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The Games we play...

Well, there's nothing else I can do for you - clearly you're just a modern day fanboy. Everything is there, and you can get the game to run on any PC between 1 hour and 20 years old (in some way, shape or form).

I suggest you get back to ****ing off over the pretty graphics on the 360, and leave the classic gaming to those who actually enjoy it :p
All in all I'd prefer this


But that looks rubbish? What is the point of a shoot 'em up where you don't die when a badly collision detected blob comes within 7 pixels of your ship?
The collision dectection is only one pixel big on the character all the bullets are pixle perfect in collision detection..

its deliberatly done like that. Look at all the CAVE Shooters on youtube, thats the point in bullet hell games. most of them will show you just the bosses.

Bullet hell emphasises more of thick barrages of bullets that have to be navigated in order not to die. they have opened up ALOT of new ways of gameplay with in the shmup era. Most of them are dont by cave, You have the Touhou porject series which gets into deeper stories and prettier bullet patterns.

some of these game try to get you to get close to these bullets by rewarding you some how. like Psyvariar's Buss system which when you level up created a temorary shield that lasts about 3 seconds or 5 cant really tell but the more you do it in denser patterns the more the shield lasts longer. It builds up adrenaline rally fast as as soon as that shield is gone then your dead untill the pattern ends.

Ikaruga is sort of another example of this. how ever Ikaruga uses its polarity system in whic getting the same colour bullets charges the homeing laser (which makes the last boss epic but thats a different story) by doing that is makes players take risks to actually survive longer.


And other thing. I'm going to try winuae. how ever if the computer dies I'll know why.

And I do enjoy classic gaming reason being most of those games are worth the money they were sold for. Games now are £50 mostly yeah? back in the Era I like they were something between £20-£30 and they were hard, they lasted alot longer. games now are physically longer but back then it used to take ages to finish a game that was probably only an hour long from start to finish but they took ages to finish. it took me a over a decade to actually finish one of the first games i played at the age of 2 (and lasted about 2 mins but it still cound as playing :p)

ANYWAY ramble over. ^_^
"Games now are £50 mostly yeah? back in the Era I like they were something between £20-£30 and they were hard, they lasted alot longer. "
If you take inflation into account games are actually cheaper now than they were back then.

Besides - remember street fighter 2 on the snes? That cost 80 quid at launch!

games now are physically longer

I dont necessarily agree with that.. look at halo 3 for example.

But yeah.. Games are easier/shorter now than they were "back in the day".

This is mainly because gaming has stopped being the persuit of sad losers in their bedrooms (i.e. you and me when we were teens) to a mainstream experience where it's now "cool" to play games.

Everyone keeps talking about the wii making games casual, and how it's a bad thing as it's getting rid of "hard core" games.

I say to that "bull". Games went mainstream with the playstation, when sony put playstations into nightclubs, etc.

Because more people got into games, more simpler, shorter games started selling better (see pretty much any racing/shooting game). Developers learned that modern "mainstream" gamers dont like hard games.

If a modern gamer cant complete a game without too much hassle then a modern game is deemed to be not that good and too hard.

Sorry.. i went off on one there..
Smelly said:
games now are physically longer

I dont necessarily agree with that.. look at halo 3 for example.

But yeah.. Games are easier/shorter now than they were "back in the day".

Find a long play of some games you you'll proably fin they are about between 20 mins and max I've seen 6 hours in the case of lemmings but the majority were 1 or 2 hours long and that just trying to get from begining to end no speed running (you'd probably get games done in half an hour if that was the case).

Sure some were posibly 20 hours like the early rpgs (FF) but since that used a battery save in which hold power and reset or sommat or game goes BOOM! then you had to keep starting again.

Also (for oldies) was it really true that games used to cost 2 quid in the early 80's?
Games used to cost 1.99 for budget, 9.99 for full priced. Not just in the early 80's too.. right up to the late 80's/

Most of the best games (dizzy, etc) came out on budget though

As for the length of game thing - sorry you're wrong. You're making judgements based on speed runs.

And also bare in mind games back in those days didnt have save points, if you died on level 30, back to the start you went.

You dont even have to go TOO far back either. Go to the SNES days. Zelda on the snes was HUGE and was way longer than 3d equivalents (same goes for mario, castlevania, metroid, etc etc).

Playstation came along and games got easier and shorter out of necessity to keep the new players entertained. Nowadays it's actually seen as a BAD THING when making games to have a "game over" screen (apart from at the end of the game).

It took MUCH MUCH MUCH longer (And a LOT of determination, learning, etc) to beat a game in those days.

Whether or not you think that's a good thing is down to personal preference (i think it was a good thing - modern games are rubbish *lol*).
Smelly said:


You're making judgements based on speed runs.

me said:
long play


bare in mind games back in those days didnt have save points, if you died on level 30, back to the start you went.

I know thats why in my oppinion they are harder.

It took MUCH MUCH MUCH longer (And a LOT of determination, learning, etc) to beat a game in those days.

ooooh yes 100% agree'd on that.

I'm not sure but i think we are agreeing.
Yes we probably are. But i'm older and i was there.. (even got games published back in the day when i was just 13)

So I just felt the need to be all "knowledgeable" :lol:

Reet.. back on topic.

STILL loving smash bros... CAnt wait for my english chums to get hold of a copy so i can play them online
The multiplayer maps on N+ are great. you really have to work together in alot of them and a mic is definatly needed I'd say. I was talking alot to this bloke on what to do most of the time. then howling in laughter when some one dies humourously (which often leads to every one else dieing :lol:)

The trial game was good so at least check that out.
big john said:
To be quite honest iv always stuck up for the 360 and in some sence still will its a great machine but after having it for a long time now and watching ps3 over the last year or so get better and 360 get a bit worse plus the added bonus of my 360 dying taking 2 weeks to repair then worrying that if i play it for any legnth of time ill be without again as it will melt again, I took the decision to get rid and get a ps3. My decision was not based on power or which is better, It was made on the fact that my confidence in the 360 had just gone plus all the games i owend on 360 i got again on ps3 so not realy any difference. Saying that there is one shining example i did get with the ps3 and that is UNCHARTED DRAKES FORTUNE, This game is stunning and i dont care what fact figures and crap you spout there is no way in hell the 360 could even manage to replicate this game without problems its that stunning, Not just graphicly which it does excell in umbelivebly but in sheer size of the game i have been playing it for 26 hours now and im just at 79% compleate the chapters are huge. So to the talk earlier that sony wont use disk size to there advantage i present this game, And as for load times iw will admit drakes fortune does install a little bit the first time you play but only take about 10 mins but after that there is no load time and i mean nothing at all after you start playing it is a seemless experience from start to finish. Ill stop going on now but must say everyone must at least try this game even if you dont like it just take a look as it such a stunning looking piece of work it get 200 out of 10 from me i think its that good

I never had to install anything?!

I've just completed it w00t. Only did it on normal though so gunna go through hard.
Got NO MORE HEROES on the wii its really good actually i heard all the hype about it and everybody raving on how good it was so i thought meh its different ill try it and its really enjoyable hacking people to bits with a light sabre and all the little retro quirks give it an edge. If you like hack-n-slash games with a difference give it a try.
Although I got it for christmas, i'm still playing it.
Zelda: Phantom Hourglass on the Nintendo DS is really good. The graphics are stunning (for a DS game) and the game play and use of the DS' features are used in really clever ways.
If you see this on a shelf and want a game to play that will last you quite a long time then I recomend getting this. ;)
Excuse the double post. :oops:

I finally got round to playing the Burnout Paridise Demo.
It's amazingly fun, but for the two hours I played the demo for I wondered if I got the full game, how long it would keep me entertained for. It's great to mash up other cars, but there isn't many objectives and it feels like the game is relying on the online play too much.

I may get it but it's not top of my list.

Games I want to get: (in no particular order)
The Darkness
Army of Two
Burnout Paradise
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
the thing is with the burnout demo is it only gives you about 4 things to do whereas the full game has over 120 challenges over 120 road rules 77 cars and all the other chalenges you can do to get extra credit and cars plus the achevments, Yes achevements even on the ps3 version and all that before you even get to online play which then opens another 400 challenges to you and your friends to do together and all in the open area of paradise city which is open from the start unlike in the demo where you can only go to certain places. My tip is go get it its awsome and still the best seller at work by far. Also ARMY OF TWO is a great kill fest and it looks stunning and uncharted is a must for any ps3 owner its that good.
You may be happy to hear that I actually purchased Burnout Paradise at the weekend. Unfortunatly I havn't had a chance to play it, but I am planning on doing so this evening...can't wait :D

Big John, where do you work then? You always seem to be playing the latest games.
^^^^ I work at game and also at sheffield arena so 2 cool jobs but game is cool cause i get to play loads of pre relese stuff before it comes out yay. Did you get burnout on ps3 if so whats ya friend name thingy and we can all go online and have a crash fest/challenge run
Ya, the PS3 edition indeed. I believe my name thingy is Peep101. I doubt I'll be online tonight, see how it goes on my first go :p