished Watch_Dogs last night, great game but I think Phil hit the nail on the head about the lead character being too nice (they actually hit on this in the story too). He also received some closure from the events that unfolded which lead to him discovering why he was made a target initially - in reality, you wouldn't receive closure from such events and would probably become more angry.

I'll still get a lot of play time from it from the side missions though.
SO... I have been playing Destiny for 2 months and I'm dissapointed. I finished the story in 3 days, got to level 27/30, and its the same mission formula over and over again. And they are making us pay to get a longer story line. Lets not forget the crap RNG that doesn't play fair at all. I have mixed feelings about this game. A beautiful looking game with a kickass concept ruined. I can thank Activision for forcing Bungie to cut the storyline into DLC pieces, which I bought because I want to finish the story. Call me stupid.
I picked up Disney Infinity 2.0 for mmf last weekend. I wrote enjoyed the first and there was a lot of game with the starter pack for your money.

We completed The Avengers pack that comes with it in a couple of hours and that's it! £60 price tag for a couple of hours???

Yes, you have the toy box, which is okay, but there's still very little offered pack in.

I recommend those complaining about Destiny stop doing so now as it pales in comparison to this rip off!

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marc said:
Did you just do the story?

Mark also said it was rather short.

Yeah, did the story. Infinity 1 then had a load of side missions and extra bits to unlock once you'd completed it (or you could do them as you were doing the main story)

We've got all but the Toy Story playsets for Infinity 1 and I reckon there's 8-10 solid hours per set. So with the base pack, you're looking at 25-30 hours, which is good. Then £25 for another ten hours or whatever.

We played them all to completeness and really enjoyed them. The Avengers was just over as soon as you started to get going. Very little in the way of extra missions (couple of races but that was about it). Maybe we're missing something and there's a load of extra stuff, but I'd say it took us 2-3 hours tops. Pathetic.

Speaking of pathetic, I'm really not enjoying the free PS+ version of Driveclub. Not because it's crap which it probably is), but because it's STILL not available. Okay, it's free, but it's not 12 months late!!! How long can it take to get a demo of a **** racing game available? I guess Sony are hoping we're all mugs and will buy it (which I see some people did ;) ) :p
Tbh Furie ps+ for the ps4 is a waste of time, there is nothing there.

I actually think the ps4 is a waste of time as well. I'm really hoping it picks up more next year.

Played the new f1 game so glad I never got it, same **** as before with new cars. Really hope the ps4 one will be better.
I've had some fantastic games on PS+, but it's been poor the last couple of months. They're also games that really appeal to me too, so it's a slightly different deal. I've had more time out of games like Don't Starve than I've had off some AAA games in the past.

See, if you want decent games to just bide your time, Killzone and Watchdogs are both good to pass the time - plus both are "the best you'll see on a console". Knack you'd also enjoy. All three can be picked up second hand for £20 or less.

DC universe is free and quite good and I love War Thunder - also free. You've also got access to a load of other games remember ;) Strike Suit Zero is a good one of those :)
The problem I have is paying £50 for games to pass the time, I only spend that on games I want.

I got a lot off ps+ for the PS3 but for the ps4 there is just nothing.
I never do. I wait and get the games for under £20 and enjoy them, trade them and move on.

Some give me 20 or 30 hours of fun, others just maybe 10. Buy for £20, year for £10, and it's £10 to "rent" the game until I've played it out.

I view PS+ as £5 a month, so if I get a couple of hours a month I'm quids in. Some months have offered dozens if hours of gaming. Last couple have been poor, but I'm sure they'll pick up again. I find the slack months are made up by the better months.

They do need a big title though to help justify it and very soon. It's been a slack couple of months.

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I guess as there has not really been that much out for the ps4 it's hard for them to put a good game on ps+ lol
Is anyone getting this controversial new game when its released?

Controversial because it looks like it's straight out of 1997? :p

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Just finished WatchDogs. Story was just about good enough to make me want to finish it, but has so many plot holes and undeveloped strands I want more answers on it feels a bit anti-climatic at the end. Good game, not great, but will be a solid base model for any future game to build upon.