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"Terminator" Woodie for SFMM

Been following all the updates on this and it looks like it is going to be really good. The pacing looks great and the ride looks nice and compact in and out of the wooden structure with a neat layout.
Relatively few pics on this one. Good. Now, the thread won't take all these ages to load.

And I think it looks like one of the better coasters in Magic Mountain. Hopefully, the brand name abuse won't take away the appearent awesomeness of this.

Do anyone know anything about the capacity of this?
Am I the only person in the world that does not think this coaster looks that good. Its does not seem to do anything that impressive like some of the other new coasters that have been built over the past few years. It does not seem that fast, the drop is not huge I dont know it just does not tick any box for me.

I have followed this coaster from the start but kept quiet until it tested. Hope I am wrong though, but I am hard to please with what I like in a coaster.
^ Does not seem fast? I'm not entirely sure what you mean with that. It looks plenty fast.. at least the same speed as the other recent GCIs. There hasn't been a bad one in recent memory and this has a pretty nice layout which should do what all GCI's do best... maintain a really good pace through the whole layout with pops of airtime everywhere.
I meant the pacing seems out but its hard to tell really in the video and it is only a test run. I just dont think it does much thats all, just seems a tad boring thats the word I was looking for. I dont think I have done a GCI before tbh.

Maybe I will change my mind when I see better camera angles and maybe a POV.

Just at the moment not impressed, but I seem to be the only one so I must be missing something.
^ No, you're not the only one. If you look at the rankings of most GCI coasters they seem to fall in that "solid B+" category. Which on one hand is great that they seem to be so consistent making "very good" coasters, but I do with sometimes they would do some things that really push the envelope.

I fully expect Terminator (and Prowler for that matter when I get out and ride it) to both be great, "fun", coasters - perfect for the park and the GP, but not showing up in too many people's "top 10 lists."

I love GCIs, and always have a great time riding them, especially if you've got a good grop together, but give me El Toro and Balder any day! =)

I have to agree. It doesn't make me think I must ride it. I'm sure it will be fun to ride, but not amazing, and not worth queueing long for in a park with so many quality coasters.
I think it looks really "good", not amazing, but a excellent replacement to psyclone.

I know iom not gonna be riding it for a few years yet, but i cant wait to see how they implement the audio onto this.

Looks pretty rapid though...
I see with this they have kept the airtime hills low so each seat will feel a similar sensation of airtime, but the rest of the track such as pullouts/ups have been overly drawn out. If GCI shortened the length of their trains by half, I'm sure they could do so much more and get the elements tighter.
Pokemaniac said:
Do anyone know anything about the capacity of this?
Most GCI's with two trains are listed at 850 per hour. But those are with 12 car trains and this one is 11.

Quite low.. but again, the trains will do that.

I do agree though.. I wish GCI would just blow us out of the water with a coaster.. just once.. then go back to Mr. Tried and True.
As nice as it is to see a new woodie being built anywhere, I just can't get over the disparity between the number of coasters at the Mountain, and the number of remaining flat rides. IIRC, they are down to what, seven outside of the kiddie areas?

I'm just lost as to the decision process that led to this.
I don't think the reason is for any record claim, Magic Mountain is a park that needs a lot of work doing to it, and this is just part of the masterplan. They have a hell of a lot of things which need to be done, but they do have a good marketing tool for the number of coasters they have, so I can see them consolidating that in the short term, and using it as a springboard to do what should have been done years ago.
SnooSnoo said:
I do agree though.. I wish GCI would just blow us out of the water with a coaster.. just once.. then go back to Mr. Tried and True.

Cedar Point 2010 maybe? Just throughing that out there.

But yeah this ride does look like fun, great replacment to Psyclone too. Hopefully themeing will help bring up the rides ratings too, but again, nothing special from GCI, but another good coaster.
The question was asked during the Q&A presentation about flat rides. Jay Thomas said they removed 4 flat rides last year as part of a plan to cut down on "older rides" that had low ridership and required a lot of maintenance.

They have a 5-year plan that will replace those rides. "Please be patient" he said.

Not sure why the question of Magic Mountain having flat rides needs to be discussed in the Terminator thread, but there's your answer.

^Well.. we were discussing why build Terminator.. or even build a coaster at all with the state that SFMM is in when it relates to its flat rides.. I think thats what happened.. and that came out there.

It is only natural to go off in a tangent every once in a while. Talking about nothing but the coaster is boring. :P

rollermonkey said:
I meant that CP has added flats.

My mistake. I thought we were talking about SFMM.