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Nintendo is bringing out a Starfox for next year (which was shown by Shigeru Miyamoto), plus they also have Hyrule Warriors (which should draw in more folks towards the system), the rated M Game Devil Somethingorother (I cant remember it unfortunately, but its a WiiU excluse), plus a rumored Fatal Frame (which is utter win imo) and seem to be expanding their non-US games into the non-Japanese markets finally.

From what I have heard about Watch_Dogs, is that it is finished, but the publisher wants to wait before releasing it for more Wii U sales. Considering their slew of games coming out this year, the Wii U may finally start to sell more systems by years end. God knows Hyrule Legends has peaked my interest.
Nemesis Inferno said:
List of games Nintendo should release on Wii U to make it a success:

There's nothing. The Nintendo gamers have now bought the Wii U (now Mario Kart is out) and that's their market in a nutshell used up. They'll now sell 6 million of every first party title to those people (including me remember) and that's pretty much it. They'll still sell a good number of first party titles (MS and Sony volumes), but in terms of hardware and third party - nada.

What they needed was to produce a console that provided third party games that looked massively better than anything the PS3/360 had to offer on a machine that was half the price with games at under £40.

They also needed to produce a system with more than 32Gb of **** memory! I've filled mine. Bought a 32Gb pen drive to expand it - they don't work. Bought a 260Gb USB drive - isn't recognised. Plugged in an SD Card into the front - can't use those without a USB adapter and then it's not recommended.

So I can't actually buy any more games for my Wii U now anyway. Turd!

Anyway, highlight of E3 for me? Hello Games and No Man’s Sky. Absolutely fantastic.

It's like Elite (so a near infinite universe) with planets and star systems to explore and trade in. Only it's realtime and online. Only not like an MMO. It's a living universe where the people are spread out so they'll hardly interact, but what they do does affect the universe as a whole.

You could head in one direction and be the first person to land (yes, you can land and explore) on a planet and be the first to see the animals there. It's such an adventurous title that deserved to be front and centre.


Surprised nobody has mentioned Oculus Rift and Project Morpheus. I'm really excited by VR for the masses and the games they've got coming for them are going to be superb. Very excited indeed.

It appeared to me that the three big'uns split themselves very much:

Sony - COPY PC!!!!!

MS - Do action and sports and RAAAR like always... No, wait... COPY SONY!!!

Nintendo - 10 release Nintendo title. 20 goto 10.

There's so much on the table now though. I'm already drowning in PS4 games (which is amazing seeing as I've only bought four titles in 7 months) and there's at least one must have title out for it every month from July onwards. Nintendo are starting to come to life a little too - just a shame I can't play any more on my Wii U. Nothing of interest to me on the XB1, but that was the same with the 360 - they still have some big titles heading their way.
Oh, I have more time to post. Woohoo!


Best news ever to see the best Lucasarts adventure game relive (especially because the PC version kept crashing on me so I never completed it).

Loved Microsoft

MS: "9 exclusive titles! Look at how great we are!!! NINE NINE NINE!!!"

Nintendo: "What? We've got 16 and people say we've got **** all. Some are even new titles!!!"

Sony: "Bitch, please? 20 of the mother ****!"
So, as furie has already pointed out, a couple of weeks ago Mario Kart 8 came out and there was FINALLY a reason to purchase the WiiUseless. I'd put up spoiler tags to avoid the wrath of people who haven't already got it, but it's a Mario Kart title, so there's no need. :lol:

Because the formula is the same time after time, this is one of those rare games where each and every single game is better than the previous installment. The tried and tested 50cc, 100cc, 150cc and Mirror cups continues to be simple yet brilliant. The only downside is the Battle Mode is on the normal tracks with no specific arenas, but who cares, no-one plays Battle Mode and I for one think it's a good thing Nintendo are actually aware of this and have rightly turned their attention elsewhere.

The best way to describe it is a mash of all the best things from Mario Kart Wii and Mario Kart 7 (3DS), with the added HD glory of the WiiU and the new anti-gravity sections. Even in multi-player the console doesn't lag (big problem for 4 player on the Wii edition) and the CPU karts seem to have finally developed some intelligence in their deployment of items which makes it all the more entertaining/frustrating if you get stuck amongst them.

