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Shows how badly advertised the Wii U was since more people are still buying Wiis (which in itself is a shock)...

Also shows how little difference/care was made between this change in generation... Why should I personally upgrade to a Xbone (chosen as I have the 360)? There's very little reason to do so, given that the majority of games still get released on the older gens...
Wow, PS4 is doing really well. And yeah, Wtf is up with the Wii still selling? I thought everyone got one years ago?
I think the problem is that the average Joe doesn't know about the WiiU in general and if they do, most of those think it's a newer version of the same thing. So despite there being no new games or consoles made in the last 18 months, people still buy one as it's the considerably cheaper alternative of the same thing.

Straw poll at work about who knew about the WiiU resulted in 1/8 people at the table who'd "seen it in GAME", which is next door to our store.
peep said:
Wow, PS4 is doing really well. And yeah, Wtf is up with the Wii still selling? I thought everyone got one years ago?
Yeah they haven't been the topic of much recent gaming news. Nintendo seems to have more focus on the 3DS which amazingly is doing much more successful.
3DS lacks competition in the portable gaming market though, as people buy it for proper games unlike the cheap stuff on your mobile... Hence the success...

Nintendo have had the market tied up for years... Though it probably helps that they have about 5 million versions of the DS at the moment, with 2 more on the way...
Routing through some old games to play thought I'd play Fear 3.
I'd say I'm round about interval 3.

Holy crap I see why I bought this game a few years ago its intense from the moment you start and where I am in the game at the moment it looks to get harder. And believe me I've played all COD games on veteran and this beats them all hands down veteran mode looks like beginner mode from Fears perspective. Going through my old games collection so will be doing some reviews.
Any opinions on the new CoD?

( I keep saying to myself I'll not bother with the "next one", but get bored and buy it anyway... managing to hold out on this one for the moment. )
^I'm skeptical as well. Never liked the CoD games after Black Ops.

There's still hope for Destiny after all. Tons of updates plus the dlc will be longer. Hope this is true.
david morton said:
Any opinions on the new CoD?

( I keep saying to myself I'll not bother with the "next one", but get bored and buy it anyway... managing to hold out on this one for the moment. )

I too thought about not bothering this year, MW3 was the last game I really played to the highest prestige.
Since then though I find my self a bit fed up with it to be honest, BO2 was a bit meh, and Ghosts was just poo, both the campaign and online I thought nothing off, too many bad changes, they killed the online challenges, which really wound me up.
So yeah I said to myself "no more, I'm not spending £45 on a game I'm not going to play"
However, I gets to release day and in a moment of weakness I find myself giving in to temptation and parting ways with £37

So after a few weeks of playing here and there when I get the time, I have to say I'm quite impressed, it's different, you can bounce around the maps with the new exo-suit, you can customize just about everything, and the challenge system is back. (get in!)

So the first and most important thing you need to know is that it is very different, very futuristic, which I'm not normally a fan of, but the way its been done coupled with the direction of the franchise in the last 2 games makes this game a breath of fresh air, it's something different and new, a change that was needed.
Another good thing is the campaign, again last couple have been boring, this one is a lot better, the story is better, Kevin Spacey is awesome, the missions are more fun, (with the new exoskeleton abilities) my only gripe is that I still found the campaign too easy even on veteran.
I probably won't sit and level up to the highest rank on this game, I don't have that amount of free time these days, but I'll certainly play it more than the last two.

For someone who had the same reservations as yourself, I'm glad I picked it up, that's not to say all opinions are the same, you might hate it, but I think it's worth a play for sure, even if you pick it up when it's dirt cheap, or borrow if from a mate.
So GTA V on the PS4 is completely fabulous. Denser traffic makes driving far more fun that it should be, and the First-Person view is totally hilarious when you run over pedestrians.
^ Yeah I'm looking forward to this, won't be getting it until Christmas, but yeah it looks really cool, the graphics look stunning, have you flown the fighter jet in first person yet? I bet that's fun?
Got my ps4 finally. Games I got are Fifa 15, Wolf Among Us, Far Cry 4 and Child of Light. Playing CoL right now and it's such a beautiful game. It has a really nostalgic atmosphere and a beautiful art style. Also have to say that Fifa 15 is a massive improvement, though dribbling is so overpowered online :|
About six months ago, I was given £100 in virtual Game shares (for the store, Game). I cashed them in and they were worth over £150. I've been sitting on them and because I'm away for work so much at the moment, I'm also not spending money so had saved quite a bit of cash up.

I got an XBox One with it all :)

Decent deal that came with Forza, GTA V and Fifa 15. I'll never play Fifa, so I'm selling that right away.

I can now give a decent opinion on both the XB1 and PS4.

Essentially the XB1 is an evolution of the 360. I never really got on with the 360 interface and I still find the XB1 interface cluttered and messy. The multitasking is awkward and while it's much better than the 360 interface, it's still a case of "more is not better". However...

