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The Games we play...

Guys this is quite funny but can someone add me on psn I don't have no friends on there. InsectonatorJL
^ Don't know or can't be arsed? It's not difficult - you shouldn't be using a console if you can't figure out its basic operations.

Furie, any recommendations for PS4 that are family friendly? When I say family friendly, the other half likes the simplicity of games like New Super Mario Bros on the DS but isn't very good at them - I need to ensure she can get involved if/when I get one! :)

I saw Sparkle 2 on the Playstation Blog which is basically a rip of Zuma which she might like but I don't want to be paying fortunes for **** games on such a great machine :lol:
Knack is really good. It's very simple, and (if you fork out for the added controller) you can both play together - so if one of you dies, you keep going as long as one of you lives.

You can also do all the work while she fannies about being a **** gamer and she'll stil lfeel like she's accomplishing something.

Or that's what MMF said about me playing it :p

Other than that, obviously Nintendo have the monopoly on simple games :p

If you get the camera, The Playroom will keep her and the little 'un happy for a few hours actually - particularly if you use the PS4 companion app to draw things.

The biggest issue is that a lot of the games appear to be simple (they look it from the screen shots), but they're actually hard a nails. Simple mechanic, simple graphics, simple ideas, really deep and tough to play.

They're often really "old school" though where you repeat the same kind of things over and over, never really getting much further each time. Starting again and getting slowly better. Don't Starve is fab, and Mercenary Kings is great too (though you'll want to murder the second player when they eat through your three lives in as many seconds). Very simple to pick up, very hard to make headways into, very addictive.

Octodad - Dadliest Catch is really good fun. Though I suspect she'd throw the controller through the window by about halfway through. It's a game that is a real leveller though - nobody can play it - but it's really, really good fun.

I guess Rayman is another one, really good platformer - I think there's a demo. It's no different to the other console versions though.

Hope that helps? Loads of stuff you'll love on it :)
I wasn't sure about Knack, it got a lot of PR from Sony on the February reveal and launch and didn't know if it was just a case of console manufacturer bleating on about one of it's own.

Fair enough, could be inclined for that! :) Octodad does look fun.
Here's a pic from the Hyrule Warriors [strike]reskin[/strike] game...



And an actual one:

The senna stuff finally came out for gt6.

Whilst the sound is great and the turbo kick in is fantastic you only get 1 lap in each car! It's so stupid. There is no chance to get in the groove and get faster and faster.

Overall though they done a much better job than codemasters did with their attempt at old f1 cars but it needs more laps.
The senna stuff finally came out for gt6.

Whilst the sound is great and the turbo kick in is fantastic you only get 1 lap in each car! It's so stupid. There is no chance to get in the groove and get faster and faster.

Overall though they done a much better job than codemasters did with their attempt at old f1 cars but it needs more laps.
No E3 discussion?

In a nutshell, Nintendo are churning the same **** out again with Mario Party 10 (10!) announced, Pokémon remakes, Zelda, Yoshi, Mario v Donkey Kong. They're also releasing a new Smash Bro's and encouraging people to buy a gamecube controller adapter for $20 to play it with.

Sony announced a few games but also showcased some more further. The trailer of the Order 1886 was disappointing, it was shown at E3 2013 and a whole year later we got a trailer of 90% cutscenes 10% a guy pulling a trigger. They've also elaborated more on the Playstation Now and Playstation TV services. The fact you can stream your PS4 onto another TV in the household is pretty cool. LBP3 was a surprise however I think we all expected an Uncharted 4 announcement.

Microsoft have appeared to listen to consumers moaning about their massive focus on the TV side of things and actually did a very unusual Microsoft thing and showcased a bunch of games including the next installment of the COD series. They're also appearing to be more supportive of indie developers.

After the astonishing 2013 E3 showcasing the next-gen consoles, 2014 was never going to follow it but it has been disappointing. I don't think I'm getting a PS4 until around Christmas time now too as there's a lot of feedback on its system software which people aren't happy with but they'll be sure to implement in future updates. The games catalog also still isn't fantastic.
My view is they all rushed to get the next gen consoles out and they all should have spent another year in development and make games.

I really want a ps4 but I just cannot justify getting one for it to sit there for months and not do anything.
See now, twhile Pierre got some of the stuff, he left a good chunk out.

Nintendo had confirmed that there is a secret project happening with Star Fox, and while they did do all the other main nintendo games, Bayonetta 2 got a release date I believe (and confirmation that it will come with Bayonetta as well). Also the fact that the new Zelda game for 2015 will be as free-roaming as they want (plus really freaking beautiful to look at). They showed Link using a bow though, not the trademark sword. Simply put, I may want to get the system by next year if they dont turn the new Zelda into utter ****. Plus Hyrule Warriors looks fab as ****.

Sony showcased some pretty nice games (although some of them may have come from today as well). Grim Fandango is being remade (never heard of), No Mans Skies looks utterly fantastic and makes me want to have it now in whatever form it is in. A few other games were announced (none of which I can remember too well as I was just skimming the stories while at work and No Mans Skies was the best to me).

