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"Terminator" Woodie for SFMM

^I had compared the two parks in my previous post.

^^If you read my original post, you'd have seen that I was just wondering the rationale behind installing (yet) another coaster in a park that has severe shortcomings in other areas.

I'm as happy as the next guy to see a woodie replace Psyclone as the next enthusiast, it just doesn't make sense to me to go that direction first.
Cedar Point really has nothing to with this. It's not like the parks are even competing with each other.

I've got pretty good faith that the current management team know what they're doing and how to do it. I saw first hand what good work Jay Thomas did at Kentucky Kingdom back in 2007, and from reliable sources he's doing a great job of turning the park around with the team he's working with.

We'll keep this topic on Terminator from now on I think.

I don't think anyone's asked this next really geeky question yet, but because this only has 11 cars instead of the normal 12, is that just down the audio system (that giant box thing) on the back of the last car?


Does the 23rd seem really early to anyone else?
A good advert, but a slip up with putting the time stamp. I doubt Terminator will be fully operational in three days.

And as always, putting a metallic robot theme to a wooden coaster still throws me off. :razz:
wash said:
Does the 23rd seem really early to anyone else?
I don't think there's any way of opening it by Friday, unless they've already got it completed. Last update I saw the station wasn't even finished & they hadn't tested the on-board audio system. What about inspections & doesn't it usually take a few days for the crew to learn the operations, etc. anyway?
^People are riding it already though, (well, today I believe). Diablo Cody "tweeted" she'd be riding it this morning, and there's the "KROQ" event. So, it might be finished already...

Would surprise me too though.

And the SFMM Facebook page updated its status it's opening this Saturday officially, so yep, I think it's safe to say it must be finished!
Lol "This is not the coaster my mother warned me about" that made me laugh.

I love the Terminator music I hope thats blasting out on the ride.
Not a bad advert at all... until... "This is not the COASTER my mother warned me about"

What? Sorry, but I didn't realise one of Sarah Conners main concerns was a coaster a few miles north of L.A. Now don't get me wrong, I am all for a bit of cheese, heck I do it in my videos all the time but I keep it in context. I am not trying to pass it off as being tied in with something else, something that is not exactly cheesy.

Great advert, but I think the tag line at the end was probably a bit unnecessary.
It might be a good coaster but at the moment it doesn't look like anything fantastic or seem to fit in with the Terminator theme much apart from a few scrapped cars around the queue.
I actually like the Terminators in the preshow room but the rest of the coaster doesn't look outstanding. Maybe riding it will be another story but I really don't know since I haven't been on any GCI (wait until September and this will change :p)

Let's hope someone can bring a proper review of the ride. Is any CFer going to the Media Day?
oriolat2 said:
Maybe riding it will be another story but I really don't know since I haven't been on any GCI (wait until September and this will change :p)


And I'll be riding it soon enough! Am I not trustworthy? :cry:
I am looking forward to reading reviews.

The queue line looks great, the ride however I am still not sure from the videos yet it just does not seem to do much at all.
It still looks just ok. The queue could be good if it's a full pre-show with lights, loud noises and animatronics. But the coaster is still nothing special. I could be wrong though.