There's an edge of "professionalism" in the XB1 that you don't get with the Sony. It feels "developed" rather than "chucked together by a bunch of graduates who stick things in because they look like they might be a good idea". MS have also stuck to their original plans and the XB1 I have now is pretty much the XB1 I imagined when it was first announced. I'm still waiting for a lot of the Sony stuff (instant on from where you left off for example) and when Sony DO update, it causes people's PS4s to brick.

I'm pretty cool about the controllers, I find both are good. I'll bet that the sticks don't disintegrate on the XB1 though :p I'm not keen on the finger rumble on the XB1, but that may be something that I get used to.

My biggest issue with the XB1 is the same as I had with the 360 - games. There are very few exclusive games that will come out for it that I will actually want to play. The PS4 will remain my living room gaming system as there's so much on it I love and will still play on it more. The XB1 will be my bedroom anti-social machine for the likes of Forza, Quantum Break (when it comes out) and a couple of others.

Games wise. Forza and Forza Horizon 2 (got the demo) are the exact games Sony are missing. If Sony had got the Driveclub PS+ version out or ANY driving game other the NFS, I would have probably not got the XB1. However, I'm desperate for new driving games and Forza have always been (for me) the best.

Forza 5 is lovely. It's an expansive game that builds on the previous games in the series. It's actually challenging this time around without being unfair - the balance is there which both Forza before and Gran Turismo miss. It's never boring sitting at the front idling around. I love the Drivatar system too and it means that you're constantly trying to improve yourself. I also love that "Gold" is position 1,2 or 3. There's no "must retry again and again" in a single race if you can't catch P1. Yes you can go back and improve, but it makes the game more like a true championship where you take your lumps if you have a bad race. The only negative for me is that there are sometimes too many stupid AI. Nurbergring is a fine example, with every car ploughing into each other in the first corner because it's tight and narrow. You then get mixed up in all. It's happened in almost every race so far at some point.

Horizon 2 is pretty much the same as Horizon. It's a fairly insipid arcade racer, but at the same time, probably the best and the most addictive. I don't like the "arcading" of the Forza engine, but at the same time, it does work for the races. Racing is light, but there's such a huge game there.

GTA V is a **** turd though. After playing Watchdogs, it shows GTA up to be everything lite. The driving is wishywashy (mid air controls? Please!), the flying is awkward and not fun (flying in previous games was my favourite past time) and the gun fights are "meh". Watchdogs has actually ruined GTA for me by showing how much fun a game like this can be. I don't want to train a dog or tow cars. I want fun missions that involve lots of shooting, great car escapes and FUN! I was never into the whole "our games are so badass with the dialogue and shizzle" thing either. I'm going to get cash back on that one and go for Far Cry 4 instead I think.

Also played Sunset Overdrive at the weekend on the free day. It's a great game in terms of design and imagination. Looks great and is so full of superb ideas. It's like crossing Gears of War with Tony Hawk and then giving you acid. Wasn't my cup of tea, but it's certainly a brilliant bit of design :)

Now I need to start looking at the creep. Another controller, charge stations, XBL Gold, etc. Owning a console costs a fortune!
furie said:
Horizon 2 is pretty much the same as Horizon. It's a fairly insipid arcade racer, but at the same time, probably the best and the most addictive. I don't like the "arcading" of the Forza engine, but at the same time, it does work for the races. Racing is light, but there's such a huge game there.

Sorry but I disagree. I only have it on xbox 360 so if the xbox one version is different then I apologise in advance.

I loved the first Horizon. I can understand what people say about it not being a technical driving game like the F1 games are and that's fair enough but it was such a fun game, so much party, so much to do. Horizon 2 was generally just a let down. I don't consider it to be a 'huge' game, you certainly have to do more to complete this game than you do the original but it is so so repetitive. There races there are in total (but I'm pretty sure it's less than the original) but you have to do them all 10 times and that gets extortionately dull. It's like they've made a game, wanted to make it bigger so they're just making you do everything 10 times over.

I have raked up 30 hours of game time and I have driven all roads, completed the core game but only 'mastered' around 8 locations because it takes that long to get them done.

The graphics are great though but the scenery in the first games was just better, more mountainous environments rather than hilly fields.

I still stay it is a very good game and enjoyable but no where near as good as the original which is disappointing.
I had the original for a week and I'd completed it with all achievements in that week.

Okay, it was a pretty Horizon filled week, but that was it. I found the multiplayer annoying because of the traffic (random events moid race annoy me) so the game had nothing left to offer me.

I never found it particularly fun either. It was mindless and every so often the races strayed vaguely into "almost fun" territory. It was just really easy to sit behind though and while away the hours. I found myself doing the same with the Horizon 2 demo - just driving around, not really achieving anything, not really enjoying myself - it's just oddly soporific :lol: