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Sorry bout the double post but meh new game(s)

Got some ms points and Wii points yestureday
and boughted 6 games.

Starting with X360

First Bomberman Live

After the abysmal Act zero i was worried bomberman was dead. but BM Live brings it back toits original form. Although not as hectic as Atomic bomberman it is still pretty fasted paced with 8 players. the new power ups are quite cool as well. I'd reccomend it to pretty much any one EXTREMELY easy to play.

Next is N+ full game.
I got the trial version of this couple of days ago and i really liked it so i got the full game. Co-op mode on multiplay is alot of fun and all the players really need to stay alive. the physics are great but I'd only recomend trial mode since its not really for every one.

Finaly Contra (arcade version by the looks of it)
Saw this in the list and i have bout 600 point left so I though why not :| it wasnt too bad in terms of difficulty. got quite far on my first cred and I havent used to code (dont even know if it works on it). I will admit this. I bunked the lives up to 7 :lol:. I can see why it was so popular it is a really god game.

Now on to the Wii

Game one
Bonk adventure.

I had this on the amiga (under the name BC kid) and well this version (turbographix16 also know as the PCengine I think Shed some light please) Is well... Extremely inferior but what do you expect Console vs computer... DUH! Either way I still like it and it about fifty billion times easier as well I died ALOT but lives are much easier to get on it. I'd much prefer it on the Amiga.

Game two
R-type III: The Third Lightning
I love these and the R-type series is one of the most recognisable of the entire genre (although Mushihime sama futari alone may beat it).

Compairing it to some of the other Shmups I'v played (Ikaruga, Apidya, Psyvariar Complete edit, Pegasus blah blah blah) I'd rate it as my second fave just under Ikaruga, its hard yes when you die you lose ALL of your weapons yes but you sill have a chance to survive (unlike Apidya which uses the gradius style and when you die in that you have no chance in hell). I like it now go get it.

Game three: Castlevania.

Um I died 3 seconds into the game, fell in the water. havent played it enough to really say anything although if its as good as SOTN I'll be happy

I don't know whether this game has been posted before, but to me, the best ever real-time strategy game is Cossacks: European Wars and the expansion packs. If you are familiar with the Age of Empires series, you will love Cossacks. It's a fairly historical accurate game based on the wars of Europe in the sixteenth and seventeenth century.
It's basically one of these "build a town, then an army and go to war"-games, with six different resources to collect, and 24 countries to choose from, all with different architecture and units.
The fun thing about Cossacks is that the food amount decreases constantly, as do the gold (as you have to feed and pay your soldiers), you need coal and iron to fire weapons, and so on.
The maximum amount of units in one army is a whooping 8000, but if faced by the right cannons, you may easily destroy the entire army in a matter of minutes.
As opposed to similiar strategy games, the difference between men and ships and other buildings is huge. In AOE, a ship may cost twice as much as a soldier, and have three times as much HP, while in Cossacks, a big ship is as expensive as 20,000 infantry units, but has firepower and HP thereof.
Your soldiers may also capture the enemies, something that allows you to take over entire cities after the armies are defeated. Or if your city is badly guarded, you may risk that your enemy raids your city and take all your workers as slaves, while you desperately try to evacuate the remaining workers.
Also, one-hit KO's are very frequent. In good old Age of Empires, you would need three cannonshots to kill an infanterist, while in Cossacks, a cannonball may easily obliterate an army, and the grapeshots are capable of killing dozens in one go. Most fully upgraded infantery is capable of two-shot killing most other infantery.

On the downside, the game is not i full 3D, but rather like RCT2 with only one angle to choose from.
It's very easy if you play defensive, and the opponents are very predictable, as they always go after your defense towers, and keep sending the same amount of the same type of enemies into sure death.
The graphics are a bit better than RCT2, but not much. After all, the game is from 2003.
Buildings and ships tend to explode when destroyed, even if there was no explosives in there. The flying debris may kill, though.
It's pretty hard to make your own levels.
If you don't have the expansion packs, all enemies will team up against you when playing with mutiple opponents.

As a total, I'll give the game a 9.5. A bit old, but better than the sequel, and with amazing gameplay.
right i compleated lost it was ok if not a little short so thought id swap it for army of 2, Now these type of games dont usualy do it for me but something about it just caught my attention a bit so i thought id try it and glad i did its really enjoyable and even better in 2 player ether split screen or online. ARMY OF 2 is a recomendation from me.
I just downloaded the Rez HD demo off Xbox live because of how great people said it was on here and am I missing something, or is Rez the biggest pile of **** ever? It sucks.
Audiosurf, $10 from Steam, best time wasting game ever.