The new 'Super-Horn' is a breathe of fresh air for those with any skill, damn those Blue Shells, damn them I say! But my favourite new item is actually the 'Piranha Plant' which you can use multiple times (like a Gold Mushroom) to either boost a little bit (but not as much as a Mushroom) or eat your rivals. It's mega. The soundtrack is the fabbest it's ever been too, apparently this was achieved by recording the tunes with a real-life orchestra, so fair play to them.

So, it's the new standard for the next Mario Kart to beat and as always it's great fun (and worth getting the console alone, especially with the current offer of a free game when you register your copy). It's not by any means the perfect game though, it can always be improved. 9.5/10

Dont forget this wonderful mishap of a gem.
Tbh I totally over look Nintendo and would never buy any of their hardware. The n64 was the worst console I've ever owned and the wii was just poor when I tried one at a friends. The graphics were so poor.

They seem to count on three or four games to keep themselves going and bring out new hardware to run them. If you want the latest Mario you need to get the latest hardware etc.

Mario and Mario Kart were the two most repetitive games I've ever played and I got the n64 for them. Think I played them for a few hours before I never loaded them again.

Yes some people love them but when you read hardcore gamer sights they are always at the bottom. They have a market yes, but they would probably sell more games if they made them for other consoles.

They are clever and know how to market their products. They also know how many Mario fans are out there so know people will be the hardware for the three games.

I think they have given up trying to compete with Sony and Microsoft now.

For me if they never made another console I would not care, I would not miss them at all.

Each to their own and it all depends what games you like and what you want from a console.
Intricks said:

Dont forget this wonderful mishap of a gem.

Mishap? That was blatently designed to be in there, given Nintendo's rather self-referential E3 conference as well...

marc said:
Tbh I totally over look Nintendo and would never buy any of their hardware. The n64 was the worst console I've ever owned and the wii was just poor when I tried one at a friends. The graphics were so poor.

They seem to count on three or four games to keep themselves going and bring out new hardware to run them. If you want the latest Mario you need to get the latest hardware etc.

Mario and Mario Kart were the two most repetitive games I've ever played and I got the n64 for them. Think I played them for a few hours before I never loaded them again.

Yes some people love them but when you read hardcore gamer sights they are always at the bottom. They have a market yes, but they would probably sell more games if they made them for other consoles.

They are clever and know how to market their products. They also know how many Mario fans are out there so know people will be the hardware for the three games.

I think they have given up trying to compete with Sony and Microsoft now.

For me if they never made another console I would not care, I would not miss them at all.

Each to their own and it all depends what games you like and what you want from a console.

When Nintendo are at the bottom of these sites what are they being compared to though is the next question... Graphics? Console power? Quality of games? (all of which the Wii failed upon miserably, no real classics bar Super Mario Galaxy really, fewer than the Gamecube that's for certain)...

Nintendo have given up directly competing with the other two, that much is clear, but they have their nice niche in the market and still produce some fantastic quality... Indeed, the Wii U does seem to follow the Gamecube pattern of having some great games but selling sod all consoles...

I feel though if they did directly compete with Sony and Microsoft we would have even more multi-format FPS' of boredom... Huzzah!

And furie, have you just downloaded all your games? This is why I keep physical CDs over downloading everything ;)
^ But why offer the option if the console you sell doesn't support it to a great extent due to it's inferior storage space?
Pierre said:
^ But why offer the option if the console you sell doesn't support it to a great extent due to it's inferior storage space?

Tis daft indeed, furie should've got the 64GB version instead though :wink:

It's typical Nintendo tbh, try to get onto the latest bandwagon of modern digital games but do it badly... 32GB would probs be alright for someone like me who prefers physical discs, but to a lot more people now desiring no CDs a small amount of space is curious...

There are ways of doing the external hard drive though, here's a handy list of externals approved by Nintendo (because Nintendo :lol:) https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Support/Wii- ... 76063.html
First up - somebody please explain why that GIF is odd? I have no idea?!?!

marc said:
They seem to count on three or four games to keep themselves going and bring out new hardware to run them. If you want the latest Mario you need to get the latest hardware etc.

Mario and Mario Kart were the two most repetitive games I've ever played and I got the n64 for them. Think I played them for a few hours before I never loaded them again.

Yes some people love them but when you read hardcore gamer sights they are always at the bottom. They have a market yes, but they would probably sell more games if they made them for other consoles.

