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The Games we play...

OMG, TS4!!

I can't watch the vid due to being at work but I can't wait to watch it. What consoles are getting it, is it on both PS3 and 360? I've only ever played Timesplitters 2 but it was awesome, with advancements in gaming since then I'm sure this one will be amazing. Glad to hear they will be keeping up with the humour too.

My most anticipated game of the year at the mo is Lego Indiana Jones, I'm such a big fan now of Indiana Jones and Lego Star wars was good fun (played my cousins copy for an hour or two a while back). However, I do feel that lego batman will be dire.

Also if your looking into the crystal ball for games, check out Little big World (something like that, I'll double check the name laters) which will be a PS3 exclusive, looks like random fun, woop.
^You mean little big plannet :p
And yes it does look good. Although it's hard to explain unless you play it.
Coaster Ollie said:
^You mean little big plannet :p
And yes it does look good. Although it's hard to explain unless you play it.

Thats the one!! Hehe, at least I was close, I thought I was way off :p I believe its comeing out in september or something.
I'm still looking forward to Smash Bros. I've had a go on the multiplayer Mellee mode, and to be honest I'm wasn't as impressed as I thought I would have been. The mellee mode is basically exactly the same as the gamecube version, just with a few extra characters, nothin special there. Didn't get a go at the single player though. I'll still be getting it though, and its still a great laugh with some mates.

Got Mario Kart Wii last week and I feel similar to that of Smash Bros. Its a good game, but just seems to be a complete repeat of the GC version. Half of the tracks are just copies of the GC/DS/N64, and there doesn't seem to be anything new on it. You can now drive motorbikes which are pretty cool, but thats about it. The online multiplayer works well with up 12 plays, and barely any lagg. :--D

Finally, GTA IV is out soon and there have been some gameplay videos leaked out, you can see theme here:


I can't ****ing wait for this. It looks stunning. I'm a huge GTA fan (I still play GTA:SA online everyday, have done for over a year :p ) and would love to get it. Unfortunatly I don't have a PS3 or 360, so gonna have to wait if/when its out on PC.

EDIT: Alot of the gameplay videos seem to have been removed.
Ohhhh TS4...

Hopefully that'll come to Wii...

Speaking of which, the whole Mario and other franchise repeating can be related to the other consoles as well, Metal Gear Solid and GTA being examples of being essentially the same with extra bits struck on considering that's what most people's opinions are... :roll:
I've decided to buy a ps3/gta 4 bundle next week.

I still dont know why, as there's STILL bugger all games on the ps3... But for some reason i want one.

(and i feel happier giving sony my money than microsoft)
I suppose that for Clam's taste, there are very few games on the PS3 out at the moment that he wants.

That's not to say that there are not any good games out, as there are plenty. It just comes down to personal preference.
Gawd.. Lets not get into another "My machine is better than yours" thing here.

My point was - At my last count there are only 49 RELEASED games on the ps3 in the US. That's not much for a console which has been out 18 months. In the uk I imagine the number is much lower.

And there's been very few REALLY good exclusives on it (To chose it over the 360)

But yet i still want one, and will get one to play gta 4 on it.
I have to agree with smelly there is really bugger all thats origional on the ps3 just seems to be one FPS after another, Yes there good but i look more for different games i heard a mention of lego star wars from peep, Good choice mate its a cracking game i love it and indiana looks even better we got the dummy boxes for it at work today so shouldnt be long till relise. Speaking of games that came today, Iron man cam through the doors in the delivery today so we had to have a go really lol. To be quite honest this game is rather good if your into blowing the **** out of everything while being iron man lol, I may perchase it not sure yet. Again speeking of the delivery we actually got a game on it that made me 4 hours late home from work, Yes GTA4 came so we naturally had to set up a ps3 and try it out and trust me you all wont be dissapointed with it it is an awsome game i refrained from playing to much as i want to play it at home on my big screen not a tiny 15" tv lol, But its an amazing looking game and rockstar have done great things with it.

REGARDLESS of what the reviews say.. DO NOT cave in and buy okami on the wii.

it's the worst most boring game i've ever played
I'm attempting to download Touhou 8 Imperishable night.

Half way though the download and I'm crapping my self in case my internet connection dies again.

Hokay downloaded the game REVIEW TYME!

Touhou 8 Imperishable Night

All I can say atm is. Wooooooow.

It was so pretty.

The graphics, the bullet patterns, the music all loved it. its not as hard as Ikaruga I'd say alot better though.

Defo recommend it to all Shooter fans.

and furie before you say. the collision detection is fine it was fine on mushihime sama which you thought was broken but your just stupid.

plus ITS FREE!

http://www.doujinstyle.com/touhou/imperishablenight.php Download page.


Only screen shot I have atm. I'll try get a better one to show how crazy it gets and this is on easy.
Metal Gear Solid online is now up and running, and I have to say that it is better than I expected.
It's nowhere near as good as Call of Duty 4 though. :p
The Club

I got the game yesterday and am already in love with it. The game really has no story but you are basically part of an underground combat club called....The Club. You are forced to participate in 8 deadly tournamants held by "The Secretary" and the winner of each once gets a bullet (they don't really do much). There are * characters to choose from each with their own abilitys (Mine is Kuro). The online is fast pased and fun, with the balance of TF2 and the dynamics of Halo 3. The games are small (max 8 players) so there is minimal lag. I'd recommend this to anyone who likes shooting games (it's pretty damn violent).
Read:^ jers post BTW ^

I has more pretty Touhou 8 screens.
Some of the best I have.





(note: That is a swastika in the second screen but not the Nazi version so don't worry)
Well today i've started my hunt for a 2nd hand ps3 to play gta4 on.

New they sell for $399 (so about $450 with tax)

I'm aiming to buy one for around 300 to 350 (with at least 1 game.. 350 only if i can get 3 or more GOOD games with it).

So far no luck, they seem to sell out 2nd hand quite quickly.. but i'm prepared to wait for as long as it takes...