Also played Burnout Paradise recently as my mate bought it, and may now have to buy it myself, very good, a return to form for Burnout in my eyes, the last few have been lackluster.
Not really knowing what Klax is, and unwilling to read the Wikipedia page, i couldn't say. Basically it's a "simple" colour-matching game, where you control a car and collect these blocks and you have to make groups of the same colour. There are various different modes though, and being colourblind my favourite one is "mono" mode, where there's only 1 colour, but you have to avoid grey blocks.

The main point of the game is that the 3D tracks you're racing along match the music you're listening to, and you can use any audio file you have. Heavy/fast songs = heavy/fast racing, chilled out songs = slow chilled out racing.

This is a good example.

Like i say, it's just a time wasting game, to be honest i just use it as a more interesting way to listen to music.
^ sounds interesting actually :)

this how ever does not.


Language warning.

This doesnt look too good.
I think furie said that he had or tried R-Type Final and I wosh to be lazy and not go looking for said post so yah a Re-review of R-Type Final.

I love shmups ^_^
It was indeed me.

It's, erm, not R-Type. I'm a huge R-Type fan, and put many hours into the game on the Spectrum, Atari ST and Mame.

It's very lush visually, yet almost bland too. It's odd.

Gameplay wise though, it's not as tough as the original (I could get to the first end of level boss on a single life on my first go), then it becomes very tough. It's not "twitchy" like it should be. You should be able to live on pure reactions and get away with it. Also, the firing is automatic, so you lose the adrenaline rush of hammering away at the fire button.

In essence, it bored me, but my gaming tastes have moved on dramatically. I played masses of shoot 'em ups 20+ years ago, and I've had my fill really. Nothing ever surpassed Xenon II anyway :lol:

so, if you love the genre, it's worth a try, but don't expect anything "old school", just somethnig a bit between what was, and what is now.
^ theres Auto-fire on R-type III on VC ijust dont use it.

Yeah I will agree it doesnt really look or feel like an R-type game looking at video's, Final looks deeper in the atomsphere area of the game.

I do really like the genre (although I prefer the Bullet hell sub genre)

XENON II!!! never had it but I know its BMB :p

Ah well its like a fiver on play.com so its not like its a ripoff if I dont like it.
kimahri said:
XENON II!!! never had it but I know its BMB :p

You're no longer worth talking to. Anyone who claims to like classic gaming, and shoot 'em ups, but hasn't played Xenon II should be shunned utterly.

(actually, preferred the original Xenon as it required a little more in the way of tactics, but the complete awesomeness of Xenon II could not be denied).

Come back once you have been here:

Then here:
http://www.classic-pc-games.com/amiga/g ... non_2.html

Or at the very least - here:

And then try here:
http://www.bitmap-brothers.co.uk/featur ... /index.htm

Now return when you are worthy! :p
Again ARMY OF 2 is quite a little stunner if you like third person shooters it caught my eye and has me hooked the online 2 player co-op is awsome to aslong as you dont get a goit who dosnt know how to play it lol. Also will be making a trip to get NO MORE HEROES on the wii on friday hope this game lives up to its good reviews and not a let down so fingers crossed
furie said:
kimahri said:
XENON II!!! never had it but I know its BMB :p

You're no longer worth talking to. Anyone who claims to like classic gaming, and shoot 'em ups, but hasn't played Xenon II should be shunned utterly.

(actually, preferred the original Xenon as it required a little more in the way of tactics, but the complete awesomeness of Xenon II could not be denied).

Come back once you have been here:

Then here:
http://www.classic-pc-games.com/amiga/g ... non_2.html

Or at the very least - here:

And then try here:
http://www.bitmap-brothers.co.uk/featur ... /index.htm

Now return when you are worthy! :p

Gunna give me the money for a comp that will run it? :p

the comp I have doesnt like much and I'm not allowed to put stuff on this laptop.

Better still get a copy of it compatible with the A500 and send me it. maybe cheaper :p
furie said:

I tried that one. Started the game and it wouldnt let me quit, it also made my PC make alot of noises, even though the sound was turned off. :shock:
My computer has now gone slow. :(

And I ended up having to reboot my computer. It was a **** game as well. :x

Just a warning before anyone downloads it.
kimahri said:
Gunna give me the money for a comp that will run it? :p

the comp I have doesnt like much and I'm not allowed to put stuff on this laptop.

The downloadable copy of Xenon II is the PC version, and I used to run it on an 8086, Hercules mono graphics, running at 2Mhz with 640Kb RAM. I suspect you out-spec that somewhat?

Winuae I first ran on on my old PII about 7 or 8 years ago. I did have 64Mb RAM by then, and the CPU ran at 450Mhz, plus a Voodoo II GFX card. However, I'm still pretty sure that you can that too!

Stop with the excuses - just admit that you're really a spnagly graphics and no gameplay fanboy - pretending to like classics to be 'cool' and 'retro' :p
My computer makes babies cry.

it cant haldle much at all. I am in EXTREME need of a new one.


Original system > emulator