GTA V was "announced" for a fall/autumn release on the PS4, XBone and PC.

Microsoft focused mainly on games (which is what they should have done LAST year) and Sunset Overdrive looks like the kind of game I really would enjoy playing, but so did Titanfall, and that turned out to be utter turd when I played it finally. MS also announced the Halo Master Cheif Collection (Halo 1-4 being remade and remastered for XBone).

All in all, the internet keyboard warriors still seem to be in alignment with Sony, as they gave us what they wanted last year and focused on additions to the core system this year, and Microsoft is falling further and further behind in their opinion.

I know that we are getting Final Fantasy Type-0 on the XBone and PS4 systems as well at some point, and I really havent paid much attention since (being busy and all photo editing).

Now then, time to back it up a bit and talk about what Ive been playing recently.

Watch_Dogs, for all the hype it was given, has somewhat lived up to it. I love ramming police and then throwing up road blocks to watch them crash, and I quite enjoy the random tidbits of info your phone will give you on people (Most Common Online Purchase: Hentai, Follower of Cthulu, Did Amatuer Porn in College and such), plus I like the fact that once you unlock more on your phone (which is pretty early), it kind of makes you wander around just to hack random people for the sole purpose of discovering songs within the game and unlock cars to have at your fingertips. The bad though, is that no matter what vehicle you decide to drive, it all handles like a motorcycle. So while its good when driving the crotch rocket, not so much in anything else.

The hilarity that ensues though is pretty fun. Plus I have yet to find switching the Traffic Signal boring in any manner.
Sequels, sequels EVERYWHERE!

Also Captain Toad game <3

Nintendo versions of Skylander toys though :/

Don't really care for Sony or Microsoft as I don't own or plan to own their new consoles...
I'm excited about the Halo remaster, yes same games, but they are **** fun.

The problem with Titanfall is there is no campaign. Most people don't give two ****, but those of us who play games for campaigns, and multiplayer second, are disappointed.

Still planning on getting an Xbone in the fall. Hoping they release a killer Destiny bundle.
I left a good chunk out because I missed a good chunk of it myself, was hoping the discussion on here would bring relevant chat :)

I did see the defiant Reggie of Nintendo emphasizing their focus on the Gamepad still which is a disappointment from me. Anyone and everyone can see sales of Wii U, considering it's been out a whole year longer than Sony/Microsoft are dismal and they need to do something drastic before this generation is consigned to a failure for them in my opinion. Nintendo have the core fanbase, and it seems like that's all they have. The novelty of the 'casual' gamers have been picked out and done with the Wii, time to focus elsewhere.

On another note, this is lolworthy;

Pierre said:
I left a good chunk out because I missed a good chunk of it myself, was hoping the discussion on here would bring relevant chat :)

I did see the defiant Reggie of Nintendo emphasizing their focus on the Gamepad still which is a disappointment from me. Anyone and everyone can see sales of Wii U, considering it's been out a whole year longer than Sony/Microsoft are dismal and they need to do something drastic before this generation is consigned to a failure for them in my opinion. Nintendo have the core fanbase, and it seems like that's all they have. The novelty of the 'casual' gamers have been picked out and done with the Wii, time to focus elsewhere.

List of games Nintendo should release on Wii U to make it a success:

- New 3D Metroid game (a la Prime Trilogy, whilst we're at it, release at 3DS version as well please)
- New F-Zero with 30 player online play (considering how good Mario Kart 8's online is, this would be amazing)
- Eternal Darkness sequel (never gonna happen, but there would be some good possibilities with that)
- Mario Galaxy 3 (MOAR Mario, MOAR fun)
- Fully fledged 3D Pokemon MMO style game (it's what the people want)
- Pokemon Snap sequel (because why not?)

The Pokemon MMO game alone would sell the console to damn near everyone in the world tbh... Where Nintendo lose out to the others solely lies in the 3rd party offerings, with the lack of Fifa and COD amongst others... Even Watch Dogs hasn't arrived yet (although that could be due to unique Gamepad offerings people are wishing/hoping for)...

I think reactions to the new IPs (Splatoon and Steam) kinda show that Nintendo are in a damned if they do create new games over the usual IPs, and damned if they don't because they use the same old stuff every time around... Will be interesting to see how successful amiibo is for them, what with Skylanders and Infinity already in that market...

Certainly the games they announced over the course of the conference are mostly already on my list to get... Apart from Xenoblade, because that really didn't interest me at all... Splatoon looks quite good fun as well and will have both offline and online multiplayer modes, because Nintendo still love the old local multiplayer...

They'll push the gamepad because they want to make it look worthwhile, which it can be at times, but is clearly not used to it's greatest effect in the majority of games, where it's best use is for off-TV play... The two projects (Robot and Guard) they showed seemed to have some good ideas behind them but would probably only appear in another mini-game collection... Which the console doesn't need at all (what with Nintendoland and Wii U Party already existing)...

They need to push more into the core market, but they did that with the Gamecube, and that didn't exactly do well either... It's a shame because that was a good game filled console as well, as is the Wii U...