I think you may come from a similar gaming generation as me Marc? I spent years, probably from about 1980-1992 (maybe later) playing the same kind of games. Games were linear and based on repeating the same actions over and over to make your way further into the game. The only reward was a harder version of what you'd already learnt to get past.

Nintendo essentially do this to perfection. It's all about the same game over and over and the reward is how it's now being presented and how perfected the mechanism is for playing those games.

If you loved Super Mario, then Super Mario U is the best experience of that you can have. The problem is (for gamers like me), I want progression, story, advancement and some kind of feeling of real progress. That may be seeing the final competition coming up, or the story progressing in a twisting and turning way that engages me. I see games as an entertainment like a motor racing season or film. Nintendo games to me are Road Runner cartoons "how many ways can the coyote get splatted this time?"*

The "joy" of Nintendo titles is replaying the same levels over and over until you achieve... well, usually another star which you can trade in for..? Erm, you can't even show them off to friends actually with a trophy system.

However, I really enjoy Mario and Mariokart in short bursts, especially playing with MMF. I find them frustrating though after a bit, feeling like I'm not actually achieving anything for some of the suffering you have (sudden loss at the end of a race on MK due to getting hit by a blue shell, or the really painfully hard Mario levels). The fun is in the actual playing though, not the achieving, but there isn't 100% joy, it's 50/50. I find it so hard to like Nintendo games because of it.

I have to say though, the music and sound is stunning :)

Should Nintendo compete with Sony and MS? No, they don't produce the the best games. However, they support developers who DO produce the best games. They can do that because they offer development platforms that excite gamers and sell horrid brown cross-platform dross to the masses. Their first party stuff is also churned out, but mass appealing.

So they have a large platform of people after new gaming types, which we've seen hit both the MS and Sony platforms for years where only first party (and dance titles) sell anything on Nintendo. It's a stifling ecosystem and if Nintendo produced a wider range of games and types (and innovated), then you'd perhaps see greater console sales and a better platform.


- When Nintendo do innovate and produce a superb game (like Kirby's Epic Yarn), it doesn't sell.
- They don't know how to present a platform (see problems supporting developers with a closed system and poor download with limited internal storage).
- They have new titles on the table, but all the focus is on their old IP.

So they're dammed no matter what to be honest. In the meantime, all the innovation is happening away from them, forcing them into a tighter and tighter corner of their own limited game ranges.

The Wii was a fantastic disaster for Nintendo. It gave them the hope that they could continue to to keep on doing what they liked and everyone would buy buy buy - not understanding that the casual market is fickle and want "the next thing", not a repeat of "the old thing". Sony learned this the hard way with Singstar and Eyetoy (arguably the two items that helped develop the casual market the Wii rode on the backs of). Sony sold over 20 million units of both those (I can't find figures now, but I seem to remember it was huge numbers) in their initial runs, and absolutely bugger all on next releases and next gen.

It made them popular and made them a fortune - it also made them think the market was for "Nintendo Games and consoles" and missed that it was in fact for "The Wii". They also missed the fact that the market for the PS3 and 360 was larger than that of the Wii and that overall attachment rates for all titles was much higher on those other two systems. Wii attachment rate was very high for very few products.

So yeah, somewhere Nintendo are missing a trick. They have very few god games on the Wii U now, or coming up that aren't based on old titles. It'll be a handful across the life of the machine - the same as the Gamecube. A few great games and lots of middling dross. The PS4 already has more decent titles that should really be sitting on a Nintendo console (Octodad, Stick it to the Man, Child of Light, Doki-Doki Universe, Mercenary Kings and lots of others already out or due any time).

Oddly, the reverse is true on the handhelds. The 3DS/2DS sells fantastically. Yet here it's the same old same old and dross that sells really well too. Yet the Vita which is more powerful and has some absolutely stunning games sells badly and is regarded as a poor system to own. They both essentially have the same approach to market as their gibber TV based brethren, yet the sales and attitude is completely reversed :lol:

Nemesis Inferno said:
Pierre said:
^ But why offer the option if the console you sell doesn't support it to a great extent due to it's inferior storage space?

It's typical Nintendo tbh, try to get onto the latest bandwagon of modern digital games but do it badly... 32GB would probs be alright for someone like me who prefers physical discs, but to a lot more people now desiring no CDs a small amount of space is curious...

