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The Games we play...

John91 said:
Not everyone likes an unrealistic game. A lot of people like the realism of the GT series. It can a lot of fun, if you realise that you have to drive properly and not like a lunatic as in burnout. And irrespective of our opinion, GT5 will be absolutely massive.

first up, I have to say that GT5 is as unrealistic as any driving game out there.

It's simple. If you can drive a car, THAT fast around a track without crashing, using a PS2 controller - why do cars still come with steering wheels rather than controllers?

I've been playing GT5 with my wheel, but last night couldn't be arsed setting it up, so used the pad - it was much easier. It wasn't as good, but it was certainly easier. When you get the hang of using a feedback wheel, it makes the game a better experience, and you can certainly push things more, but you're more vulnerable to mistakes too. Either way is seriously nothing like driving a real car though. Without the tactile feedback of the forces on your body and through the wheel and clutch, you'll never be able to make it real - it's always just a 'game'.

Smelly said:
I came to conclusion years ago that the majority of gamers are stupid. They don't want innovation, they don't want to be surprised and i'm not even sure they even play games to have fun. They just want to play the same game over and over again (usually a racer or a fps), but with prettier pixels.

(not too far away from the movie or music industries in fact)

It's not that at all though Smelly, the problem is that you're some kind of Don Quixote!

I love Sci-Fi films, they're my favourite genre. Yet essentially due to the limit of story lines and the like, most Sci-Fi films are pretty much the same thing. Yet sometimes I want to enjoy a well made film, a great visual treat - so I watch Alien. Other times I want high adventure and great fun film making, so I watch Star Wars. Other times I want cheese, so watch Battle beyond the stars. Sometimes I want to see many Americans die, so starship Troopers goes on. Other times I want comedy, so Space Balls is the film of choice.

What you're saying is that essentially, one of those films is a better version than the others, and that you only need one, and no others should be made.

You like Sci-Fi? Well, it's unoriginal, you need to watch the highly original and innovative "Life of a prune - From plum to poo!".

Well, I don't, I like Sci-Fi. Sometimes something different comes along an I lap it up - but I have a preference, and nothing is perfect, so each newer version should innovate within it's own realms to strive for perfection.

Likewise, I love driving games, but I don't think I should still be playing Revs on the BBC Micro as it's the first, so therefore the only, realistic driving game I could ever want. Why should I buy Mario Kart Wii, or SSBB when there's earlier versions that do the same pretty much? I love to see innovative games, but I also like to play games which improve and expand on games which I enjoyed. I'm not talking about the yearly release of Fifa where the only difference is a bit of spit on the graphics and this years players, but certainly the GT series has made more changes to the game than the previous version. YES, it's more of roughly the same, but it's different enough to be an expansion of what went before, only more pleasing to the eye.

Silent Running may be the best Sci Fi film ever, but I'm glad that it's hippy go lucky style and effects were out dated by The Matrix! I don't want to watch badly manned robot suits in piss poor blue-screen environments forever. Things move on, and things change, though it may only be slightly.

People have a preference for things, and that wont change. I like girls, but you telling me I'm being boring and not supporting the innovative work of the 'shag a cellphone society' isn't going to wash. I know what I like, and I want it. Maybe one day I'll be satisfied, but the driving game genre - like the Sci-fi genre I pointed out above - is already quite varied in styles and appeals - more than enough to keep me satisfied within the genre, and styles within it for a long time.

GT5 is a good enough game. It's not mind blowing, or great fun, but it's enjoyable. I pay games to enjoy my time, sometimes I want fun, sometimes something else, but as long as I'm enjoying my time, then it's irrelevant if I'm having fun, or not.
It's not that at all though Smelly, the problem is that you're some kind of Don Quixote!


(Bare in mind im a gamer.. and therefor by my own definition.. stupid)

Just been playing this new "Beats" game on the PSP. Its a download from the PSP PC shop thing.

Its basically a bit like ??Vib Ribbon?? Can't remeber the name, that music game with the rabbit....

Anyways, like that game, you play along to the music you have on your psp in a Dance Mat type way. Its pretty fun, and the lifespan would be pretty good, as its basically up to you what songs you choose to play one. And obviously, choosing a faster more intense song is alot harder than slower ones.

It also has a kinda "Dance e Jay" thing, where you play with sound samples. At least thast what ive gathered from playing it so far.

Any one else stumbled across this?>

^Cool, sounds fun. I may have to try and find it when I finally charge my psp up and then connect it to the nets.

Is it a free download or do you have to pay for it?
I got R-Type Final today from Mr someone on Play&Trade

Furie is right about it not feeling like an r-type game BUT!

It still holds the essence of R-Type and goes deeper in the story... ALOT deeper.

It was Irems last R-type They knew what they were doing, They put pretty much every idea they had into Final.

I havent played much but the game is actually HUGE!

101 ships to unlock, All play differently.

Then you have the Force (Different from star wars) and all its brothers and sisters you have to unlock.

The game goes as far as giving EVERY thing a back story and is surprisingly atmospheric for a Shmup.

The game does play the same as all the other r-types though. Non of the R-type are button mashing fire and forget games.

Either way. I like it :)

If that made no sense I'm sorry, I'm having problems consentraiting today.
Fifa 08.

I'm crap at these sort of games, especially on an different console (i find the controls hard to get used to) but believe me Fifa is bloody good.
i would also go for Gran Turismo 5 Prologue

i think its an amazing game, and its only £18 from amazon.co.uk
only thing is that they need to update the online play so that you can play against your friends, but other than that its great!
Pro Evo on the wii...

it's ace.. unlike any other football game you've played before.. and that's in a GOOD way.
I know i'm a few years out of date here, but i've just started playing the original Halo on the xbox. I wasn't expecting much due to hype around it, but the game is really awesome so far, and Grunts are great fun to shoot :--D
I'm quite sadly loving GT5 Prologue too. Dammit, I was determined to find fault, but I played for a few hours last night and really enjoyed myself! It's actually challenging, which is something so infrequent (well, at least done properly) these days.
^ i've always found the GranTurismo games to be the most challenging Racing games.

It used to be a bitch in my younger days trying to get the different licenses to do new races :(

I'll just to re-iterate my love for pro-evo wii..

I dont like football.. and i dont like football games.. but this is special!

Worth it in droves

Oh.. and the new trackmania is out soon... Going to be FREE again...
Gears of War 2 is out in November, the game that will **** on halo 3 and sell millions of copies.

p.s. the cake is a lie
"Trackmania Nations Forever" out next month.. FOR FREE!!!!!!

They're already out on Xbox, not due out on PS3 until after GTA4 is out, which is stupid... I also don't fancy paying £4.99 for them (rumoured price).
^Na, they've already been confirmed by Sony and Infinity Ward that the maps are going to be free.
They have only been put on hold for ps3 for a couple of weeks because the new version has just come out in the shops its called the game of the year edition and has the maps on thedisk with the game for people who dont have COD 4 as yet and to be honest im not a massive onlie prson s it done bother me that much. On nother note i got Mario Kart Wii through work 4 days early so have been playing that quite a bit and its really quite good the wheel works suprisingly well and the online is also suprisingly good aswell, Recomended to all Wii owners.