The thing is, retail games are **** expensive for the Wii U. They take ages to come down in price (and then suddenly they're on flash sales).

However, to add to the mixed messages. I got my Wii U with Pikmin 3 bundled as a download, Nintendoland as a disk and Pokemon Rumble download with it.

I also got "Nintendo Premium" which gives me back about 10% on the value of any game I download off their online service. So Pikmin and Pokemon gave me over a fiver back. I then used that to buy more games to download (on a flash online sale which was lower than retail prices actually), which in turn gave me more money back for more games.

Considering the after the patch, Nintendoland, Pokemon and Pikmin I'd used over half the memory in the system, it's not surprising I've rapidly run out of room. Mario U free with Mario Kart, then more money back for that "purchase" and... Out of space. They're really pushing virtual sales, but don't offer a good solution.

Nemesis Inferno said:
There are ways of doing the external hard drive though, here's a handy list of externals approved by Nintendo (because Nintendo :lol:) https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Support/Wii- ... 76063.html

My problem (apart from the cost) is that I don't have any sockets available now for another device. I don't want a huge HDD the size of the bloody Wii U and another power point used up. I have 10 things plugged in as it is, and there are very few that power down when not in use (and often they don't power up as quick as the Wii U (or with it), so you don't see them anyway as the Wii U needs up and running fully on boot).

It's just a PITA you don't need. I could get a Y adapter and a portable drive (which is what I'll have to do), but as Nintendo don't officially support that solution, it's spending money and just hoping it will work.

They need to produce an official solution to a problem they have created...

*To be fair, I love Road Runner cartoons and there are never enough ways to splat old Wile E.
Glad it's not just me.

Bought a Command and Conquer compilation in Game for a few quid the other day, mainly to play Red Alert again. Forgot how **** difficult and time consuming it was right from the off.
Been playing a few games recently.

Since I've been having a lot of fun with Pokemon, I thought I'd try out some other RPG. My brother really likes Final Fantasy and for the past few years he's been trying to get me to play it. So I finally decided to try FFXIII (which, from what I've heard, isn't as good as some of the other ones in the series) and so far I'm really enjoying. Story is huge! And at first I was overwhelmed with the fast paced battle system, but starting to really enjoy it.

I've also started to appreciate Animal Crossing New Leaf a bit more. When I first got it it seemed like some little game that I "needed" to check in on every now and then. But I think I've finally become addicted to it (which is what I was expecting when I first got it).

What else... I guess some of my thoughts on the recently announced E3 games?

Captain Toad looks awesome. I thought his little levels in 3D World were fantastic, some I'm totally up for more of those.

Splatoon looks interesting. When I first saw it it reminded me of the graffiti mini games from one of the Tony Hawk ProSkater games. I want to see what else they can do with it first, but it does seem like tons of fun.

Smash Bros is Smash Bros. :lol: So yeah, I'll definitely be buying that when it comes out.

Also, has anyone here tried out Shovel Knight? There's something about that little game that interests me, I dunno. I'd like to hear anyone's thoughts about it.
Anybody else addicted to the awful epicness that they call Clash of Clans? The love/hate relationship I have is quite unhealthy.
If you've gotten higher than a 128 tile, you're way too good at 2048.

I just got 4096 the other day...
Downloaded and finished the Destiny Beta yesterday in 5 hours. Beautiful game! No bugs, glitches, or lag in the game. The game runs extremely smooth even for a BETA. Bungie did an excellent job! Of course I will get the game since I pre ordered it. I give is 5 stars.

Beta comes out for Xbox next week, I really, really, wanna try it out, but I don't wanna preorder for 360 when I hope to get an XBone for it. Might just suck it up and wait for Black Friday Halo bundles and get this with it, because that's obviously gonna happen.
tomahawk said:
Beta comes out for Xbox next week, I really, really, wanna try it out, but I don't wanna preorder for 360 when I hope to get an XBone for it. Might just suck it up and wait for Black Friday Halo bundles and get this with it, because that's obviously gonna happen.

You're in luck.
Bungie said:
Today, at 4:00 PM PDT, the Destiny Beta will be available to all who want to play. Look for the invitation to download the Beta on your PlayStation or Xbox console.

PS: Choose Warlock. I guarantee its the best class.